Hariri Meets Aoun, Submits New Cabinet Line-Up


Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri held a meeting Wednesday afternoon with President Michel Aoun at the Baabda Palace.

Hariri -- who arrived in Baabda directly from a Cairo meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi -- said he submitted to Aoun a draft line-up for "a 24-minister cabinet of specialists" according to "the French initiative and Speaker Nabih Berri's initiative."

"I hoped for an answer from the president by tomorrow in order to act accordingly," Hariri told reporters after the meeting.

He added that such a government would be "capable of reviving the country and halting the collapse."

"Now is the time of truth," Hariri went on to say.

MTV had earlier reported that "Hariri might have changed his cabinet line-up after his visit to Egypt to make it more flexible and discussable."

"Hariri intends to discuss with President Aoun new names," the TV network added, quoting sources close to Hariri as saying that his resignation is "not certain."

Comments 6
Thumb galaxy 14 July 2021, 17:08

Bassil was hiding behind the door listening. The first thing Aoun will do is have Bassil look at the lineup.

Default-user-icon Wiseman (Guest) 14 July 2021, 18:38

The two stooges, Aoun and Basil, are history mark my word. The first is days away from death due to old age, and even if he doesn't die, he only has one year in office and is written off, while Basil's popularity is at all time low and is also written off. So, soon these two stooges will exist no more. I for one think that after the death of Aoun, Basil would be jailed on charges of corruption and stealing billions in hush monies. Behold, The judgement day would suddenly be upon us.

Missing phillipo 14 July 2021, 19:32

Now we will clearly see who is working for the good of Lebanon. Let us all hope that it is going to be Hariri who has submitted his 24 member specialist cabinet to the President, and pray that the President and his side-kick Bassil will not
veto it.

Default-user-icon Wiseman (Guest) 14 July 2021, 18:45

"Law Bata tsate kenit gayamet" Meaning "if it were to rain it would first have to have clouds". So, meaningless meeting with useless president. I am sure Basil is hiding behind closed doors to listen to the meeting's details. Then, he would put his dirty hands to stop any progress. Aoun is a zombie who is unable to walk or think.

Missing formerlebaniz 15 July 2021, 02:00

Aoun will only accept a cabinet formation that’ll allow them a disruptive role to give political cover to their allies regardless of their allies legal standing.

Missing cedars 15 July 2021, 14:02

Lets be real. You really think harriri and Aoun can sit again on the same table.