Army: We Defeated Terrorism and Will Remain Vigilant for Its Possible Re-emergence


The army commemorated its martyrs in a tweet Monday, on the fourth anniversary of Fajr al-Jouroud battle.

“We remember our righteous martyrs who transformed with their blood violated barren hills into an oasis,” the army said.

The army added that it has “defeated terrorism” and that it “will remain vigilant” for the danger of a possible re-emergence of terrorists who are “taking advantage of the current situation in the country to re-appear.”

Comments 4
Missing fuzzyd72 30 August 2021, 11:51

Those who terrorise the country are already here.

Missing phillipo 30 August 2021, 14:47

"defeated terrorism"? So what exactly is going on with Hizballah making a mockery of Resolution 1701 along the border, and the Palestinian groups in camps like Ain al Hilweh being a law unto themselves?

Missing Cheesecake 30 August 2021, 17:28

What is going on with the israeli army killing babies and children? What is going on with the jewish settler terror militias terrorizing people daily?

Thumb EagleDawn 30 August 2021, 15:16

Army: We Defeated Terrorism:-)

You report to and take orders from the biggest terrorist organization in the world.