FSA Commander Riad al-Asaad Loses Leg in Blast

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Riad al-Asaad, commander of the rebel Free Syrian Army, was wounded overnight in a blast that hit his car in eastern Syria, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights watchdog said on Monday.

A government official in Ankara confirmed Asaad had been hurt, saying he had lost a leg in the attack but that he was in "good condition" after being rushed across the Syrian border into Turkey for treatment.

"An explosive device exploded last night near the car carrying Free Syrian Army commander Riad Asaad, who was conducting a tour of the town of Mayadeen in Deir Ezzor province," Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told Agence France Presse.

Abdel Rahman said Asaad had been wounded in the leg, and a relative of the commander told AFP that he had been transferred to Turkey for treatment after the blast.

A Turkish foreign ministry official confirmed Asaad was taken to Turkey on Monday morning via the Akcakale border crossing and was being treated at a hospital in Sanliurfa province near the border.

"He lost one leg but in general his condition is good," the official told AFP.

Asaad was one of the first officers to defect from the Syrian state military to the rebel forces, joining their ranks in 2011, not long after the uprising began.

He served as commander of the rebel forces but has seen his official role diminished by the creation of a rebel military command headed by Brigadier General Salim Idriss.

Asaad has remained a prominent figure though, regularly appearing with rebel fighters on the ground.

Comments 18
Thumb LebCynic 25 March 2013, 10:49

O well.

Thumb joker37 25 March 2013, 10:53


Missing syrianfsa 25 March 2013, 11:04

God protect him

Thumb mckinl 25 March 2013, 11:29

Well ...

... the FSA shouldn't have rejected the USA plant in the Opposition Council.

Thumb LebCynic 25 March 2013, 12:18

This Al-Kafir character is entertaining! I'm picturing some salafi kerr screaming out TAKBIRRRRR everytime some terrorist blows himself up in a mosque killing innocents..

Missing beirutbastard00 25 March 2013, 22:41

WTF?!:s .... Alkafi is a troll, fine. But kiserwani I honestly thought ud have a little more class than that.

Ok shi3a believe in hiding their beliefs. Ok. So? What's ur problem exactly? .... You are trying to convince Christians to be weary of the Shia because they have secret motives... But you are being open about ur hate for a religion because its not Sunni Islam. U really think Christians, or anyone else for that matter, will fall for that??

Either ur a very bored 16-21yr old.... Or u work for our neighbors to the south.

All this Sunni Shia war talk. It's all over the Internet. Idk what the hell is going on, but I know this isn't happening by accident. They convinced us to kill Arabism ourselves, now we see each other in terms of our sects! Not even our religion, but the SECTS within ONE religion!! Lol

Missing beirutbastard00 25 March 2013, 22:44

Haha @stargate. Out of work Australian. Makes sense.

Thumb LebCynic 25 March 2013, 12:19

Clearly you are an uneducated fool.

Missing amatullah 25 March 2013, 12:36

Did you even read the link? Taqiya in islam is to be allowed to claim one is a non-muslim if ones life is threatened because of his religion such was the case with early believers that the pagans killed/harassed as soon as they knew he was muslim. That is all. In shiaism, taqiya is something completly diffirent, its basicly a green card to lie in order for their heretic beliefs not to be exposed for what they are since their belief arent found in the quran and they know how bad it looks for them.

Al kafi you seem to have some other agenda than to simply set things straight about the diffirence between islam and shiaism.

Missing allouchi 25 March 2013, 21:09

I hope Riad al-Asaad will recover soon....to al-kafi, No one should be insulting the Shia like that...shame on you dude...we shouldn’t be insulting each other religions like the dark ages...even in one family you can have bad and good...so please stop your insults...

Missing halaktouna77 26 March 2013, 06:59

Al Kafi and others like him who attack religions are all subhumans, same would apply for insulting anyone ... if you have a point make it, if itis stong enough you would not need to resort to insulting; you will only insult when you do not have anything worth saying.
Lebanon is a great country where different religions and sects have lived together for ages, just sit with your grandparents and parents and they will tell you that this insulting and attacking was never there. About time Lebanon gets back to how great it used to be and this is the task that lies on all of us M8, M14 and if you are lucky to be as smart as I am ... then neither M8 or M14 ... Just be Lebanese!

Default-user-icon Joseph (Guest) 25 March 2013, 21:19

To Naharnet'

I visit your site daily but Today is truly my last time. If you are a professional organization you would allow dialogue which does not seem to be the case. These jokers who are constantly posting on this site are destroying it. "al-kafi" needs to be banned along with a few more. Use of this site for making sack religious and racist comment show your true professional status an a news filter. Naharnet You are shameful to all Journalism, Reporting, and News orginizations.

Default-user-icon Joseph (Guest) 25 March 2013, 21:47

al kafi your are shameful and you truly represent the evil Saudi Qarar Turkey Salafi Wahabi evil murders. Naharnet has not banned you because you are a representation of what they are. Naharnet is not a true professional news organization. if they were you would be banned long time ago. al kafi I would love to meet you and see truly how brave you really are. If you are a Muslim, screw you and your filthy evil Islam. You have proven that your is nothing but evil and hate.

Default-user-icon Joseph (Guest) 25 March 2013, 21:49

Ban "al-kafi"
Ban al kafi
Ban al kafi

Missing beirutbastard00 25 March 2013, 22:45

Well, reading this comment board will someone an atheist sara7a!!

Missing beirutbastard00 25 March 2013, 22:47

That's a really good point. Every time he comes with another name just report again. Maybe, just maybe, the ppl at naharnet will take some sort of useful action... Instead they will probably just delete this post! :p

Missing beirutbastard00 25 March 2013, 22:48

Yea I think that's what they were trying to say when that guy said it wasn't the fsa, but maybe another group did it.

Default-user-icon Ferzo Gambetti (Guest) 26 March 2013, 01:04

He moved off-course and was sent a surprise package.