Presidency: Hariri Trying to Impose New Norms that Violate Constitution


The Presidency on Sunday swiftly responded to remarks voiced by Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri about the cabinet formation process.

“Once again PM-designate Saad Hariri took advantage of the anniversary of the martyrdom of his father, ex-PM Rafik Hariri, to deliver a speech in which he tackled the circumstances of the formation of the new government and included a lot of fallacies and baseless statements,” the Presidency said in a statement.

“We do not intend to respond in detail because it is impossible to summarize 14 sessions in one statement,” the Presidency added.

It however noted that “what the PM-designate admitted in his speech is enough to prove that he is trying to impose new norms that violate standards, the constitution and the National Pact.”

In his speech earlier in the day, Hariri stressed that it is “impossible” to grant President Michel Aoun’s camp seven seats, or a one-third-plus-one share, in the new government, arguing that giving a certain side such a veto power would impede the reform process.

He also denied “infringing on the rights of Christians” in his negotiations with Aoun.

Comments 8
Thumb 14 February 2021, 18:17

Does the constitution say that a president has a share of ministers in the government?
Does the constitution say that a president who isn’t mentally fit and unable to make his own decisions can be remotely controlled by an in-law?

Missing phillipo 14 February 2021, 18:45

The constitution only states that the PM-Designate "only" has to consult with the President.
He has done so on many occasions, so there should be no legal problem to his forming the technocrat government that he wants.

Missing kazan 14 February 2021, 18:42

this is an opportunity to change the constitution. The educated Lebanese believes in the western democracy , in the western world government positions are not allocated based on religion.
Lebanon: change the constitution, the feudal system is outdated, the batrak and mufti etc..have nothing to do with politic , frankly it is ridiculous to see the politicians asking the fiat of these religious figures, Lebanese please be emancipated, grow up, planet earth is not flat really it is a globe, You don't have to join the 21th century, the 19th will do.

Thumb LongLiveLebanon 14 February 2021, 19:14

The President in Lebanon can approve or disapprove names submitted to him by the prime minister-designate, he has no power or authority to choose and impose any future member of government.

Thumb roflmfao 14 February 2021, 23:01

Dude.. can't you spell?!.. The correct spelling of what Aoun is protecting is "Gebran Bassil".. not "the Christians" nor "any ethnicity".. As for Aoun making a.. LOL.. stand... Everyone witnessed his "stand".. on the 13th of October 1990.. when he vowed to make a stand... But he ran away a soon as he heard the first shots.. while his leaderless army.. was trying to make a stand.. The stand maker didn't even tell his generals...

Thumb warrior 15 February 2021, 00:15

So, a Christian minister not named by Aoun and his corrupt party is no longer a Christian? And there are no Christians in Lebanon except those that belong to the FPM and Aoun? What kind of distorted logic is that?! This is not about Christians being marginalised, it is about Aoun and the FPM imposing their will and political demands.

Thumb warrior 15 February 2021, 00:19

Additionally, Christianity is NOT an ethnic religion nor is Islam.

Thumb galaxy 15 February 2021, 06:16

"President Aoun protects any ethnicity that is being targeted by another"

Oh my ! When Aoun wrote one-way ticket to Hariri and his 31 member block and appointed Miqati (who at the time only represented himself) your Aoun did not care about 'ethnicity' of the sunnis being targeted ya troll:)