Russia Urges Syria to Cooperate on U.N. Chemical Weapons Probe

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Russia on Friday said it had told the Syrian government to cooperate with U.N. experts after reports of a deadly chemical weapons attack outside Damascus, adding it was now up to rebels to allow access to the area.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told U.S. counterpart John Kerry in a phone call that immediately after the reports first emerged the "Russian side called on the Syrian government to cooperate with the U.N. chemical experts," the foreign ministry said in a statement.

"It is now up to the opposition to ensure safe access for the mission to the site of the alleged incident," it added, saying both Lavrov and Kerry agreed on the need for an "objective investigation".

Comments 7
Thumb beiruti 23 August 2013, 15:46

Completely useless to ask the Syrians to help the UN to conduct an investigation that could well result in the Syrian Regime being made the target on a War Crimes tribunal for crimes against humanity. Do the Russions really think that the Assad Regime, whose Job #1 is Survival will participate in its own demise?? Hell, they are gassing their own people so as not to face losing power, so they will work with those who could undo them??

Missing abraham 23 August 2013, 19:24

do you and your buddies have proof of it\
or it is staged as usual

Thumb Senescence 23 August 2013, 19:37

I'm willing to bet it's rebels/Al-Qaida, and reasonable proof also.

Missing samiam 23 August 2013, 22:28

if he's not guilty, why doesn't he let the inspectors in and prove his innocence? they are after all in syria right now.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 23 August 2013, 20:34

hitler (I mean assad) did it

Missing VINCENT 24 August 2013, 00:49

It has been my understanding that, now, Iran and H.A. are in charge of Syria. The sorry excuse of President of the "Free World" has only one plan. He will stall as long as he can not to investigate the C.W attack hopping that it will render in his favor like the "Benghazi" situation. He is afraid that once he digs deep, he will soon find out the order was given by Iran and executed by H.A. This "Nobel Peace Prize" winner will not get his hands dirty and drones will not help him.

Missing formerlebaniz 24 August 2013, 06:22

Obviously we are just too stupid to understand the complexity that entails into allowing the UN inspectors to take a ride to the alleged area of chemical attacks. Obviously it was those Takfiris who carried such a heinous crime after all only them are able to pull such senseless soulless crime and we MUST take the Syrian regimes word for it, there is no need to waste gas and have the inspectors take a useless ride into a dangerous area and have them risk their lives to terrorists the Arab Guardians are battling, lets just accept the word of the Syrian government they do no evil, if you want proof ask Michelle Samaha.

Words can't even begin to describe the scum that are defending this murderous regime it's incomprehensible looking at the dead and justifying it or excusing for the cause. TFEH?!