Africa Will Not Execute Gadhafi Arrest Warrant, Says AU

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African nations will not execute an International Criminal Council arrest warrant issued for Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, an African Union summit announced Friday.

The summit in Equatorial Guinea said the warrant issued last week "seriously complicates" efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict between Gadhafi's forces and Libyan rebels, a text of the decision said.

An assembly of the summit decided that "AU member states shall not cooperate in the execution of the arrest warrant," according to a text of the decisions.

The warrant "seriously complicates the efforts aimed at finding a negotiated political settlement to the crisis in Libya, which will also address, in a mutually reinforcing way, issues related to impunity and reconciliation," it said.

The 53-nation African Union took a similar stance against an ICC warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir in 2009 on charges of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur.

The ICC on June 27 issued warrants for Gadhafi, his son Seif al-Islam, and the head of Libyan intelligence, Abdullah al-Senussi, for atrocities committed in a bloody uprising that began mid-February.

The summit that opened outside the capital Malabo Thursday also agreed on a roadmap out of the Libyan conflict, in which five African leaders are mediating.

Comments 4
Default-user-icon John (Guest) 02 July 2011, 00:35

The ICC does not indict war criminals Like Bush, Blair, and others representing western White regimes. The African and other former colonized states are tired of them indicting only blacks and brown leaders and setting their countries on fire.

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (Guest) 02 July 2011, 02:01

Never understood why any person with half a brain would support a mentally unbalanced person with an inflated ego, imaginary self importance and destructive instincts like Aoun and Jumblat until I realized that Khadafi who embezzled Libya oil revenues, oppressed his people and committed crimes still has supporters. It seems Aoun and Khadafi supporters share the same traits of weak personality impressed by crazy people who shout and insult others. I thought Lebanese were more sophisticated but I’ve been proven wrong. No excuses for not realizing that the survivability of Christians, Druze and all minorities depends on democracy, freedom, sovereignty, justice and independence; the path of Cedar Revolution. Aoun, Jumblat and Miqati have become useful idiots controlled by Assad and Basij and used to assassinate theCedar Revolution dream. The day Christians and Druze realize the extent of damage these two marionettes have inflicted on their communities may be too late to save Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 02 July 2011, 07:36

@ Gebran ,

You can spend all the rest of your life counting the years with your Cedar or Palm revolution 2 or 3 or 4 till 40 , you will never and ever be again in power , like you have been for the last 20 years, stealing the country and the Lebanese .

GMA is back , and since that day , you people stopped sleaping and stopped stealing , because he is watching you and you are affraid from him . He ousted you and your boss Saad eben Rafik from the Grand Sérail , and now from Lebanon .

The subject is about Khadafi , and you Gebran is talking about GMA , insulting him and the PM , because they have stopped corruption , and restored calm and order in the country !!

Lebanon is better off without your kind of people . Soon half of what is left from your revolution will be out of the country " for good " and the other half will be in jail .

Default-user-icon John (Guest) 02 July 2011, 11:37

Gebran...I NEVER SUPPORTED QADAFI. You never get it. The ONLY things war criminals like Bush, Blair, and Lebanon's ONLY enemy Israel want is to divide and conquer. They want the natives to KILL each other so they can control them. You are ALLIED with them to DESTROY your country. I support Democracy..Equality, which you and Rightists like Gebran Tueni NEVER DID.