Russia Accuses West of Using 'Blackmail' over Syria

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Russia on Monday accused Western powers of using "blackmail" to get its backing for possible U.N. Security Council sanctions against Syria over the regime's crackdown on an armed opposition.

"To our great regret, we are witnessing elements of blackmail," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told a news conference over moves to end 16 months of violence that the opposition says has claimed more than 17,000 lives.

"We are being told to either agree to the approval of a resolution that includes Chapter 7 (that provides for possible sanctions), or we refuse to extend the mandate of the observer mission.

"We view this as a completely counterproductive and dangerous approach," Lavrov said ahead of talks later Monday with U.N.-Arab League crisis envoy Kofi Annan.

Lavrov also stressed that it was "unrealistic" for Western powers to expect Russia to convince Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down simply because Moscow is a long-standing ally of the Damascus regime.

"We hear comments like the 'key to a Syrian solution is to be found in Moscow'. Then it is explained to us, when we ask about this, that it means that we (Russia) have to convince Assad to step down of his own accord."

But he said: "It is simply unrealistic. And it is not a question of our inclinations, our sympathies or our antipathies.

"He (Assad) will not leave power. And this is not because we are protecting him but because there is a very significant part of the Syrian population behind him," Lavrov told reporters.

Lavrov last week received top Syrian opposition leaders in Moscow but lamented that their demands were still "radical" as they were demanding full regime change.

"So far we have not succeeded in getting through to them (the opposition) the necessity of renouncing radical positions. They are continuing to say that a revolution is in progress."

Lavrov against stressed that Russia was not supporting Assad as an individual but Syrians' right to determine their future under Annan's peace initiative.

"I will repeat -- we are not supporting Bashar Assad. We are supporting what everyone else is -- the peace plan of Kofi Annan."

Comments 12
Missing justlebanese 16 July 2012, 12:35

Lek rayto allah ye5dak wye5do

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 16 July 2012, 13:54

the russians are playing the "last of the mohicans" in the M.E.

Default-user-icon Michel (Guest) 16 July 2012, 14:31

We support Assad and want him in Power. To hell with the Islamists and Salafists all the way from North Africa to Saudi Arabia. God Bless and Protect Syria from the scum of Western Powers such as those of France and the US who have their own personal interests ahead of the people. Over 80,000 Christians have left Syria. GOes to show how much the West is protecting them from the evils of Islam. The west are not protectors of Christianity but rather the protectors of Corporatocracy and keeping the Saudi's happy as their puppets. They will not succeed.

Thumb geha 16 July 2012, 16:36

russia is going to be the biggest looser ever in history. they lost the respect of every single human being on the face of the earth.
all this blood is on their hands.

Default-user-icon Zokam Atchou (Guest) 17 July 2012, 05:41

Are you sure you counted all the human beings on the face of the earth? What was the final count?

Default-user-icon ingimundar (Guest) 16 July 2012, 17:20

Sergei Lavrov is a diplomat's diplomat. His goal is simply the same as as the rest of humanity, peace and justice. This is unlike the wishes of you warmongering shills so active on these comment strings. Be ashamed. Do the world a favor and drink hemlock. No loss!

Default-user-icon Abo Abed Albyrouti (Guest) 16 July 2012, 20:19

Syria is backing up The Syrian regime for, it is the last stronghold of oppressive regimes of the extinct communism. The fall of this regime will throw off a wild call to the people of China Republic and Russia to wake up in a fashion similar to the french revolution. Therefore, for this purpose, the two veto holders in the International Security Council have decided to make it almost impossible for the west and its supporters to bring down this regime through the support of the Syrian rebels.

Thumb beiruti 16 July 2012, 21:00

"'To our great regret, we are witnessing elements of blackmail,' Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told a news conference. . ."

Well, Mr. Lavrov to the world's great regret we are witnessing enthnic cleansing and genocide by a homicidal regime that is using Russian weapons to commit crimes against humanity. If it takes a little blackmail to stop these atrocities, then it takes a little blackmail. But don't get preachy with the world after what you have your hand in, namely, the blood of the Syrian people.

Thumb bigsami 16 July 2012, 21:07

"He (Assad) will not leave power. And this is not because we are protecting him but because there is a VERY SIGNIFICANT part of the Syrian population BEHIND HIM," Lavrov told reporters.

If that is true then why don't we have a vote of new confident/elections handled/monitored by a neutral 'outsider' (third party) and let the truth be heard. Isn't this what a democracy id all about?

Russia = BS Lovers!

Default-user-icon the gaurdian (Guest) 16 July 2012, 21:56

you stink of money you stink of Iranian oil you stink of blood you stink of corruption you stink of lies you stink of your old regime.!!!

Default-user-icon Former Lebanese (Guest) 17 July 2012, 01:03

I don't understand who does he think him self fooling with this BS? Does he think after a year and a half of them supporting unconditionally the ASSad regime with weapons, political cover, and training they expect the people to beleive they are on the good side?

Default-user-icon Jack (Guest) 17 July 2012, 08:50

and u want bashar to step down just like saddam, mubarak aand the rest !!! we can then call beirut kandahar and live in peace ever after. never seen so many daft comments with ignorance in my life. LMAO