Report: Hizbullah's Drone Photographed Secret Israeli Military Bases

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Hizbullah's, Iranian-made, drone that penetrated Israel surveilled live images of “secret” Israeli military bases, according to Britain's Sunday Times newspaper.

The newspaper reported that the drone transmitted pictures of preparations for Israel's “biggest” joint military exercise with the U.S. army, which began last week.

The drone also photographed “Israel's ballistic missile sites, main airfields and, possibly, its nuclear reactor in Dimona,” the newspaper pointed out.

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's acknowledgment of the drone which Israel shot down on October 6 came shortly after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Hizbullah and vowed to defend his country against further "threats."

The infiltration marked a rare breach of Israel's tightly guarded airspace. Hizbullah had been the leading suspect because of its arsenal of sophisticated Iranian weapons and a history of trying to deploy similar aircraft.

Middle East sources told the Sunday Times that the drone was launched by “technicians from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, with the help of Hizbullah.”

According to the newspaper, the drone “is believed to be the new Shahed-129, which was unveiled by Tehran, with a range of up to 1,200 miles and a flight duration of 24 hours.”

An Israeli defense source blamed “unfamiliar stealth elements” for the army's failure to detect it.

Iran unveiled in September a long-range drone named Shahed-129, which can reach most of the Middle East countries, including Israel.

In July 2006, the Israeli military shot down an unarmed drone operated by Hizbullah over the Jewish state's territorial waters.

On April 12, 2005, another pilotless Hizbullah aircraft succeeded in overflying part of northern Israel without being downed.

Israel routinely sends F-16 fighter planes over Lebanon, in violation of U.N. Security Council resolution 1701 that ended the 2006 war. The Israeli planes have often broken the sound barrier over Beirut and other places as a show of strength, most recently after the drone incident.

Thousands of U.S. and Israeli troops began a joint exercise last week to show their ability to defend the country against a missile attack that is expected to follow any air strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.

Comments 21
Thumb geha 15 October 2012, 09:50

more reason for an israeli attack on lebanon: thank you hizbushaitan for destroying what is left from my country.

Default-user-icon Mohammed Sowid (Guest) 15 October 2012, 10:14 got a problem my think by commenting here you will affect the views and/or ideology of people reading your crap....i believe are the biggest hypocrite to be in this no man's land...before you make a comment next time....think really well...(and please refrain from calling Hizbullah, hizbushaitan)....
I bet you do not even live in this beautiful country, that you refer to it as 'my country'.....What this hizbushaitan had given some groups is the pride 'to live in this country'.....who in the history of this country has done such an achievement?....Think man....the whole world is trying to tear this place apart and finally we get someone to stand up and say 'enough is enough'.....

Missing hammouds 15 October 2012, 11:52

do you see the logic? do you think if the name Hezbollah was substituted for Lebanese army that Israel would quit? Come on geha, im not critisizing you but think...please think...this has nothing to do with sunni shia orthodox catholic or maronite. any other country in the world would respond to the overflights in lebanon with more than just an overflight of their own. Usually failing to recognize airspace with military aircraft results in war, not a simple unarmed drone. We dont have the capacity to do this with our army. Hezbollah stays until they do...not hezbollah goes to create a hole in our defense capacity in the meantime.

Thumb geha 15 October 2012, 14:51

no it has nothing to do with confessions or religions, rather it has to do with the philosophy of life:
we want to live in peace while others want to be martyred.

Thumb geha 15 October 2012, 14:49

if there are traitors in Lebanon, they are the ones executing and following the orders of the syrian regime and iran, which are not Lebanese.
we have seen Samaha, and others..... and you guys are no different, so for the life attribute, it defines you quite well.
we, Lebanese, are against this kind of destructive activities as it will destroy our country.
what we want in our country is peace and prosperity only, especially we do not get monthly salaries from iran like you traitors.
we want to live in peace and prosper, and recover our country from the syro persian invaders.

Thumb geha 15 October 2012, 17:48

I am from Beirut and living in kesrouan and I do not need to be paid to be Lebanse, unlike you Persian traitors.
I simply do not want to have my country destroyed by the israelis for the benefit of persians wanting to send a message. is it too hard to understand?
and yes I will proudly fight to recover my country from the persian invaders. what is wrong with that?
is it OK to accept an invasion of this sort and not react to it?
you are blind, stupid and certainy not Lebanese, otherwise you would not accept to be invaded and have no decision in your own country.

Thumb bigsami 15 October 2012, 18:19

Shut up you schizo Farsi. I'm sure /you and your beloved Iranian brothers are happy to use Lebanon as your missile launch pad! Scum goat herder! Get out of our country!

Thumb bigsami 15 October 2012, 18:23

Can't wait for the retaliation to come and our only way to get rid of these Iranian scumbags out of our beloved country! It will come with a high price but its the only way out for Lebanon! Funny to read the posts from the schizo Farsi's always justifying their beloved axis of evil with the same lame statements about Israel's past. Frozen in time like your typical stone-aged extremists!

