Ghosn Warns of Sedition if Critical Security Situation Remains

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Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn warned on Tuesday of the delicate and dangerous security situation in the country due to the recent developments and strong rhetoric used by officials.

“If the latest developments in Lebanon remain the way they are, then they will lead (the country) to sedition,” Ghosn said in comments published in As Safir newspaper.

He pointed out that the tone used by some figures, which contains threats, “will not scare anyone.”

The minister lashed out at latest statements targeting the army, warning of plots to involve it in political disputes by addressing it with a sectarian language.

Salafist cleric Dai al-Islam al-Shahhal called on the army over the weekend to “correct its performance," threatening to issue a fatwa that calls for jihad against those “slandering Sunnis."

The cleric's statements came in light of a dispute that erupted between army troops and his bodyguards in the Bekaa town of Majdal Anjar.

“The army's ideology and loyalty to the institution are stronger than the sectarian and division rhetoric,” Ghosn pointed out.

He stressed that the army will pursue offenders, who are targeting the country and its stability.

“Spreading security is a joint responsibility,” Ghosn said, calling on the Lebanese to “set aside all the political disputes and support the military to safeguard the country against plots.”

The army has been recently tasked with several security missions across Lebanon after security incidents increased due to the spread of arms and the kidnap-for-ransom phenomena.

He noted that the army will go ahead with the measures taken on the ground and along the border, in particular in confronting Israel.

Comments 3
Missing chouf4ever 05 March 2013, 11:20

Here comes the Pizza man ..

Thumb dandoun 05 March 2013, 11:36

@ al-kafi looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool...cant even find a comment for u but to laugh at ur remarks loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

Thumb geha 05 March 2013, 15:55

I have been warning about the disintegration of the army should its leadership continue executing the orders of hizbushaitan.
wh is the stupid guy that expects the sunnis in the army to accept executing the orders of hizbushaitan?