Premier Says Government Will Not Disassociate itself if Syria Decides to Ignite Situation in Lebanon

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Prime Minister Najib Miqati stressed on Monday that the government will not disassociate itself from the turmoil in Syria when there are attempts by the regime to ignite the situation in Lebanon.

“We will take the necessary measures... We should reorganize the relations between Syria and Lebanon calmly and in a comprehensive way,” Miqati told reporters during a press conference at the Grand Serail.

The government decided to disassociate itself from the revolt against President Bashar Assad in the neighboring country that kicked off in 2011.

Concerning the case of ex-Minister Michel Samaha, Miqati pointed out that the evidence confirms the incident, saying: “Only the judiciary will take the decision in the case.”

He hailed the efforts exerted by the Internal Security Forces Intelligence Branch that spared Lebanon major incidents.

The minister and two other Syrian officers, National Security chief Brig. Gen. Ali Mamlouk and another senior general identified only by the first name of Adnan, have been charged with plotting the terror attacks in Lebanon.

Miqati commented on the memorandum that the March 14 alliance handed over to President Michel Suleiman, wondering if the United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon is ready to deploy along the northern Lebanese border.

“The Lebanese army is controlling the border and halting any attempts to smuggle weapons into and out of Lebanon,” he said.

The March 14 alliance demanded the Lebanese authorities to expel the Syrian ambassador and deploy UNIFIL troops on the border with Syria following repeated incursions and shelling of northern and eastern border regions.

Asked about the kidnapped Lebanese in Syria and those who were kidnapped in retaliation, the premier said that Turkey is making serious initiatives to release them.

“Probably it will happen on stages,” Miqati said.

He noted that the army has the full support to carry out any endeavor to free those who were kidnapped in Lebanon, “no one is stronger than the state,” he said.

The army carried out raids over the weekend in Beirut's southern suburb of Rweis and arrested several men after a series of kidnapping in Lebanon.

Two Turkish men and several other Syrians were kidnapped in retaliation to the abduction of Hassan al-Meqdad by Syrian rebels in Damascus last month.

Miqati said that the officers, who were arrested over the killing Sunni Sheikh Ahmed Abdul Wahed and his companion in the northern district of Akkar in May, can't be detained forever.

“Investigations are ongoing and will not stop until all the facts are revealed,” he stated.

The three officers were released on bail last week.

Comments 7
Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 10 September 2012, 13:46

fakhamto gave mikati a vitamin X pill.

Thumb benzona 10 September 2012, 14:07

Mikati is bahlool or something? What about the Samaha case? What about everything bad that's been happening in Lebanon for decades? It's all Syria's hand with Lebanese proxies (hezbollah) (maybe Aoun's CPL/FPM)

Thumb Chupachups 10 September 2012, 14:48

Benzona, something is better than nothing.. And I am happy by the recent statements and actions by the president and prime minister

Missing forces 10 September 2012, 14:39

Finally some clear direction by this government, whilst i do not support the current government agenda I gladly support anyone who has the balls to put the interests of Lebanon and it's people before any political agenda. This will no doubt give our security forces the mandate they so long waited for to continue their excellent work. Well done on this issue Mr Miquati.

Thumb jabal10452 10 September 2012, 18:37

This is good. This is really good!

Missing jayjay 10 September 2012, 19:11

with the elections around the corner and this guy being a Sunni Representative, he has to say these things to gain back a fraction of is popularity...
but the fact that he is saying this means that Syria is starting to finally lose its grip on its minions in Lebanon!

Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) 10 September 2012, 20:58

It's time for us to disassociate ourselves from the Syrian regime and work for the Lebanese cause which is to bolster our economic power and keep our people in Lebanon to work and live decently. We should end any association with the outsiders.