Long-lost Telegram Solves D-Day British Soldier’s Mystery


A telegram found during a clear-out at a British bus depot has solved the mystery of a soldier not seen since the D-Day landings, Britain's press reported on Wednesday.

The family of Private Gordon Heaton assumed the Worcestershire Regiment soldier had been killed in fighting following the World War II landings, but could not understand why they had not received an official telegram.

However, the missing War Office telegraph was discovered last November during a clear-out of the lost property department at a bus depot in Birmingham, a family member recently realized.

The document, along with a letter containing the soldier's last will and testament, were left on a bus by a post office messenger boy.

The recovered notes have been handed over to Heaton's nephew, David Hall, who, by coincidence, had recently begun searching for his missing uncle.

"After searching online, I found some information that National Express had released about their discovery, for someone with the name Private Gordon Heaton," he explained, according to the Times newspaper.

"The information ties in with our family so we know it's definitely him.

"Although I'm pleased to make the discovery, I'm tainted with sadness to think a relative of mine who was fighting for his country died at the young age of 21," he added.

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