Hariri Hits Out at LF, Urges 'Responsible' Discourse on Financial Situation


Prime Minister Saad Hariri lashed out Tuesday at the Lebanese Forces during parliament’s debate of the 2019 draft state budget, following remarks by LF deputy chief MP George Adwan.

“Attack the government as much as you want and launch fierce attacks on me personally, but when you talk about financial and monetary stability, you must talk responsibly. The situation is difficult but it is not disastrous,” Hariri said.

“I call on MPs to talk responsibly about financial stability and if the LF wants to abide by the International Monetary Fund’s recommendations, would it accept liberating the Lebanese pound’s exchange rate, slapping an LBP 5,000 tax on gasoline and hiking the VAT tax to 15%?” Hariri asked.

“We cannot endorse all of the IMF’s recommendations and the interest of Lebanon and the Lebanese currency comes first,” the premier added.

Adwan hit back, saying his party’s presence in parliament is not a formality.

“We speak out of keenness on the government and as a party we have our vision and opinion. If our practice of our role represents an annoyance, this is not my problem,” Adwan added.

Comments 1
Thumb doodle-dude 17 July 2019, 14:38

lol @ the shia western christian with triple nationality.