Hariri Contacts Suleiman, Qahwaji, Warns Akkar Residents against Falling for 'Syrian Schemes'

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Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri condemned on Sunday the murder of Sheikh Ahmed Abdul Wahed, demanding that an “immediate investigation be launched in the matter.”

He said in a statement: “We warn the residents of Akkar against committing any retaliatory act that would create chaos in their region as it is clear that there is a plan to target the area for Syrian interests.”

The former premier also contacted President Michel Suleiman and Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji, demanding that those responsible for the crime, “no matter their position,” should be held accountable for their action.

He also contacted Abdul Wahed’s family to condemn the death.

“We do not hold the whole army responsible for the crime seeing at is a national military institution that has long stood by the residents of Akkar, who are also major members of the establishment,” Hariri noted.

It is clear however that some external sides are seeking to exploit the army to spread the Syrian crisis to Lebanon, he added.

“The Mustaqbal Movement and parliamentary bloc will not halt their demand to bring those responsible to justice,” he stressed.

Hariri also urged the residents of Akkar to exercise restraint and avoid getting “dragged into strife.”

Abdul Wahed and his companion were killed on Sunday in a shooting at an army checkpoint as they were heading to a rally by Mustaqbal MP Khaled al-Daher in the northern town of Halba.

The death has sparked outrage in the North as residents blocked various roads with Prime Minister Najib Miqati and the Army Command announcing that investigation committees have been formed to look into the case.

Comments 34
Default-user-icon Milad (Guest) 20 May 2012, 15:17

Hariri should be condemning the fact that this Sheikh did not stop at a military checkpoint demonstrating a total lack of respect for the national and patriotic establishment. Either way the Army doesn't give 2 "shoots" about Hariri and his comments. The Army committed no crime. It was the sheikh and his armed convoy who are the crimials and have been charged the death penalty and whoever wants to test or try the army the same will happen to them just as Naher EL Bared.

Missing cedars 20 May 2012, 15:55

What are the results of Ja3Ja3 investigation? What are the results of catching the suspects of assassinating Mustapha Geha? What are the results of catching the 4 suspects killing Harriri? We are so brave at catching every anti-syrian because the security system left by Ghazi ken3an and Rustom Ghazali is cancerous.

Missing reformist 20 May 2012, 16:15

We catch nothing ya cedars. Ba3ba3 scenario is an obvious mascarade. He is funnier and more entertaining alive, noone would want to kill him...
Again akhouna saad is talking about 'murder' when actually it could be simply 'job' from the army against someone who was not ready to cooperate. Probably hiding weapons? :)
wayno slash? ;)

Missing lebcan 21 May 2012, 03:25

@ reformist ... Ya sure.. everyone in the m14 camp is suicidal ... People like you are sooooo stupid...

Missing reformist 20 May 2012, 16:33

Slash ma ra7 enzal 3ala moustawek you know that! Prestige ma byesma7le! Usually people dream of what they cannot get. bass it shows who you belong to... cha'fet ze3ran bala education ;)

Missing moustaphabinjabbar 20 May 2012, 18:40

Reformist, don't listen to Slash, the Lebanese forces always change the subject when they can't defend themselves in an argument. I also believe that the sheik Allah yer7amo was smuggling weapons. Slash, how can you defend the a sheik who supports weapons and killings?

Missing 3akkari 20 May 2012, 22:56

Listen to these shia hypocrites. Their bashar has murdered over 10 000 and only God knows how many that have been tortured - before and after the uprising- yet they have the nerve to talk about a man they know nothing about. Even if he was smuggling weapons, that still wouldnt make him even 0,000000001 % as evil as your bashar murderer or his puppets.

Missing reformist 21 May 2012, 23:41

I agree mustapha and i noticed this. They avoid the questions and they go into insults :) Fine. I am tolerant. Il faut de tout pour faire un monde ;)

Missing youssefhaddad 20 May 2012, 16:35

All these incidents , either planned or not, will serve the enemies of Lebanon if they develop into more sectarian street fights.
The flare ups in lebanon could be used by the agonzing Syrian regime as a proof of its claims that extremists Sunnis are what the opposition is made off.

Missing reformist 20 May 2012, 16:42

Agreed youssef... At least partly! Extremists are there and I am not sure el ekhwan as ba3ba3 refers to them are a better option. It doesn't mean that the syrian regime doesn't need reforms :)

Missing realist 21 May 2012, 21:02

it does not need 'reforms', it needs destruction. The regime is dead and we are living the long agonizing details.

Missing realist 21 May 2012, 21:04

The failure of the west to intervene and stop the genocide will surely create fundametnalism. If you subject the people oklahoma or texas for example to 15 months of genocide, torture and so forth then fundamentalist christians will surface. YOu should focus on the root of evil and the source of the disaster here: the regime.

