Khalil Says Berri Very Worried over Parties 'Laxity' in Forming Govt.


Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri is “at the heart of the constant discussions” aimed at forming a new government, his aide MP Ali Hassan Khalil said Friday.

“He is very worried over the political forces’ laxity in forming the government,” Khalil added, following a parliamentary session.

“Unfortunately, we are witnessing paralysis in the inability to form a government and nothing indicates that there will be a government soon,” Khalil lamented.

Turning to parliament’s work, the MP said his bloc was among the first to push for the approval of reformist laws by the parliamentary committees.

As for his draft law that is aimed at granting cash advances to the armed forces, Khalil said: “It is only a proposal and it unacceptable to say that this is a bribe, because servicemen are risking their lives.”

Commenting on the stance of the blocs that have decided to boycott some sessions, Khalil said: “Everyone has the right to attend or boycott, but no one has the right to come up with rules for legislative work according to their mood.”

Comments 7
Thumb ___flamethrower___ 12 March 2021, 17:56

Best wanted ex-finance minister, ever!

Thumb 12 March 2021, 18:08

They all belong in one large stinky and dark prison cell.

Missing un520 12 March 2021, 19:31

Look whos talking...So you wash your hands, Mr Berri?

Thumb janoubi 12 March 2021, 22:33

شقة لوزير «حركة المحرومين» بملايين الدولارات: مرحاضه طابق منفرد!؟

اذ نشر حساب “تبع المستندات” المعروف بنشره فضائح تخص السياسيين، عبر “تويتر” تغريدة قال فيها: “علي حسن خليل شقته بالرملة البيضا حقها ٤ مليون دولار. وجايب ناس من ايطاليا يرسمولوا الحيطان رسم. اخر طابق ببيته هو بس حمام لحاله وفيو جاكوزي. وكل غرفة ولد كأنها شقة لحالها”.شقة-لوزير-حركة-المحرومين-بملايين-ال/

Missing kazan 13 March 2021, 09:32

“He is very worried over the political forces’ laxity in forming the government,” Khalil added, following a parliamentary session.
If you are worried, and I mean all of you politicians, then resign and leave the political arena.

Missing cedars 13 March 2021, 13:37

He has the guts to speak to cameras meanwhile he brought down judgefor simply by putting them responsible for the failure to take full responsibility and allowing the transfer of nitrate to Syria.
Who called on the authorities to let the trucks steal the nitrate and go to Syria.

Missing cedars 13 March 2021, 13:40

You are a thief and baltaji. Resign