Pro- and Anti-Russia Demonstrations Held in Beirut

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Two demonstrations were held on Sunday in front of the Russian Embassy in Beirut over Russia’s position on Syria at the United Nations Security Council, reported the National News Agency.

One demonstration, comprised of Syrian nationals, advocated the European state, while the other, organized by the Jamaa Islamiya, condemned it.

Security forces sought to separate the rival protests to avoid any incident.

Russia on Saturday vetoed a draft U.N. Security Council resolution that condemned the violence in Syria.

Syria had launched a bloody crackdown against anti-regime protests, which began in March.

Comments 7
Default-user-icon Fawzi (Guest) 05 February 2012, 14:20

JI is a terrorist organization and so are those opposed to the rule of the current Syrian regime. To hell with the Islamists (JI and the Islamic Evilhood) and the Salifists.

Thumb jabalamel 05 February 2012, 16:35

it's hard to say which side is more idiotic, the ones who protested for or against russia. they both waste time on something that is not relevant to lebanon.

or no it's not hard to say who is more idiotic. against russia, it's Jamaa Islamiya so it's easy to choose them as the most idiotic

Missing ayoor 05 February 2012, 17:09

habal amal which one were you supporting?

Thumb jabalamel 05 February 2012, 21:03


m14-harriri = m14 without money = nothing.

that's the correct equation

the filthy zionist information war department still trying to talk to me, still not realizing i don't speak to worms

Default-user-icon Antizionist (Guest) 05 February 2012, 22:53

I smell garbage oh wait my mistake..i smell zionists

Thumb shab 06 February 2012, 00:50

Why demonstrate? Why not return and save your leader?

Thumb jabalamel 06 February 2012, 03:27

the filthy zionist information war department is hallucinating that assad needs to be saved.