France Urges Russia and China to Back Syria Sanctions


French President Francois Hollande on Friday called on Russia and China not to oppose U.N. sanctions against Syria following the latest massacre which rebels blame on regime troops.

"I say to the Russians, the Chinese: doing nothing to advance us toward stronger sanctions will only result in chaos and war in Syria at the expense of (your) own interests," he said, speaking on BFM television.

Asked about the reported deaths of about 150 people in the massacre in the Syrian village of Treimsa, the president said: "We share, we feel the terror but we cannot leave it at that."

"If we have deaths every day, it just means that a regime has decided to use force to crush its own people."

Comments 1
Default-user-icon Christo (Guest) 14 July 2012, 12:21

Typical French - Thinking the public is narrow minded. It's the terrorists supposeted bu your country and that of the Islamists kingdoms of the Saudi Family and the Qatari. These nations are hypocrits and don;t practice democracy in their own nations. Take a look at what is happening tho the 2 millions Saudi Arabian Shiites in the East of Saudi Arabia - No Freedom. Stop arming the Islamists of Syria. God Bless Russia & China!