Army: Israeli Gunboat Violates Lebanese Waters


An Israeli military boat violated Lebanese territorial waters off Ras el-Naqoura region, sailing for four minutes inside Lebanese waters, the Army Command-Orientation Directorate said in a statement Wednesday.

The military said the boats infiltrated the waters at 16:16 on December 14.

The army and UNIFIL forces are following up on the issue, it added.

Comments 3
Missing phillipo 16 December 2020, 13:15

"An Israeli military boat" "the boats"
Make up your minds!! Actually it was 4 minutes 37 seconds.

Missing B.K.L 16 December 2020, 21:56

Is the black ethiopian jew israeli or ethiopian? Is the white russian jew israeli or russian? Make up your mind because we can't figure out how the so called same ethnic people who kept their jewish ancestry according to zionist propaganda can look completely the opposite of eachother when they are supposed to be the same ethnic group of people.

Missing phillipo 17 December 2020, 08:34

Is the Lebanese expatriate Lebanese or Argentinian/Paraguayan? Many people who live in a country far from their homelands have two nationalities, so why should Israelis be different. Sikhs in the UK, Moslems in Western Europe, Buddhists in India etc etc.