Al-Rahi Urges Hariri to 'Take Initiative', Submit 'Updated Line-Up'


Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi on Sunday called on Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri to “take initiative” and submit an “updated” draft cabinet line-up to President Michel Aoun “as soon as possible.”

Hariri must agree with Aoun on “the structure, portfolios and names based on the standards of a government of nonpartisan specialists in which no party enjoys hegemony,” al-Rahi added in his Pentecost Sunday sermon.

“Should they fail to agree, let them draw lessons and take a brave stance that allows for a new formation process,” the patriarch added.

His remarks come a day after a parliament duel between Hariri and Free Patriotic Movement chief MP Jebran Bassil, Aoun’s son-in-law, in which the two parties held onto their conflicting stances.

Separately, al-Rahi voiced regret over “the clash on the Nahr el-Kalb highway between some Lebanese and displaced Syrians heading to the presidential vote ballot boxes.”

“It was caused by the provocation of the sentiments of the Lebanese in an area full of martyrs who fell in battles with the Syrian army, and at a time the fate of the file of the detainees in Syrian prisons is still unknown,” the patriarch noted.

He added that “it is unacceptable for the displaced Syrians to remain here pending a complete political solutions for the Syrian crisis.”

Comments 7
Thumb ___flamethrower___ 23 May 2021, 15:04

Best FPM Patriarch, ever!

Thumb 23 May 2021, 15:20

What a pos patriarch telling a former PM what to do. Take your phone and call Michel Aoun, threaten to excommunicate him if he doesn’t change his destructive behavior or zip it.

Thumb ex-fpm 23 May 2021, 15:42

Al-Rahi Urges Hariri to 'Take Initiative', Submit 'Updated Line-Up'

Your Eminence: what was wrong with the previous Line-Up?

Thumb lebnanfirst 23 May 2021, 21:22

It lacked consensus on two portfolios which Basil wants to get control of under the table. That said, Hariri should do better than “take the ball and leave the court” tactic which is Aoun’s hallmark.
Besides, what good has it done so far? He won the showdown in parliament which confirmed his designation status.
Hence, the issue of a Christian president being able to oust a Sunni premiere designate has been resolved correctly and that was the root of the problem.
Now, seven months on one wishes us Lebanese will finally espouse the win-win negotiating principle and shun win-loose one. Presenting a professional lineup of specialists with no strings attached now that garners wide support will further put Aoun and Basil in a corner.

Thumb Puppet 23 May 2021, 15:56

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi has earned my utmost respect and captured my wildest imagination for calling on Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri to “take initiative” and submit an “updated” draft cabinet line-up to President Michel Aoun “as soon as possible.”

Missing un520 23 May 2021, 20:45

I dont think we should read too much FPM-sympathy into this from the Patriarch, but rather a shout for christian power in Lebanons political system. I dont necessarily think that Aoun/Bassil is inspired by the same motives..

Thumb thepatriot 24 May 2021, 10:14

He's been changing the line up numerous times. Aoun wants his filthy men inside the cabinet. And it's not gonna happen.