Biden extends National Emergency with respect to Lebanon


U.S. President Joe Biden has extended the so-called U.S. National Emergency with respect to Lebanon.

“Certain ongoing activities, such as Iran’s continuing arms transfers to Hezbollah -- which include increasingly sophisticated weapons systems -- serve to undermine Lebanese sovereignty, contribute to political and economic instability in the region, and continue to constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States,” Biden said in a statement, explaining what prompted the extension.

“For this reason, the national emergency declared on August 1, 2007, must continue… for 1 year,” he added.

On August 1, 2007, then-U.S. president George W. Bush declared a national emergency with respect to Lebanon to “deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States constituted by the actions of certain persons to undermine Lebanon’s legitimate and democratically elected government or democratic institutions.”

Comments 3
Thumb chrisrushlau 29 July 2022, 18:26

Bush used to vacation in Maine and he'd heard of Lebanon, New Hampshire. He got the two places confused. Biden, I don't know his reasoning on this matter. A spokesperson at the White House clarified later that the US would support one-person, one-vote in Lebanon, meaning an end to the set-aside of half of the Lebanese legislature to Christians per Article 24 of the Lebanese Constitution, "when we think they're ready for it, the little rascals."

Thumb _citizen_ 30 July 2022, 05:08

You always bring new and fresh ideas specially those related to Article 24 of the Lebanese Constitution. Keep it up 'Chris'.

Thumb 29 July 2022, 21:00

I can’t help it but wonder who’s the most demented president, is it Michel خ Aoun or Joe Biden ؟?

God help the American and Lebanese people.