Iran Rejects IAEA Charges over Parchin Military Base

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Iran on Friday rejected allegations in a new International Atomic Energy Agency report that it was frustrating U.N. inspection of a suspect military site by apparently scrubbing it clean.

"These statements have no technical basis. Anyone who has expertise in this area knows that these statements are mere pretexts and that one cannot clean a site" of nuclear work, Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi told the ISNA news agency.

The restricted report, seen by Agence France Presse on Thursday, says the IAEA's ability to inspect Parchin has been "significantly hampered" by the clean-up.

It repeated its suspicions that the base might have been used for experiments using conventional explosives to design a nuclear warhead, and stressed that Iran has repeatedly refused access to the site on the grounds it was a non-nuclear facility.

The IAEA report also said Iran has doubled its uranium enrichment capacity at an underground nuclear facility in Fordo by installing more than 1,000 new centrifuges, although they have not been put into operation.

The IAEA said it was still "unable to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran, and therefore to conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities."

Western and other governments suspect Iran has been trying to develop a nuclear weapons break-out capability. Tehran denies any such ambition, insisting its nuclear program is exclusively for power generation and medical purposes.

Comments 6
Missing midan 31 August 2012, 13:26


follow in example, coz u guys here all of u and the ones that havent commented on this article yet , u need to change ur ways coz its pathetic!


Thumb thepatriot 31 August 2012, 17:23

I'm sorry but I don't understand what you mean...

Thumb benzona 31 August 2012, 15:04

If they aren't nuclear bases, then they won't mind having those facilities flattened/

Thumb shab 31 August 2012, 15:18

Reminds me of the Cuba crisis.

Missing phillipo 31 August 2012, 18:46

I can just about understand what you are trying to say but.......
Just one question..........When, if ever, did Israel ever threaten any other state (including Iran) with annihilation?
Remember Iran threatens Israel with this on a daily basis.

Missing freedom1 01 September 2012, 00:13

Israel and Iran are both the same cancer for the whole area ..