Phalange Party Warns of 'Frightening' Arms Proliferation in Tripoli

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The Phalange Party on Monday noted that the recent violence in Tripoli had exposed the extent of the security chaos in the country and the “frightening” proliferation of weapons in the northern city.

In a statement issued after its weekly meeting, the party’s political bureau warned that such incidents would import the Syrian crisis into Lebanon.

“The security forces’ role must not be limited to halting gunfire after it erupts, their main mission amid these critical circumstances must rather be to deploy in the sensitive locations in order to prevent illegal smuggling and armament,” the statement said.

“The current situation requires a serious and comprehensive reassessment,” it added.

“It is unacceptable to challenge the president and it is not a wise thing to suspend cabinet sessions,” the party warned.

On the other hand, it called on the Arab states and the United Nations to unify their efforts in order to stop the bloodshed in Syria.

Comments 47
Default-user-icon Trueself (Guest) 13 February 2012, 21:25

Very wise decision by the phalange party. Lebanon should remain outside the Syrian struggle. We should only help out our Syrian brothers through provision of humanitarian help and medical attention should these be needed for their survival and welbeing. The syrian people are more than strong and willing to defend themselves. Our hearts goes to the Syrian people who are going through a dramatic phase of cleansing. The sooner peace is established in syria the better would the situation be in lebanon and Syria. Syria and lebanon will always be one nations in 2 independent countries.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 14 February 2012, 04:53

@Cookie fej3an: At least they carry no weapons and respect the army as the sole governing force, unlike your clown who supports:1- militia 2-terrorist organization on the world watch list 3-robbed us and took our money to Paris when he became president.

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 07:27

why do they complain.

after all it's their friends who are armed.

Thumb james 14 February 2012, 08:03

what do you mean "their friends"?

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 08:29

lol you don't know what i mean?

are you from mars? you know what flag that is that you put on your avatar?

Thumb james 14 February 2012, 08:32

The kataeb party doesn't have any armed 'friends'. Last time I checked, Kataeb and Hezbollah were not friends jabalamel.

Thumb james 14 February 2012, 08:32

The kataeb party doesn't have any armed 'friends'. Last time I checked, Kataeb and Hezbollah were not friends jabalamel.

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 08:38

james the filthy zionist media terrorist just answered on my question where is he from

he is filthy zionist from information war department.

look how nervous he is...he had to post 3 times his retarded answer.

Thumb james 14 February 2012, 08:43

jabalamel, i am trying to have a normal conversation with you habib, please can you try and respond with an argument rather than an insult because it will get us nowhere. If all you do is insult people how will we ever make progress? It is not necessary to write "the filthy zionist media terrorist", try and sustain a healthy debate. How will we ever build our Lebanon in the future if all we can do is insult eachother??

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 08:44

the filthy zionist media war terrorist tries to have "normal talk with me" by spreading lies and sectarian hate.

good luck.

Thumb james 14 February 2012, 08:46

i don't want to spread lies and sectarian hate!! if you think i am, tell my why and how? explain to me why I am wrong if you believe I am! calling me a filthy zionist media was terrorist is pointless! have a construction conversation with reasons and arguments !

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 08:47

i do not build country's future to those who has only one mantra and that is the weapons of our glorious resistance.

also, if you are from kataeb, which means that kataeb has 3 and not 2 members, than you should, according to your boss, recognize the state institutions and decisions.

lebanese goverment and parliament approved our glorious resistance. recognize that.

Thumb james 14 February 2012, 08:49

To begin with I am not with Kataeb. I agree with you and I do recognise the state institutions and resistance. Did the Lebanese Governemnt officialy approve of Hezbollah's weapons though?

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 08:53

where are you from????

EVERY goverment including siniora one and harriri goverment recognized our resistance.

it's in every ministerial statement made so far.

