Israel Recalls UNESCO Envoy after Jerusalem Vote


Israel recalled its ambassador to UNESCO for consultations Wednesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced, after a second resolution accused of denying the Jewish connection to Jerusalem.

"The theater of the absurd continues and I decided to recall our ambassador for consultation," Netanyahu said in a statement. "We will decide what the next steps will be."

Comments 3
Default-user-icon Mama (Guest) 27 October 2016, 04:29

I love Garden Salad. Garden Salad sooooo delicious. I loooooooooooooooove chocolate too.

Missing phillipo 27 October 2016, 07:12

"Only thing absurd is how an entirely fabricated phony population was imported into South America, Portuguese and other Europeans came en masse and literally kicked out the natives and today treat the actual Amerindians as second class citizens. What a joke of a country"
How does that sound with just 5 words altered.
Wake up man, you went to live in that country, deserting your own, and yet think that you have the right to slander others.

Thumb kanaanljdid 29 October 2016, 17:16

Well, what are u then in Brazil man ?