Missing reformist 20 May 2012, 16:59

hehe agreed mfawaz and haram khayif yerja3. Natir ta tefraj el dine so he comes and takes control :D
wishful thinking ;) And then the blame aoun for leavin the country in 90 hahahaha

Missing reformist 20 May 2012, 18:46

rje3na 3al insults. at least when he says something it always happens ;) unfortunately enough the risks on his situation are real and you cannot deny that ;)
He acts, does not talk like you and uses silly insults... bye7tirim 7alo this is why el 3alam bte7termo, regardless if they agree with him or not ;)

Missing moustaphabinjabbar 20 May 2012, 19:03

The amount of decency Slash has is equal to the amount of Ministers the Lebanese Forces have :O

Missing rudy 21 May 2012, 14:04

Well moustapha, M8 has all the ministers it ever wanted now. result?

Thumb Lebanon4life 20 May 2012, 17:02


This is what we should do instead of insulting eacht other :DD

Thumb Lebanon4life 20 May 2012, 17:08

But how can we know where he get's his orders from ? ,Can you show some reliable proof ?

Missing reformist 20 May 2012, 18:50

W let him first sort out his financial issues and pay the salaries of his employees rather than tchittchat on twitter. Only then he might start thinking about politics. lousy loser

Thumb geha 20 May 2012, 17:15

stupidity after stupidity qhile the country is on the verge of civil wr.
just looking at some comments shows how m8 guys are so low t be happy with the upcoming civil war they are creting in favor of their syrian patron

Missing peace 20 May 2012, 21:56

by supporting a murderous regime that harmed lebanon more than israel ever did, M8 will bring lebanon into civil war because bashar will not fall without asking his lebanese dogs to create chaos to divert the attention here... like any mad tyrant ready to bring down his country if he falls... that is the kind of regime M8 is so proud of....and you with them

Missing lebcan 21 May 2012, 03:36

Bashar would love a Civil War in Lebanon... it only services the baath's intresests...He needs that complication.

Missing lebcan 21 May 2012, 03:39

.... p.s. it would be Hizbshitan's chance to finish off all its opponents from the May7 event... BUT lets hope to God Civil War does NOT happen... but if Hizbshitan tries what it loves to do (MURDER people) then they have a surprise waiting for them this time around.... Really sad for all of us really really sad....

Default-user-icon William (Guest) 21 May 2012, 13:44

Enlighten me ya lebcan, what is this "surprise" you keep referring to, do you have a secret weapon hidden underground powered by laser beams or could it be the "Enterprise"? I suggest you get your head out of the sand and face facts, if ever God forbid there's a Civil war you and your m14 kind would be annihilated in weeks, thats facts and i'm no Hizb supporter or any other party supporter, You truly are suicidal! just like the tires you keep on burning which would only affect your lungs and your grandmas life would be cut to half lifespan cause she breathed that toxic fume you so well lit near your homes, you are a plague to this country.

Missing peace 20 May 2012, 17:32

the syrian scenario of igniting akkar to justify its army intervention has begun... with the benediction of M8...

Missing reformist 20 May 2012, 18:47

Ayya benediction m8? Mesh into guys you love justice? Wait for the investigation instead of putting oil on fire :)

Missing peace 20 May 2012, 19:32

i am not commenting the investigation but about the fact that syria recently is trying to throw the blame on what s happening in syria on the lebanese opposition! they are manipulating people s opinion (like yours it seems you ve fallen into their propaganda!!!)

they are playing with fire just to invade akkar with their army, and that is what M8 dreams of...

Missing lebcan 21 May 2012, 03:43

FT I would say exactly what you said BUT i would replace the M14 with M8 in your comments... which would reflect reality...

Default-user-icon Perto (Guest) 20 May 2012, 18:13

bel ro7, bel dam, yafdouk ya sheikh saad al haribi.

Missing cedars 21 May 2012, 02:02

Does it ever occur to you that the investigation(s) will never end due to the fact that more rapid assassinations, killings and igniting more fire (Catch, shoot and assassinate any 1% suspicious of anti-Syrians) will occur daily or weekly by the same members taking orders from Bashar.
As soon as Mawlawi was caught Ja3far writes to the UN that Lebanon is the source of every evil to defend his Gov incompetency? was this planned or planned scenario?

Default-user-icon Calvinist (Guest) 21 May 2012, 05:24

What did really happen?
Did the Sheikh stop at the check point?

Default-user-icon GhalYooN (Guest) 21 May 2012, 13:19

I think the real enemy is looking at all your conversations and laughing his brains out..he's probably saying..look at them lebanese, they never learn..they still follow their M8 and M14 leaders and are ready to die for them. However, their leaders once threatened, take their international passports, their private jets and say bye bye to the poor followers. yalla keep fighting, bravo, 3ala 2ases if M8 take over the country, M14 will tell them Mabrouk and will leave or vise versa..co-existence. once you understand that, all of you. you'll have a country. otherwise ra7 ndal zreebe, mwaf2een ya shabe

Missing rudy 21 May 2012, 14:03

How would we consider nasrallah lebanese when he takes his orders from syria and iran then?

Missing reformist 21 May 2012, 14:56

Title should read : hariri follows sleiman on twitter! This is the only thing dietcoke man can do! Leave the politics kiddo