EU Official to Visit Beirut Saturday Carrying Humanitarian Aid


A third European Union Humanitarian Air Bridge flight, one of the largest of its kind, is landing in Beirut on Saturday 12 September 2020 at 17h30, the EU Delegation to Lebanon said on Thursday.

Janez Lenarčič, EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, will be joining the flight from Munich to Beirut.

The plane’s cargo consists of essential aid, including ambulances, personal protective equipment, medicines and telecommunication equipment.

The transportation cost of the Humanitarian Air Bridge is fully covered by the European Union. The cargo of this flight was donated by the Portuguese Cooperation agency (Camões) and the German NGO Orienthelfer.

"The supplies will help vulnerable people with humanitarian needs following the explosion at the Beirut port and the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the third Humanitarian Air Bridge organized by the European Union, following two earlier flights on 13 and 31 August 2020," the EU Delegation said.

A ceremony will be held at the airport on Saturday evening to hand over the supplies.

Commissioner Lenarčič will also meet with Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Adib during his stay in Lebanon.

Comments 4
Default-user-icon Samh (Guest) 10 September 2020, 23:49

Expect to see essential aid, ambulances, personal protective equipment, medicines and telecommunication equipment for sale on the market by Monday ...

Thumb eli-g 11 September 2020, 03:25

Keep it away from politicians and "maintenance workers." You don't want it stolen or burned.

Missing Cheesecake 12 September 2020, 00:03

And you need a life or at least a hobby outside of naharnet

Missing phillipo 12 September 2020, 13:19

Hope he has enough cash to hand out in order that the cargo be unloaded. Hope he doesn't think that he will have any say as to where all the "aid" ends up.