Hariri Unveils Line-Up Rejected by Aoun in December


Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri on Monday distributed to reporters a draft cabinet line-up that President Michel Aoun had rejected on December 9.

“Because His Excellency the President said in his latest speech that I had only submitted broad lines to him, I will distribute to you the full line-up, with names and portfolios, that I had submitted to him here in Baabda on December 9, 2020 -- or more than 100 days ago,” Hariri said after meeting Aoun in Baabda.

“I will let the public opinion judge it,” the PM-designate added.

Below is the draft line-up distributed by Hariri:

- Saad Hariri (Prime Minister, Sunni)

- Firass Abiad (Health Minister, Sunni)

- Nasser Yassine (Social Affairs and Environment Minister, Sunni)

- Lubna Misqawi (Justice Minister, Sunni)

- Youssef Khalil (Finance Minister, Shiite)

- Maya Kanaan (Labor Minister, Shiite)

- Ibrahim Shahrour (Public Works and Transport Minister, Shiite)

- Jihad Murtada (Administrative Development and Tourism Minister, Shiite)

- Rabih Narsh (Foreign Affairs and Agriculture Minister, Druze)

- Antoine Klimos (Defense Minister, Maronite)

- Fadia Kiwan (Culture Minister, Maronite)

- Abdo Gerges (Education Minister, Maronite)

- Walid Nassar (Youth, Sport and Information Minister, Maronite)

- Saade al-Shami (Economy Minister, Greek Orthodox)

- Joe Saddi (Energy and Water Minister, Greek Orthodox)

- Ziad Abu Haidar (Interior and Municipalities Minister, Greek Orthodox)

- Fadi Samaha (Telecommunications Minister, Greek Catholic)

- Garabet Slikhanian (Industry and Displaced Minister, Armenian)

Comments 10
Thumb i.report 22 March 2021, 16:52

It wouldn’t even be good enough to fix the problem. we need the best Harvard, Oxford, Sorbonne graduates regardless of their sectarian affiliation.

Missing 5-7doud 22 March 2021, 17:25

Please have a look at the so called advisers to the most corrupt politicians we have in this country. Many of them are the best Harvard, Oxford, Sorbonne graduates regardless of their sectarian affiliation.

Thumb i.report 22 March 2021, 19:11

Not so true. I have 2 of those in my family advising Hariri father and son, none of them studied abroad.

Finally, the ministers are the decision makers, not their advisers.... and they get stubborn as soon as they get in power.

Thumb gebran_sons 22 March 2021, 17:43

Is it possible that Saad Hariri statement willing to take the poison pill to save Lebanon is real? It may be. He understood that Lebanon only solution is to discredit entire political class, including his party, so Thawra has a chance for real transformation and reform. As duo Shia blocked parliament to prevent tribunal, and Aoun blocked presidency to get elected, Saad is blocking government giving Thawra a fighting chance to organize and unite. Any government today will float Hizb and his marionette Aoun and will be disaster to Lebanon. Saad may be willing to sacrifice his party so people understand the danger and consequences of Hizbollah and find no solution except Neutrality, no arms outside army, and a new political class. Cedar Revolution II may be around the corner, with or without the Shia as in CR I. Hopefully Shia can break free of criminal Hizb and corrupt Berri control and join the tent of free and independent Lebanon.

Missing kazan 22 March 2021, 18:18

Hard to believe that in the 21st century people's names are followed by their religion.
Astonishing! Pick the best, no one should care about what religion, as long as they are proficient and Lebanese it should be enough. This culture is wrong, the change must start here: the constitution must be revised, religion must be disconnected from politics. Sadly this will never happen, at least 90% of Lebanese have been conditioned to think "right of the Druze / Christians / Jews / Muslims / Buddhists ..." The people of this country have an identity problem, they don't share the same culture and share not the pride of one nation. Very ,very sad

Thumb thepatriot 22 March 2021, 18:45

Only 3 women?
There should be only 3 men!

Missing sioufi 22 March 2021, 19:17

It's a good line up over all. But it should be led by a technocrat. Of course none of the powers that be, who presently are under Hezbollah's thumb, would accept this.

Missing phillipo 23 March 2021, 11:27

Just one moment, if this was supposed to be a government of technocrats, what exactly is the reason to show their religious affiliations. Surely they should simply be the best ones in their field.

Missing cedars 23 March 2021, 11:47

Is this the temporary government that ensures we have parliament election to elect new president, gov and house speaker?
How can the thieves leave their posts and give up their arms?

Default-user-icon Nicholas (Guest) 23 March 2021, 13:20

I have to say that the quality of the comments about these proposals is so much better than usual--nobody's calling other commenters names, nobody's just ranting about this and that. The comments are serious and well thought-out. A pleasure to read.