Asiri Calls for Mustaqbal-Hizbullah Dialogue: Tammam Salam Is the Man of the Period

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Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awadh Asiri revealed on Thursday that his country wishes a dialogue would take place between al-Mustaqbal Movement and Hizbullah, noting that Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam is “the man of the period”.

"Communication and constructive dialogue between both parties is very important,” Asiri explained in an interview with al-Manar television.

He noted that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's policy requires that he communicates with all political factions.

On the cabinet's formation, Asiri said the Lebanese “have found the man of the period who can achieve what they aspire.”

"If consensus prevailed over the formation of the cabinet between the different factions, it would reflect in economic relief.”

Salam was tasked by President Michel Suleiman over the weekend to form the new cabinet after he received the support of 124 out of 128 MPs.

Prior to his nomination, the Beirut MP took a quick trip to Saudi Arabia where he met with al-Mustaqbal Movement leader MP Saad Hariri and Saudi Intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan in Riyadh.

Comments 1
Missing tomahawk 13 April 2013, 09:28

Agreed !!!