Rahi Calls for a 'Just Electoral Law', Wishes a 'Quick Cabinet Formation'

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi on Saturday hoped that the new cabinet will be formed “quickly”, stressing on the importance of reaching consensus over a “just electoral law”.

“We are pleased that the Lebanese factions were able to quickly agree on nominating MP Tammam Salam to head the new cabinet,” al-Rahi said during talks he held with Maronite institutions in Bkirki.

“We hope that the formation of the cabinet will go as rapid as naming its premier did”.

The presidency announced Salam's election earlier on Saturday after a meeting was held between President Michel Suleiman and Speaker Nabih Berri, during which the latter was informed by the president of the details of the parliamentary consultations.

The Beirut MP garnered a total of 124 votes by the lawmakers to assume the position of prime minister.

The patriarch praised the democratic atmosphere that was spread during the Maronite League's elections: “Maronites are here for the sake of Lebanon, not the opposite”.

He noted: “The fate of the East's Christians is tightly linked with that of Christians in Lebanon”.

Comments 3
Thumb benzona 06 April 2013, 22:32

The pope needs him more than we do. Cardinal, Êtes-vous Prince de l'Eglise ou Prince du Liban? Qui vous a élu? Une poignée de personnes.... Pas très démocratique tout ça!

The positive side, he wants elections to be held.... That's a good start.

Thumb benzona 07 April 2013, 15:25

Quoi quoi quoi? Qui a dit que les moutons étaient idiots? Qui a dit que l'athéisme était la réponse adéquate? Qui a dit que cet homme était un envoyé de Dieu? Ne sommes nous pas TOUS des envoyés de Dieu?

Thumb primesuspect 07 April 2013, 05:38

worry not for him, he's got a credit card with no limit.