Jumblat Slams Jihad Calls, Says Hizbullah's Involvement in Syria 'Tarnishes' its Image

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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat said on Wednesday Hizbullah's interference in battles in Damascus would “tarnish its image,” pointing out that the Syrian people don't need Jihadists from Lebanon or any other country to back its revolt.

“As the situation in Syria is deteriorating and the Lebanese are plunging in this swamp, officials should reiterate importance of abiding by the dissociation policy,” Jumblat said in a statement.

Lebanese authorities have officially followed the policy to distance the country from the Syrian conflict. But they have also been reluctant to publicly blame either regime forces or rebel fighters for fire hitting villages and towns near the border with Syria.

Jumblat noted that the resistance is “misplacing it's rifle by supporting a regime that committed massacres against civilians and bombarding cities and villages and imprisoned thousands of people.”

He said that Hizbullah's meddling in Syria would tarnish the history of its struggle by aiding the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, which will be doomed.

He lashed out at calls for jihad in Syria by Lebanese clerics, considering that they will increase the tension locally.

“The Syrian people don't need from Jihadists from Lebanon or any other country to support their epic struggle,” the Druze leader stated.

He also urged the international community to end its inactivity and offer the Syrian opposition the required aid.

Two Salafist clerics Sheikh Salem al-Rafehi and Ahmed al-Asir accused Hizbullah of sending fighters to attack Syrian Sunnis, who make up the backbone of that country's rebellion.

They called on Monday for jihad to defend Sunnis in Syria.

However, Rafehi informed caretaker Interior Minister Marwan Charbel on Tuesday that he is ready to withdraw his call for jihad if Hizbullah ended its involvement in Syria's civil war.

Fighting has flared in Syria's Homs region in recent weeks as the government has pressed its campaign to stamp out rebel-held pockets in the area.

Much of the heaviest fighting has raged near the Lebanese border around al-Qusayr, where activists said government troops backed by gunmen linked to Hizbullah captured the villages of Radwineyeh and Tel al-Nabi Mando.

Lebanon is sharply split between supporters and opponents of Assad, a legacy of decades of Syrian political and military dominance over its smaller neighbor. The split largely falls along sectarian lines, with Sunnis opposing Assad and Shiites backing him. That mirrors the divisions within Syria itself, where mainly Sunni rebels are battling Assad's regime, dominated by the Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiism.

Since it began in March 2011, Syria's conflict has fueled local tensions between the communities in Lebanon, with bouts of street fighting and kidnappings.

Hizbullah denies taking part in the civil war. But top Hizbullah official Nabil Qaouq said Monday that his group is "performing a national duty" toward Lebanese Shiites living in Syrian border towns and villages by supporting the "popular committees."

Comments 15
Missing peace 24 April 2013, 14:07

hezbollah does not care anymore about its image so desperate they are to back the regime that help them; they d bring lebanon to chaos if it takes that to keep their privileges....with the full support of FPM which is preparing people s mind by saying that all sunnis are terrorists and salafis.....

Thumb Chupachups 24 April 2013, 14:21

i have not commented here in ages, infact i am not even bothering to read the articles anymore..i'll read the headline, shake my head and move on.

People, you need to move on.

Thumb andre.jabbour 24 April 2013, 14:47

So do i!

Thumb dandoun 24 April 2013, 15:22

miss u Error :)

Thumb Chupachups 24 April 2013, 15:43

@dandoun, me too :) loool

Thumb geha 24 April 2013, 14:39

ft for months now especially you , mowaten, karim and the likes have been repeating anti salfists slogans as if all sunnis were salafis.
each time we have been repating that those were sectarian talks.....
you must dyslexic or something to try to deny something that obvious.

Thumb geha 24 April 2013, 17:30

come on all your attacks on sunnis tagging them being all salafis !
you cannot have forgotten that!
do you have Alzheimer? :) you are a joke :)

Thumb banima3roof 24 April 2013, 20:23

well said geha. keep stepping on march 8 necks comrade!

Thumb geha 24 April 2013, 14:39

ft for months now especially you , mowaten, karim and the likes have been repeating anti salfists slogans as if all sunnis were salafis.
each time we have been repating that those were sectarian talks.....
you must dyslexic or something to try to deny something that obvious.

Thumb Kalzyturks 24 April 2013, 14:51

The water is clear but tainted to taste like that or smell like that.

You make it sound like all of akkar or all of tripoli are salafists or the like.

Put it this way sure HA is a Shia Group but not all Shia are for HA.

Missing peace 24 April 2013, 15:08

FPM are always associating sunnis with salafis, hinting that tripoli for example is a city of salafis... so only idiots like FT would not see the propaganda led by his leader... blind by love he is... i bet he ll soon ask aoun for marriage in france.... LOL....

Thumb Kalzyturks 24 April 2013, 15:13


I think if it sparks in Lebanon which I Pray to God it won't Aoun will be the first to leave to France and leave FT to fend for himself.

No I don't think FT will ask Aoun for marriage in France cause FT is has courage.

Missing peace 24 April 2013, 20:00

lol.... it is aoun talking not press inventions poor FT.... HE is victimizing christians as usual and attacking sunnis ...listen to him. so his speeches are also written by nahar and future? lol

seems you had a lobotomy that has made you blind and deaf without having to say stupid.....

how idiotic you are...

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 24 April 2013, 17:15

better for them to kill each other in Syria not in Lebanon

Default-user-icon Fertomar Bonguigny (Guest) 25 April 2013, 12:16

So the guru image expert (ya 3ein moulayitein) is giving Hizbullah advice on maintaining a good image! wlak ya friggin leil 3a hal zaman el radi2.