Hariri’s Murder Anniversary to be Marked by Announcement of Alliance with Syrian Opposition

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The opposition March 14 coalition will mark on Tuesday the 7th anniversary of ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination at a gathering of politicians, diplomats, activists and academicians that will be held in BIEL.

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri, who is recuperating at his house in Paris from fractures in his leg, will make a speech through a giant screen at the event that starts at 4:00 pm.

Phalange party chief Amin Gemayel and Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea will also address the gathering which could witness the announcement of a political alliance between the Lebanese and Syrian oppositions.

The event this year will be marked by the reading of a letter from the opposition Syrian National Council, March 14-general secretariat coordinator Fares Soaid said.

Syria has been engulfed in turmoil since last March when the regime launched a brutal crackdown on protestors.

While most speeches are likely to center on the bloodshed in Syria, the speakers will stress that the Cedar Revolution launched in Lebanon in the aftermath of Hariri’s assassination was followed by the Arab Spring that toppled several dictators in the region.

Media reports said Gemayel will focus in his speech on the unity of the March 14 forces and would announce his backing for the revolutions that took place in Arab countries.

As for Geagea, he is expected to launch a scathing attack on the Hizbullah-led cabinet and to urge the Shiite party to integrate with the Lebanese army. He will also stress the strong alliance between the LF, Hariri’s al-Mustaqbal movement and the March 14 alliance.

Hariri was killed along with 22 others on Feb. 14, 2005 in a massive suicide car bomb blast on the Beirut seafront.

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon, has said it would try in absentia four Hizbullah members accused of murdering the former PM.

Several officials and personalities visited Hariri’s grave in downtown Beirut ahead of the BIEL rally. Among them was MP Walid Jumblat’s son, Taymour, at the head of a delegation from the Progressive Socialist Party.

A torch, that is part of a memorial that includes a statue of Hariri, was also lit near the St. Georges Hotel where the blast went off at exactly 12:55 pm.

Comments 28
Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 08:27

rafiq harriri was a big friend of our glorious resistance.
rafiq harriri never accepted muslim brotherhood, wahabis and salafis as a part of sunni islam.

and treasonous march 14 leaded by treasonous dsaudi puppet does the opposite of everything rafiq harriri does.

Thumb truth 14 February 2012, 11:10

Yes your right, too bad Hezb killed him. Now they are going to pay the price.
P.S. Im allucinating right now :I

Thumb truth 14 February 2012, 12:09

Blah blah blah, anybody who doesnt agree with Hezb is a zionest or zionest collaborator. Save the broken disk to the mindless followers of Hezb. As if ARABS NEVER KILL ARABS :-O

Missing peace 14 February 2012, 14:42

everyone but hezbi supporters believes hezb killed hariri on the orders of syria...

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 08:37

today, the shia in lebanon, and other parties in m8 coalition have more right to remember rafiq harriri than treasonous coalition consisted of war/peace criminal, zionist collaborator and saudi puppet.

Thumb truth 14 February 2012, 11:18

We talk about the Saudi wahabees on how bad they are but forget Iran's mullahs stone women for adultry, improsen artists and the list goes on. Both are worse than each other. There is no room for religion in government in a modern progressive society. I hope you dont think im hallucinating like your bretheren jabalhabal.

Thumb truth 14 February 2012, 11:58

Oh sorry, did he you happen to forget all the circumstantial evidence released so far in the indictment that points to Hezb? The co-location of phones, etc? The STL court proceeding are televised for the world to see and judge. Let Hezb send their "saints" to defend themselves and show us their innocence. The only courts they have confidence in are Syrian and Iranian kangaroo courts where a death sentence without appeal would have already been handed with evidence that is 1/10 as implicating as what has been released so far. Im sure you would like to be tried by a western justice system where you are innocent till proven guilt vs. a middle eastern (whether arab or persian) justice system where you are guilty before innocent. If you were to be tried for a crime (and had no wasta) I think you would pick the UN vs Syria/Iran or any other middle easter court unless of course as jabalhabl would like to think... ur hallucinating..

Thumb truth 14 February 2012, 12:06

I do agree that Shiites are less fanatic than sunnis in general (there are pockets of exceptions obviously). Then again why should I chose between bad and worse? Im agnostic and I chose not to ally with any of these countries. The sunnis are wahabis, but at least they are not using us as a battering ram against isreal which always causes instability, prohibits investments in the country which prohibits jobs from being created which prohibits the average lebanese from having a decsent life to care for his family. All for the sake of for the sake of a fake resisting. Enough lies and integrate with society and work together for prosperous lebanon to benefit all the population.

Thumb truth 14 February 2012, 12:42

Then why doesnt "Mohammed Ayoub" go present his findings at the court instead where there will be specialits on both defense and prosecutor debating his finding live instead of showing his "evidence" to people who are ignorant and have no clue about telecomunication sector and what possible and what isnt. Hezbollah only likes to present "evidence" to the mindless masses cause they no expertise whatsover to corroborate whether true or false. Clearly, its know where "Mohammed Ayoub" affiliation lies... spare ur stupid retarded comments you ignorant fool. I should give u some of my hallucigenics.. it has to make u smarter because u cant get more stupid from where u are!

Default-user-icon bennie (Guest) 15 February 2012, 10:29

Ask the Baha'i just how tolerant the Iranian Mullahs are.

Default-user-icon Georges (Guest) 14 February 2012, 11:18

Mowaten, Just like Hizb used to declare they wanted an Islamic Lebanon in the early 80s and did a u-turn a decade later, I really don't see us waking up into a Wahhabi society.

