Obama Demands Hizbullah Be Named a Terrorist Group

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday demanded that foreign governments brand Hizbullah a "terrorist organization," slamming the party for “its attacks on Israelis”.

"Every country that values justice should call Hizbullah what it truly is -- a terrorist organization," Obama said in a major speech in Israel, in remarks apparently aimed at the European Union which has declined to put the group on a list of terrorist movements.

Comments 9
Thumb geha 21 March 2013, 18:40

this is the precursor to wiping hizbushaitan.

Default-user-icon Nobody (Guest) 21 March 2013, 18:51

they wont let the world be, we're all pawn in their chess game.
If not Hisballah, then someone else.
Labeling this group that and that group this, when they go aaround doing whatever they want.
Lord have mercy
Oh Asteroid, Oh Earthquake, Oh Huricane, come save us!!
God Help us.

Thumb chrisrushlau 21 March 2013, 19:36

If Lebanon launches a genocide against its majority Shia population, European influence in the region will drop to zero. That will leave the Gulf monarchs with nobody to make movies for them, no theaters in which to watch them, and no bodyguards to protect them while they do so.
How so? People tolerate the Taef Accord as an imposition by the European and Gulf proxies which carries its own limits. People have tolerated Zionism in Palestine for the same reason. Why overthrow the applecart and destroy apples, when it's obvious the applecart will soon be going out of business? But if the man on the applecart starts shooting randomly, then it is time to put him out of business.

Thumb jcamerican 21 March 2013, 20:42

If I was looking for handouts like you, I would have to be a servant to one of them. I make my comment, without getting overly emotional like most of you. It struck me as funny, OBAMA DEMANDS, so I made my comment.

Default-user-icon Nabil (Guest) 22 March 2013, 04:47

It is unfair for naharnet to have chosen this topic as the only take-home message from president Obama's speech

Thumb dandoun 22 March 2013, 07:51

whats new y3neeeeeee ..hehehehehehe

Thumb Chupachups 22 March 2013, 15:13

you're new ...lol

Thumb hakawati 22 March 2013, 09:09

Obomber Demands Obomber Be Named a Drone Terrorist or at least a Serial Killer.

Thumb shab 22 March 2013, 13:50

thank you Obama