Aoun Vows to Challenge Qahwaji Extension Term if Legal Councils 'Still Function'

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Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun on Friday accused some officials of seeking to extend the term of the army chief while keeping other top posts in the administration vacant, warning his bloc would challenge the extension.

“There is a plot against the cabinet which has the sole authority to propose a bill on the extension” of Gen. Jean Qahwaji's term, which ends this September when he turns 60, Aoun said during a press conference at his residence in Rabieh.

“If the Constitutional Council or Shura Council are still functioning, then they can deal with the challenge that we would make,” Aoun quipped.

Last month, the Constitutional Council failed to address legal challenges to parliament’s extension, after several judges boycotted the meetings due to political interference.

Aoun described Qahwaji's extension as “illegal,” saying it harms army ranks.

“There are a lot of competent officers who can lead the army,” said Aoun, whose Change and Reform bloc has boycotted two consecutive parliamentary sessions that have the extension on the agenda in addition to 44 other draft-laws.

Another session is set for next Monday.

The FPM chief urged officials “to open their files and choose the best” from among the army's ranks, rather than making the extension.

“There are around 179 high-ranking vacant posts in the administration. Why haven’t there been appointments?” he wondered.

Asked about the European Union's decision to blacklist Hizbullah's military wing, Aoun said: “Europe is being controlled by Israel.”

He hinted that the EU's “feeling of guilt” over the Holocaust has pushed it to “commit another mistake” by adding the military wing of Hizbullah to its list of terrorist organizations.

The EU's 28 foreign ministers reached the decision unanimously at their monthly meeting on Monday. The action came after prolonged diplomatic pressure from the United States, the Netherlands and Israel, which consider Hizbullah a terrorist organization.

On the security situation in the country, Aoun said: “The army is not a concierge” in the northern city of Tripoli.

“It should be there to control the situation and not to be murdered in an unclear mission,” he said.

“The government shouldn't distance itself from the incidents in Akkar, Tripoli, Arsal and Sidon,” he told reporters.

He said he urged Caretaker Premier Najib Miqati on several occasions not to steer himself clear of the incidents in the country.

“The army cannot be paralyzed,” he said while lamenting that the “abnormal situation is affecting the morale of the military.”

  • 26 July 2013, 12:16

    Aoun: The EU's feeling of guilt over what happened to Jews has pushed it to commit another mistake.

  • 26 July 2013, 12:15

    Aoun: Europe is being controlled by Israel.

  • 26 July 2013, 12:07

    Aoun: If the Constitutional Council or Shura Council are still functioning, then they can deal with the challenge that we would make in case Qahwaji's term was extended.

  • 26 July 2013, 12:06

    Aoun: There is a plot against the cabinet which has the sole authority to propose a bill on the extension of Qahwaji's term.

  • 26 July 2013, 12:03

    Aoun: They talk about the red diesel and Fatmagul scandals. This is aimed at misleading the public. The two files have been dealt with the Audit Bureau.

  • 26 July 2013, 11:50

    Aoun: The abnormal situation affected the morale of the army.

  • 26 July 2013, 11:49

    Aoun: The army cannot be paralyzed.

  • 26 July 2013, 11:49

    Aoun: I urged the Premier on several occasions not to steer himself clear of the incidents in the country.

  • 26 July 2013, 11:48

    Aoun: The army is not a concierge in Tripoli. It should be there to control the situation and not to be murdered in an unclear mission.

  • 26 July 2013, 11:48

    Aoun: The government shouldn't distance itself from the incidents in Akkar, Tripoli, Arsal and Sidon.

  • 26 July 2013, 11:46

    Aoun: There are around 179 high-ranking vacant posts in the administration. Why hasn't there been appointments?

  • 26 July 2013, 11:46

    Aoun: The extension of Qahwaji's term is illegal and we have the right to challenge it.

  • 26 July 2013, 11:38

    Aoun: Only the national defense law sets the age of the retirement of army officials.

  • 26 July 2013, 11:36

    Aoun: The government is being incapable of making appointments.