Thumb james 14 February 2012, 08:55

we needed resistance only when Israel was occupying Southern Lebanon. But the resistance was successful, and Israel is gone!! why do these weapons need to be in the hands of ONE political party? can't hezbollah intergrate with the army and make ONE defence for Lebanon. Can't we leave it to the Lebanese Government and the Lebanese Army to defend our LEBANON, rather than leaving it all to Hezbollah?

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 08:55

and stop calling it "hezballah weapons". other parties like amal and communists and other volontiers also have weapons, belong to our glorious resistance and have nothing to do with hezballah.

stop talking like zionists washed your brain.

Thumb james 14 February 2012, 08:58

ok, the weapons don't belong to hezbollah soley. Fair enough. But why should these parties (Hezbollah and amal and communist and volunteers) be allowed to have weapons? Why can't the Kataeb and the Ouwet and supporters of Hariri and Jumblatt be allowed to arm themselves and say they are for the defence of Lebanon?????

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 09:03

1. goverment not parliament didn't approve it.
2. last time our glorious resistance got help from other parts of lebanon is in 1996.
3. they are armed anyway. last time they used their arms is 2008 in beirut harrasing normal people which provoked our glorious resistance to clean them in couple of hours.

the other parties did nothing in 2006, nor did they participate in liberating lebanon until 2000. when help came from other parts in lebanon in 1996, it was not organized by any parties it was more organized by the army.

Thumb james 14 February 2012, 09:06

1. The Ouwet, Kataeb, or Hariri's supporters have no weapons or arms of any significance whatsoever.
2. How could any other party support Hezbollah in 2000/2006 if the Taef Accord made EVERY OTHER PARTY BUT HEZBOLLAH DISARM!!
3. I personally believe the army should have had more activity in liberating South Lebanon from Israel. I think we could have avoided the 2006 war if the Government was proactive in settling Hezbollah and Israel and attempting at least peace.

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 09:05

if other parties cames to hep our glorious resistance in 2006, the zionist militia would not only be defeated it would be destroyed. unified lebanon can crush zionist militia in less than 2 weeks.

Missing peace 14 February 2012, 17:55


Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 09:06

and stop telling lies that zionists left lebanon. there are still territories to liberate.

Thumb james 14 February 2012, 09:10

how could other parties assist the resistance!!! no other party has weapons in Lebanon bar Hezbollah!! And yes you speak the truth, if Lebanon was unified we can do anything!! If Lebanon was unified we could say goodbye from Syrian, American,Iranian and Israeli influence forever!! FOR A UNITED LEBANON jabalamel!!!!

Missing peace 14 February 2012, 17:55

yes dahiye!

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 09:15

our glorious resistance is made way it is because they are good from hiding information from mossad.

that's why zionist don't know where to bomb. they don't have military targets. they can't win because they never had serious war until lebanon 2006. all they did in their wars until 2006 is that they and usa bombers bombed the shit out of arabs and than their genocidal militia would declare victory.

if our glorious resistance was to give weapons to army, those weapons would be prone to bombing and zionist wouldn't waste the opportunity to do that.

Thumb james 14 February 2012, 09:18

Why do we have glorious resistance if there is nothing left to resist? We should move on to defence and peace, the Israelis have left our beloved land so we should make peace once and for all and allow the people of the Jnoub to live free of fear of another war. We don't need to resist, we need to defend; and my friend, that is the job of the Lebanese Army. They are responsible for protecting every single citizen of our nation from ANY AGGRESSORS, may they be Israeli or Syrian or American or Iranian!

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 09:21

now i know you are zionist.

ONLY ZIONIST would claim that the left our country.
against what lebanese state claims.

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 09:16

is that what you want???

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 09:16

i know that zionist media terrorist would love about you james...are you like them?

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 09:22

the filthy zionist media war terrorists hallucinate that shebaa, 7 villages, ghajar and kfar shouba are not lebanese territory.

Thumb james 14 February 2012, 09:47

fair enough, but things like shebaa and the villages as well as ghajar and kfar shouba should not be dealt with by the resistance. To solve these problems we must rely on the government to sort things out. At the same time it would be great if they could demarcate the border with Syria.