Default-user-icon whoop14ass (Guest) 16 October 2012, 06:06

It's only your country? Typical M14 slave attempting to replicate their model system ie. the monarchies of the gulf. Go back to the desert mofo.

Missing maroon40 15 October 2012, 11:58

Mowaten: 20,000 Israeli visitations? The number is exaggerated. It's been since years since the July 2006 war; that is approx. 2,200 days. I know it is a few thousand violations ( at least one a day on average), but not 20,000 . I guess it does not matter when it is a propaganda war , as the numbers need to be inflamed ten fold to sound more interesting.

Thumb geha 15 October 2012, 14:52

how culd you since they come and pay your monthly salary?

Missing maroon40 15 October 2012, 12:03

Does this drone require a 1 km or 2 km long runway to be launched? Anyway I think HA is covering for Iran (taking one for the team). My gut says that the Launch site is Iran. After all the drone can reach Israeli territory from Iran, according to the Iranians.

Default-user-icon henry (Guest) 15 October 2012, 12:06

Hizbollah is gonna keep creating problems to justify their existence. Enough is enough. Revolt and get rid of those politicians who are making all the wrong decisions for you. We're no different than afghanistan and Pakistan. Which civilized country in the world has a militia stronger than its army. if the price of the 2006 war wasnt high enough for hezbolla and their friends, other people in lebanon thought it was very costly.Let Iran fight its own war and realize sooner rather than later that Hezbolla is being used badly by Iran for its strategic goals. Maybe the joke that charbel made a few years ago about hezbolla wanting to free peoples houses in Michigan and Australia is not so much of a joke now. Its a reality that we're living. Shame on the lebanese people for putting up with their politicians. Only if the lebanese people could understand that a politician should work for them and not the other way around.15 years of war taught you nothing people.

Thumb Bandoul 15 October 2012, 17:31

Part 1 - I am so glad I no longer engage in this forum and I realize now how futile it was for me to participate when day and day out, it is the same cast and crew and the same degenerate conversation for lunch breakfast and dinner. That there are individuals on both sides of the isle still engaged in the vilest form of discussion when the country is going to hell in a hand basket confirms that you are doomed to repeat your history over and over again. I guess I am one of the lucky ones who escaped the cycle of hate and self-destruction while those of you who still live there have learned nothing, progressed not an inch and are still allowing yourselves to be led like sheep to slaughter.

Thumb Bandoul 15 October 2012, 17:31

Part 2 - I thought one day I would retire in my home country but in the hands of people like you I see here on both sides, seems an impossible dream. I wash my hands from this mess; may God give you the gift of sight for you are blind with hatred, may he give you the gift of hearing so you can listen to how you injure each other with words and insults and may he give you the gift of wisdom so you can turn your allegiance towards your country instead of foreigner who don’t give two cents about you. Fikharr ykassir ba3do…ma fi amal minkon.

Default-user-icon Ointo Blings (Guest) 15 October 2012, 17:33

March 14, listen to me and repeat after me: what Hizbullah did is a disaster and we should figure out a way to punish them. We can start by ridiculing them in the worst possible ways. What they did will reduce the chances that Israel will dare once again to rape Lebanon freely as it used to do in the days of our greatest leader Fouad d'Israeli Siniora. March 14, let's go on the attack like the warriors that we are. allouchi, slash, peace, thepatriot, benzona... haloummou. 3alehon. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.

Thumb kanaandian 15 October 2012, 17:59

For the Iranian Ayatollah loving parasites, Lebanon is Islamic land. I for one, would have no qualms in seeing Iran get nuked.

Thumb shab 15 October 2012, 18:10

Who blieves the filthy militia and their lies ?

Default-user-icon Abu Mi7sen (Guest) 15 October 2012, 18:39

@FT says they are dying for a rematch to war???? And was a humbling defeat to them??? I swear you must be on crack man. Do you even know numbers? Have you even compared the casualty numbers or destruction cost in the war? That was without a single soldier invasion. YOU want to fight Isreal and your zionists??? GO FIGHT THEM SOMEWHERE ELSE, we the lebanese people don't want to be merely a statistic on a death chart, for the cause of your sayyed who probably will sit and watch the war in his rat hole.

Missing peace 15 October 2012, 19:05

such a shame that people support a party that decides by itself of the fate of a whole country... this is the role of a government not political parties! they should obey the state and its laws. period.
but it only shows that the supporters of hezbos just believe in a tribal society where the gvt is inexistant: the very same ones who claim they want a strong country but do every thing they can to weaken it then whine of its weakness! typical M8 hypocrisy

Thumb phoenician 15 October 2012, 19:23

God bless Lebanon and Israel. Any violation that Israel commits towards Lebanon is because of you hizb and palastinian militia scum tffffffffffooooouuuuhhhhh