  • 26 July 2013, 11:36

    Aoun: Efforts are being exerted to illegally extend Qahwaji's term.

  • 26 July 2013, 11:35

    Aoun: There has been a compilation of resolutions that cancel the Constitution.

Comments 24
Thumb condor 26 July 2013, 12:04

ميشال عون الذي قال في 3 كانون الثاني 2005 ما يلي: "إن مشروعية العمل المسلح لحزب الله تلاشت بعد الإنسحاب الإسرائيلي". وهو نفسه الذي قال في 5 نيسان 2003: "لا أستطيع أن أحاور حزب الله وهو يحمل البندقية، فليضع البندقية جانباً عندها نجلس معاً ونتحاور". وفي 9 نيسان 2002 يقول عون: "قضية مزارع شبعا كذبة، وأنا مسؤول عما أقول. لا يمكننا تعديل الخريطة على مزاجنا، مزارع شبعا ليست لبنانية". وفي 2 نيسان 2000 يصف عون حزب الله بـ "جماعة بقر البطون في الأسرة"، ويسأل "لماذا خافت النساء وهربت الأمهات مع أطفالهن الى المخيمات الاسرائيلية؟ أليس الذي حدث هو نتيجة خطابات بقر البطون
في الأسرة

Thumb condor 26 July 2013, 12:07

برنامج "التيار الوطني الحر" الانتخابي لسنة 2005 "وجاء في حرفياً تحت عنوان "ملحق مسألة حزب الله": ينص كل من القرر 1559 واتفاق الطائف على تجريد كافة الميليشيات من أسلحتها، مما يطرح إشكالية الوجود المسلح لحزب الله. بغض النظر عن رأي هذا الطرف أو ذاك من خيارات حزب الله الإيديولوجية وعلاقاته مع سوريا المشكوك في حسن نواياها تجاه لبنان، فإن عمله العسكري حتى انسحاب القوات الإسرائيلية من جنوب لبنان كان يندرج في إطار مقاومة الإحتلال وفقاً لما تنص عليه قرارات الأمم المتحدة. بعد الإنسحاب الإسرائيلي تلاشت مشروعية العمل المسلح لحزب الله، فخلق أزمة على الصعيدين الوطني والدولي. فهو يضع لبنان في مواجهة القانون الدولي من جهة، ويهدد الوحدة الوطنية من جهة أخرى بوصفه ينم عن احتكار للقرار الوطني من قبل طرف واحد".

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 26 July 2013, 12:30

hey peeps.. check it out.. Lebanese-patriot1 is actually Chinese...
a big bald dude has been calling us darling.. sorry for those cannibals who ate their heart for "her"
now her picture will suddenly change.

Thumb EagleDawn 26 July 2013, 12:30

Aoun: Europe is being controlled by Israel.

Why did you live in Paris for so many years? btw, i voted for Aoun in 2005!!!!!!

Thumb thepatriot 26 July 2013, 13:11

"The EU's feeling of guilt over what happened to Jews has pushed it to commit another mistake."
"Europe is being controlled by Israel."

Definitely Nasralla's mouthpiece!Ridiculous! Tfeh!

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 26 July 2013, 14:53

FT- Aoun's statement is lodicrous to say the least. Any politician at any reputable country stating such would have been laughed out of office. As for the 179 open positions left open, those are open so that whomever ends up in the post can make those appointments. That way they can be the leader and call all the shots, whether it is Aoun's appointee or harrir. Such is the country we live in these days. Sadly!
BTW- don't take what I said about Aoun personally as it is directed at Aoun and not you.

Thumb thepatriot 26 July 2013, 15:27

FT: The Clown of Naharnet!

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 26 July 2013, 17:11

There is no point in having an adult conversation with you when you make comments more ludicrous than aoun. Shame on me for trying.
I should have known better from all my previous conversations with you. Anyway good luck to our beloved Lebanon. Hopefully all these dimwits that are all throwing hissy fits over the black listing will convince HA to leave Syria and they will be removed off of that list in 6 months. It is as simple as that. No need to spew absurd comments on the holocaust or the west persecuting rightwingers. SMH

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 26 July 2013, 17:32

BTW- thanks for informing me of Marine Le Pen. She is the European Mel Gibson (I loved almost all his movies). However, based on what I read about her, she is an ignorant, racist idiot on her best day. that is just my opinion of her. Now- I am done for the day. have a nice day and good luck my friend (if I can have the pleasure of calling you that).

