France Condemns 'Massacres' in Syrian Town of Houla

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France condemns the "massacre" by Syrian forces which reportedly killed more than 90 people in the town of Houla and calls for greater international action, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said Saturday.

"I am making immediate arrangements for a Friends of Syria group meeting in Paris," Fabius said in a statement in the wake of Friday's attacks on the town in a new violation of a ceasefire.

"The Damascus regime has committed new massacres," Fabius charged.

"In Houla dozens of civilians, including children, died in army bombardments.

"I condemn the atrocities committed daily by Bashar Assad on his own people. With these new crimes his murderous regime plunges Syria further into horror and thretens regional stability."

Fabius said that U.N. observers should complete their deployment in line with the peace plan of United Nations and Arab League envoy Kofi Annan.

Saying he would be speaking to Annan on Sunday, Fabius added, "In the face of horror, the international community must mobilize still further to stop the martyrdom of the Syrian people."

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said troops of Assad's regime had killed more than 90 people, including 25 children, in shelling Houla, in the central province of Homs.

The opposition Syrian National Council put the toll at more than 110, and urged the U.N. Security Council to act.

Comments 19
Missing peace 26 May 2012, 14:03

that s the regime M8 is proud of and praises!!! a regime that uses its tanks against its own people never against israel and that kills children: in one word a coward regime like M8 their loyal friends....

Default-user-icon m.m from UAE (Guest) 26 May 2012, 14:21

its appalling to see no one will do anything for these innocent lives,lets remind our selves this is not the first time,, in 1988 halabja in northern part of Iraq received the same massacre and no one did anything.. The west and the rest of the Arab countries can all do something but yet they keep quiet.. ASAD MUST GO...

Thumb The-Patriot 26 May 2012, 15:39

You condemn ? ... awww how sweeet , do something , ACTION !!

Missing peace 26 May 2012, 15:58

poor FT, yes M8 praises syria... you the first, stop your hypocrisy... you support a cowrd regime that prefers to kill its population than fire a single bullet on israel! you never condemn the murder of citizens but rather encourage it...

Missing peace 26 May 2012, 21:02

Poor FT... then i guess your orangina was an idiot when he kept saying that the assad regime is a terrorist regime...

funny how M8 forget what their leader said and still follows him whatever he says like dumbasses....

Thumb chrisrushlau 26 May 2012, 17:16

The voice of the armed opposition in Houla town in Homs province said, according to Al Jazeera, that the armed opposition occupied Houla town and that the government was trying to seize the town, but could not, so was bombarding it.
The question raised by the French pronouncement, from this new Foreign Minister, the son of assimilated Jews (as Wikipedia puts it), is the strength of the Zionist movement (Israel lobby) in the new French government, and, in turn, the attitude of the French people toward Israel. It will be interesting to read Agence France Presse on the on-going Egyptian elections. Lebanon needs to consider if it will also be on the wrong side of history in resisting the democratization of the region--I mean the Taef Accord which gives the 20% of Lebanese Christians who are Christian half the seats in Parliament.

Thumb lebnanfirst 26 May 2012, 19:28

@chrisrushlau: Still peddling the old and tired theme "it's all because of the Jews", or in this instance "the son of assimilated Jews". Wake up and hear what the Arab people are saying now loud and clear: While the Zionists are usurpers of Palestine and Palestinian rights, our current leaders are, and have been, usurping us of our rights for ages. We will deal with them first now and then turn attention to Zionists. Enough of the bull, it is not washing anymore.

Thumb dasphinx 26 May 2012, 21:03

The regime you are defending is the same one that has kept the Golan front quiet for over 40 years. Stop playing the slogans game and face reality. Palestine will only have a chance when the people rule as opposed to tyrants.

Thumb chrisrushlau 26 May 2012, 17:17

I meant gives the 20% of Lebanese who are Christians half the seats in Parliament.

Default-user-icon chrisrushlo (Guest) 26 May 2012, 20:42

The Shiites are 18% of Lebanese but they have the illegal arm and therefore rule the country. They are Iranians and Iraqis and do not deserve any seats in the Lebanese parliament,

Missing helicopter 26 May 2012, 20:45

chrisrushlau..... go grow a brain that is free of religious fanaticism and is more human. What a waste.

Thumb primesuspect 26 May 2012, 19:58

france is with Bachar because he's weak(er than ever) and protects Israel.... End of the story. The newly elected president Francois Hollande is any different than Nicolas Sarkozy as he's also jewish. I guess wee know why France and the rest of the western worl supports the butch and it's lebanese/iranian proxy known as Hezbollah.

Missing peace 26 May 2012, 21:10

it goes against human rights not M14 goals, moron... but we know that for u human rights don t exist if against M8 goals...

Thumb benzona 26 May 2012, 22:18

Indeed, France is the friend of Lebanese Christians, but it's even closer to Israel. Anything or anyone that spares Israel is favoured by the French. And indeed, Bachar is sparing the Zionist entity...

Default-user-icon Jimmy Khoury (Guest) 26 May 2012, 20:43

Fast conclusions is exactly what the terrorists want and this guy is way to fast in pointing finger. Seems even France could have a hand in this with such reaction.

Missing helicopter 26 May 2012, 20:46

F.Y ... go grow a brain that is less sectarian and more Lebanese (if you please).

Thumb dasphinx 26 May 2012, 21:00

The sight of slaughtered children was absolutely horrific. How can anyone find excuses to a regime that commits such crimes against its own people? I am an advocate of keeping Lebanon neutral to protect our own peace and people. but I can't be neutral seeing the ugly and disgusting deeds of Bashar and his criminal thugs.

Missing peace 26 May 2012, 21:08

"How can anyone find excuses to a regime that commits such crimes against its own people? "

M8 does...and still call it the closest thing to democracy...

Thumb benzona 26 May 2012, 22:08

Thé assad family is so over... Having a salafi regime is still better than this mass murderer. How sad is this fact!?