Geagea Slams Authorities 'Absence', Rejects Naming Ministers


Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Monday accused President Michel Aoun, the caretaker cabinet and the parliamentary majority of standing idly by in the face of the country’s growing crises.

“It turns out that there is a president in the Baabda Palace but he is not present. There is also a caretaker premier in the Grand Serail but he is not present and the same applies to the parliamentary majority. If they wanted to act, it would have shown by now. The only solution is early parliamentary elections,” Geagea said at a press conference that followed a meeting for the Strong Republic bloc.

Commenting on the gasoline shortage crisis, the LF leader said the state “no longer has money to continue the subsidization policy.”

“People are waiting one or two hours outside stations because the president and the caretaker premier do not want to shoulder the responsibility of ending subsidization,” Geagea added.

He added that calls for the LF to name two ministers in the new government are aimed at deviating attention.

“When the issue of the two Christian ministers gets solved, we would move to the issue of two Muslim ministers and the blocking one-third and this is a tragedy that we are living every day,” Geagea said.

As for parliamentary elections, the LF leader said: “Is it reasonable to wait for 11 months to hold the elections on time in May? Is it reasonable to prolong the people’s suffering in these circumstances during this period? The only solution lies in re-creating authorities and what prevents holding the elections within one or two months?”

Comments 6
Thumb 14 June 2021, 23:09

He got something right, they’re all stalling and waiting for elections to get themselves re-elected. We know they modified the electoral law to remain in power indefinitely.

Thumb sevilla 15 June 2021, 00:04

Lebanon is the only country in the world that uses the word 'Strong' in almost everything:

Strong Lebanon Bloc
Strong Republic bloc
Strong President
Strong Army
Strong Resistance
Strong Dollar

Default-user-icon Liberty (Guest) 15 June 2021, 08:56

Please don't attack our beloved president because Basil is saying that we are unfairly attacking his FIL who is the only strong man in Lebanon. So please refrain from attacking our president. He's the only hope we have to send us all to hell, and yet, we still should label him as strong, because he's two meter tall, has muscles, and could even fly. Just read his orange book, which he obviously trashed, and you would validate my connotations. He might look like he's one meter tall, barely walking and nearing death, and unable to walk let alone fly, but this according to Basil are not what his beloved FIL is. To him, Aoun is God impersonated. So please purify your words before you attack our president by labeling him not strong.

Thumb enterprise 15 June 2021, 00:10

So you hold early elections and name a new PM designate and still Aoun/Bassil will not sign off on the new lineup unless they get 10 ministers, what would you do then? Yes, early elections is preferable but the problem is Aoun and he should be made to resign or meet his creator. Where is Skeletor?!

Thumb skeletor 15 June 2021, 04:48

I have finalized everything for him... now waiting for the right moment to bring him in.

Default-user-icon Liberty (Guest) 15 June 2021, 08:46

For God's sake, isn't he also absent? He has a parliamentary group of 15 deputies and is doing nothing to stop the country from derailing. Hence, he's more to blame than all the others. This guy is so self centered, he puts his own interest before anything else. I always said that this guy is deranged and stupid, and the realities on the ground are proving me right all the time. I admonish people not to vote for this stupid guy after a year when election time comes. I also admonish people not to vote for Basil who is more evil than him. As for Aoun, he's so old and will die before the end of this year as predicted by most of the predictors. When he dies, I will launch a party, which would have a title "the liberation of Lebanon from evil".