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 26 July 2013, 13:30

ditto to you FT when Hariri, Geagea or whomever else in M14.

if we can spew less hate across the spectrum and just give everyone the same right to talk you speak of it would be perfect. but you are applying double standards and the same applies to you. but you prescription drugs might not work with you folk.

Missing samiam 26 July 2013, 13:50

Why doesn't the general just say he has a family member in mind to take over Qahwaji's post? It would be must easier and straight to the point.

Thumb dasphinx 26 July 2013, 15:03

Intentions? He admitted it implicitly Sherlock!

Missing samiam 26 July 2013, 16:32

you first

Missing samiam 27 July 2013, 00:46

Geagea and others have said the same thing, even his 'allies'--and while we are at it, why is the ex-general AGAINST rotating portfolios if he so against corruption? Interesting stance wouldn't you say for someone who has and anti-corruption stance.

Anyhow, I am pretty good at predicting at what people will say given the information I have--for the most part, I have pegged the ex-general to a tee, whether you and your co-minions like it or not. Sorry I don't drink the kool-aid--I'd rather have a beer instead. I can also think for myself and don't need others to tell me what to say.

Thumb dasphinx 26 July 2013, 14:27

Change and Reform has a new meaning in Lebanon.

Only his relatives are worthy of high office positions. So much for change and reform.

Thumb beiruti 26 July 2013, 14:50

Is there no limit to this guy's promotion of his family members at Lebanon's expense??
He goes on about the law and constitution, but has no idea of how either operate and he consciously violates the law and his duty as a MP constantly.
The government is resigned. The caretaker government cannot make appointments. Until Salaam can put a new government together, there cannot be a new appointment. Salaam has been blocked in forming a government by Aoun's ally Hezbollah who will not agree to a government unless it has a blocking third of the ministerial positions.
Hezbollah does not have the votes in Parliament to work its will, but it has guns in the street to work its will and this monkey at the microphone to give him cover.

Thumb dasphinx 26 July 2013, 15:00

"The real Lebanese patriots?" The ones who sold their souls to the devil chasing the dream of becoming presidents, placing relatives in high posts, and robbing the country blind?

Default-user-icon spitting (Guest) 26 July 2013, 15:08

This old mafioso wants to ruin the country to become president before his untimely death. I will spit on his grave.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 26 July 2013, 17:43

Read the reply FT. And also answered in a polite way. Not sure what the mods are on today. All I said was that to you it might not sound reasonable and to others it is. Just like Aoun. You criticize Geagea as much as anybody else criticizes Aoun. And you and others have said the same about him or Hariri like people do about Aoun. Will get you a few.

Thumb general_puppet 26 July 2013, 17:44

Aoun hinted that theEU's “feeling of guilt” over the Holocaust has pushed it to “commit another mistake” by adding the military wing of Hizbullah to its list of terrorist organizations... Aoun you are an embarrassment, the more you open your the mouth the loonier you sound.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 26 July 2013, 17:44

Read the reply FT. And also answered in a polite way. Not sure what the mods are on today. All I said was that to you it might not sound reasonable and to others it is. Just like Aoun. You criticize Geagea as much as anybody else criticizes Aoun. And you and others have said the same about him or Hariri like people do about Aoun. Will get you a few.

Thumb Senescence 26 July 2013, 18:43

FT, if you use Firefox then help yourself to download Lazarus. It saves (encrypted with a master password if applicable) all submitted forms, very handy.

Missing helicopter 27 July 2013, 07:17

Stop presenting facts please, all minds are already made up.

Missing helicopter 27 July 2013, 07:26

common the1phoenix. The answer is staring you in the face. They are not only ashraf elnas, they are also azka elnas.