Amal Says Berri's Initiative Still Represents an Exit to Break Impasse


The Amal Movement on Monday said that Speaker Nabih Berri’s initiative for resolving the governmental crisis remains on the table.

“The political bureau of Amal Movement reiterates that Speaker Nabih Berri’s initiative still represents the exit for everyone in order to pull the cabinet formation process from the obstacles it has reached,” it said in a statement issued after an electronic meeting.

It added that the Speaker’s initiative would allow “benefiting from the initiatives of friendly countries.”

“The course of the cabinet formation process over the past days exposed the futility of the debate that puts private and partisan interests ahead of the higher national interest, at a time the people are living the worst stage socially and economically,” the politburo said.

“Some are still seeking to boost their shares and capability to be in charge of decisions,” it lamented.

Berri had in early February called for the formation of a government in which no camp would have the one-third-plus-one veto power and whose ministers are “specialists who do not belong to parties, movements or political figures.”

The parties should name consensual figures who are “neither with them nor against them,” Berri suggested.

Comments 2
Default-user-icon Ali Sareini (Guest) 16 February 2021, 07:10

So we are assuming that there are independent people in Lebanon. That somehow there are a group of men or women who were not born in a Shia, sunni, or christain homes. You want independent people find Lebanese born outside of Lebanon and have at least one generation between them and the parents that immigrated. Anyone born or educated in Lebanon will never be independent in his thinking and actions. I don't judge a person by his public comments, but by the comments he or she makes to their families over tea or coffee.

Thumb chrisrushlau 16 February 2021, 19:48

Is there anybody in Amal besides Berri?