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 19:36

the filthy zionist media war terrorist hallucinate that our resistance should give up weapon and than beg to zionist militia to move from our territories.

and history showed how it works.

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 19:39

the filthy slimy zionist media war terrorist think they are dealing with iranian/syrian war inteligence department
(war information department, can't you remember couple of words)

they also hallucinate that they won in 2006. that's why they removed their whole military staff and made report of hundreds of pages about how they lost

the lies of zionist media war terrorists are so unbelievable, one must conclude that zionist information war department recruits total lunatics.

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 19:39

100-150 tanks.

Thumb Abubakr 14 February 2012, 13:13

You have nothing to say, other than stupidity , stupidness thrower, flying carpets come from the Atheist mantras and avatars of Iran

Thumb Abubakr 14 February 2012, 13:14

subhanallah , when it comes to islam march 14& 8 are in complete accordance as to how they fight it

Default-user-icon Sob7i (Guest) 14 February 2012, 15:13

rastafarian, why arent you as vocal against israel and the puppets of US such as hariri, geagea and gemayel who in case you have forgotten, the latter two slaughtered muslims? have you forgiven them? why dont you speak up against the american troops stationed in saudi arabia. Is this allowed according to islam? im sure you know it isent so why do you never complain about that? why is all your energy on hezballah only? by the way, im not shia.

Thumb Abubakr 14 February 2012, 19:00

thank you slash , i dont need to go to riyad since i have a mosque on every corner in lebanon al hamdellah ..and many many brothers all around..that share my point of views..u called me racist now i dont know why ? becz i spoke bad of antichrist ? njara7et ?..and if u think a muslim caliphate is threat will give u more right than any secular domacratic hypocratic system thats main point is to keep u in debt and enslave you.

Thumb Abubakr 14 February 2012, 19:08

oh shit , ur the phenicien , or greek or wtvr lie u say u are pffff thats why i sence this hate ..wel we are arabs this is arab land ,,pheniciens disappeared so u can disappear with them, and if ur greek go there , if ur armenien as well go there ..dont tell us what to do on our land , under our control since 1400, it wasnt until the colonisation that things changed

Thumb Abubakr 14 February 2012, 19:27

Bashir e3id 3am yenshewi shawi halla2 allah knows best

Thumb Abubakr 14 February 2012, 19:27

dont his follow his steps a7san as as advice

Thumb Abubakr 14 February 2012, 23:22

ya slash , the muslim caliphate was jerusalem all to turkey to syria lebanon all of arabia , north africa, spain, south of italy and france, moscow , vienna, ...these are the muslims lands ..Again go read history..u want to read zionist history this time for real were saying that u can do so ..and u wanna talk like zionist , u will treated like one..youre way of talking and thinking will only get you and youre leaders back behind bars and if it wasnt for our (3al lebnene) hel still be in jail so we are nothing but good to you,, and the reason you stil have a significant number or arab christians and jews that mean for the past 1400 years we protected them , we lived side by side..youre the fanatic and the arrogant and the ignorant, the oppressor, who are you to talk ? whats youre title ? what did ur community do for our land ? well we give europe math and science and got them out of the middle age , wake up bastard

Thumb Abubakr 14 February 2012, 23:46

Iran is not shari3a slash

Thumb Abubakr 14 February 2012, 23:46

its fake version of it

Thumb Abubakr 14 February 2012, 23:47

and trust me a muslim caliphate will protect much much more than these bankers

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 01:01

oh shit now that i read more carefully, it's muslim caliphate fan.

it's another type of hallucinations.

Thumb Abubakr 15 February 2012, 11:22

well i want the system that sustained the middeast for 1300 years , the system that made us conquer europe india and china north africa..and the system that created the number 0 , science , math, astronomy...look at the muslims scattered around in the hands of atheists...very long as there is no khilafa, we will always be zionist follower, or american or russian or european..we are saying no Iran is not better than saudi ...saudi gave american 50 percent and more of her oil ..well Iran gives russia 100% free oil , for a veto..wake up u slave !