Syria Alawites Meet in Cairo to Denounce Assad

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Members of Syrian President Bashar Assad's own Alawite sect gathered in Cairo on Sunday to announce their support for his overthrow in an unprecedented gathering.

The Alawites, joined by other minority representatives, said they wanted to disassociate their sect from Assad's brutal crackdown on the rebellion in which an estimated 70,000 people have been killed.

"As we slide towards a sectarian conflict, we must all raise our voices," said one of the organizers, Ali Daioub.

The rebellion has taken on an increasingly sectarian tone, pitting a Sunni Muslim-led rebellion against Assad, who comes from the minority Alawite sect.

"This revolution is for all Syrians," said Bassem al-Yousef, another organizer of the conference held in a Cairo hotel.

"Our goal must be to dismantle the entire regime," he told the gathering.

"I think most Alawites hate the Assad family. But the Alawites have a fear, planted by the Assads, of what comes next," Yousef told Agence France Presse.

Participants who spoke to AFP said they hoped Syrian opposition leaders would recognize Alawites as potential comrades rather than die-hard Assad loyalists.

Comments 9
Thumb jcamerican 24 March 2013, 21:51

Then who the hell is fighting against the rebels?

Thumb lebanon_first 24 March 2013, 22:03

good move... now much less alawite bloodshed in the aftermath...
Allah yse3id syria and lebanon from that assad criminal...

Thumb LebCynic 24 March 2013, 23:20

Im calling every self indulging extremist that kills then hides behind the jihad a 7amor. Please tell me the last time Jabal Mohsen threatened to take over bab al tebeneh and kill all the salafis to cleans the land from infidels????????? Because I don't believe I've ever heard or read it anywhere..... If you or anyone has, please enlighten me.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 25 March 2013, 00:31

The only think you do is find an answer that suits you the best then try to convince people it's the truth when in reality it couldn't be further than the truth. Are you worried your paycheck will dry out soon? Your employer is on his way out!

Missing amatullah 25 March 2013, 01:26

Typical munafiq. You take mushrikeen as brothers just as long as they agree with your political stance, never mind their lies in religion because thats not important to munafiqeen. Let whoever wishes change islam just as long as they hate or love whom you hate or love.

Ya munafiq, you dont have any brothers as munafiqeen are enemies deep inside with everyone and you have no real unity with anyone. Allah swt exposed your kind in the quran.

Thumb LebCynic 25 March 2013, 06:36

lol that is soooooo true.

Thumb Kalzyturks 25 March 2013, 07:24

Off course they will be Flame Thrower.

I'm trying to figure out when you will ever say something truthfull other than what you said above.

Oh yeah! The Aoun supporters are looking for you to ask you some questions.

This is why....!

Thumb music66 25 March 2013, 12:42

Cant help myself I have to comment on the beard subject >>LMAO>>> at myself.

some men have a little stubble on their faces looks very masculine, some men shave and have the sweetest faces. some men cant be bothered and grow a beard for relgious purposes or proclaiming their status as a man.

From a woman's perspective nothing more nicer to see than a man who is very well presentable. HMM now back in history most men did have beards some only small, some grew very long from all religions right across the board and is still very visible amongst a lot of religions today.
I guess it comes down to personal choice. HEY did you guys know that some men wax their backs chest and even their arms to get rid of unwanted hair.. LMAO> just thought I would throw in a bit of comedy.
On a serious note thank god I am a woman.

Missing allouchi 25 March 2013, 13:50
