FPM Says President’s Term 'Untouchable'


Amid calls urging the President to resign in light of an economic crisis, the Free Patriotic Movement on Saturday snapped back saying the term of the President in office “shall not be touched,” and also emphasized that the Movement adheres to the right to grant or withhold confidence to the future government.

In a statement issued after its periodic virtual meeting in light of coronavirus pandemic, the FPM politburo expressed “relief” on the resumption of stalled government talks between President Michel Aoun and PM-designate Saad Hariri.

“President Michel Aoun was elected by the deputies for a fixed term of six years that shall not be touched, he is the only one in the country to swear by the constitution,” said the statement.

“The Prime Minister is designated by the President based on binding consultations with lawmakers and he has not yet obtained the confidence of the Parliament, and is subject to a test of that confidence throughout his governmental mandate,” added the statement, referring that it could withhold confidence from a government formed by Hariri.

The Lebanese Forces had earlier called on Aoun to resign and of seeking to keep himself in power and of paving the way for his son-in-law and FPM chief Jebran Bassil to become president.

Comments 4
Thumb galaxy 20 March 2021, 15:51

Execute them!

Thumb gebran_sons 20 March 2021, 21:22

Commenting on FPL traitors statement is a waste of time.
Regarding Jumblat new girouette, sad to see him losing his marbles. No one has been more wrong about politics since his courageous strand in 2005. Anyone with half a brain would know that Druze and Christians are minorities and their only hope is in a democratic and sovereign Lebanon with a liberal economy. His willingness for compromises are mind boggling and severely hurt Druze and all those who believed in independence and freedom. Independence requires sacrifices. We would not have reached the abyss if he had better political instincts. Please do us a favor and retire from politics. Whatever Taymour does will be better than your instincts. Even better open party to new blood not afraid of the Basij.

Thumb CODE.961 20 March 2021, 18:34

President Michel Aoun was elected by the deputies for a fixed term of six years that shall not be touched

The Grim Reaper might have a different idea.

Missing kazan 20 March 2021, 19:08

Roosevelt speech "Day of infamy" when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Lebanon has its day of infamy , when this man became president. if he is untouchable it's because he's too dirty to be touched