This is purely fear mongering and it goes both ways; The face of Lebanon will not turn into ran or Riyadh!

A minority government cannot rule forever, the Christians have learnt that in Lebanon and the Alawites will learn that in Syria.

End of the day what the majority wants will happen. By oppressing them today, you will only make them more hostile tomorrow.

Thumb Abubakr 14 February 2012, 11:21

Im sorry jabal amel, but hariri was a moderate muslim meaning a muslim that doesnt beleive in shari3a but in democracy, wich means he is not a MUSLIM, Allah says so in his Book not me...know what Islam is u Ignorant..the 1.2 Billion Muslims around the world will not just watch Iran and hezb opressing their Muslim brothers , you shall see the global jihad coming right at youre front door

Thumb truth 14 February 2012, 12:12

Hariri was a moderate muslim. Let me guess Nasrallah, is more of a moderate muslim than Hariri? Yes, the whole world is hallucinating right now...

Thumb Abubakr 14 February 2012, 11:24

And truth, you are in the Land of muhammad...theres no democracy wich is atheism at its best, or seculerism, u want that go to europe , insha'allah what we will have is Caliphate..no more running ...1.2 billion muslims are all gna be asking for their rights..that more than the ppl of china and india..so control us if u can..but we shall impose Allah's law on people, and if u do not submit, we make u pay the jizya a Tax , u dont accept u fight back , we fight ..

Thumb ado.australia 14 February 2012, 11:56

Thank you rustafarian... You have made my day by admitting the true agenda of your kind. Good luck by the way, coz ur gonna need allot of it to.

Missing allouchi 14 February 2012, 15:54

you don't need that idiot rastafaria, you already made up your mind.

Missing allouchi 14 February 2012, 15:31

Who are you? go back to Afghanistan.

Missing allouchi 14 February 2012, 15:56

rastafarian, Are you a Syria agent? or maybe a hizbee? Syria is not Afghanistan and will never be. Are you trying to scare people away from supporting the free Syrians? it will not work idiot.

Thumb Abubakr 14 February 2012, 11:26

Even Europe is Muslim lands, from moscow to vienna to spain to southern italy and southern france...go read history , go c the borders of the caliphate ..europeans payed taxes because they refused islam...these days are back but peacefully....the number of muslims in europe is crazily on the rise and it shall change the dominant ethnic group in Europe..

Thumb truth 14 February 2012, 12:56

Go educate yourself about circumstantial evidence you ignorant buffon. Your the typical audience that Hezb appeals to. The dumb and dumber audience.


Validity of circumstantial evidence

A popular misconception is that circumstantial evidence is less valid or less important than direct evidence. This is only partly true: direct evidence is popularly, but mistakenly, considered more powerful. Many successful criminal prosecutions rely largely or entirely on circumstantial evidence, and civil charges are frequently based on circumstantial or indirect evidence.

In practice, circumstantial evidence can have an advantage over direct evidence in that it can come from multiple sources that check and reinforce each otherThus strong circumstantial evidence can be a more reliable basis on which to determine a verdict.

Missing allouchi 14 February 2012, 14:33

I can't wait till the new alliance is announced. Sooner or later Hizb and the other traitors that hide behind the illegal weapons will have to submit to the new reality that the future is here and M8 people can either join the new order or vanish as trash of history.

Missing peace 14 February 2012, 14:46

good thing... hezb will become more isolated by the day and soon implose!

Missing peace 14 February 2012, 14:57

lol, such a deep analysis , i m impressed! all illustrated by facts and clear arguments! the M8 way!

Default-user-icon N (Guest) 14 February 2012, 14:57

Shows how stupid Hezb supporters are.. phone records are one piece of many other circumstantial evidence. they shun evidence conducted by an international legitimate and transparent institution applying the highest standards of justice while look at an uknown blog as concrete proofs for their stupid arguments (which arent even related to STL! LOL). Why bother arguing with someone who probably gets paid the minimum wage (mabrouk on the increase) by Hezb to sit here and posts retarded arguments... Go get a proper job...

Missing allouchi 14 February 2012, 15:29

People who want freedom and democracy are now called traitors!!! but the ones that work for Iran and Syria are called what? oh resistance LOL

Missing peace 14 February 2012, 16:08

lol! you make me laugh!

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 14 February 2012, 17:40

IF, and that is a big IF, the Sunni Opposition take over Syria, it will be the Ikhwan and the Salafists. They are the power in the opposition. They are trying to hide it to get international support, but they are the opposition. The "Liberal" Lebanese puppets in Lebanon like Hariri will be pushed aside and the Sunni Islamists will take over the Sunni areas with Syrian Islamnists help. People like Hariri will run back to KSA, like they did in the 80's.

The Brothers and the Salafists are aligning themselves with the Kings and their "liberal" supporters like Hariri for now. ALL Islamists consider the US an enemy (Sunni Islamist even more than Shia Islamists). The difereance is that Sunni Islamists do not have any principles and they will align themselves with anyone (in the short term) to achieve power. But, when they have enough power, they will destroy the Kings and their Liberal supporters because they consider them (like Osama Bin Laden) puppets of the West.

Thumb sophia_angle 14 February 2012, 20:08

The main objective is dividing the region to make a safe Israel state by that taking part from Lebanon to place a Palestinian state...How to achieve this goal? first they started working on Christian vs Muslims fight it didn't work out well now they are working on Sunni vs Chia fights...Imagine it as our region is the chess board and we are pions for nations agendas...I hope we wake up one day...