Report: U.S. Decision to Distance Lebanon from Repercussions of Syria Strike

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

U.S. Ambassador David Hale, who assumed his mission in Beirut on Friday, informed Caretaker Premier Najib Miqati that there is an official decision to steer Lebanon clear of the repercussions of a possible military strike on Syria, An Nahar daily reported on Saturday.

The newspaper said that Hale told Miqati during a meeting they held at the Grand Serail that Washington has officially decided to distance Lebanon from the possible strike against Syria in response to the alleged chemical attack by the regime, which the U.S. administration said killed more than 1,400 people near Damascus.

He stressed that Lebanese airspace will not be used in the strike to prevent any repercussions on Lebanon, An Nahar added.

A statement issued by Miqati's press office Friday, said the diplomat called for isolating Lebanon from any repercussions of the possible military strike

He voiced his support for Lebanon's policy of disassociation. But criticized Hizbullah's participation in the fighting alongside the Syrian regime, which he said will only exacerbate problems for Lebanon.

The State Department on Friday ordered nonessential American diplomats and the families of staffers at the U.S. Embassy to leave Lebanon immediately due to security concerns as the Obama administration and Congress debate the military strikes on Syria.

The step had been under consideration since last week when President Barack Obama said he was contemplating military action against the Syrian government. The administration is concerned that such action may spark reprisal attacks on U.S. interests in the region.

Comments 11
Missing phillipo 07 September 2013, 09:42

How does he intend to steer Lebanon clear, when Iran has already ordered its tail Hizballah to take action upon an American attack on Syria.
Won't US missiles overfly Lebanese territory?

Missing george710 07 September 2013, 11:30

He stressed that Lebanese airspace will not be used in the strike to prevent any repercussions on Lebanon, An Nahar added.
Do you even read the articles or do you just check titles and gossip like a woman?

Missing VINCENT 07 September 2013, 11:38

The proxy war being fought in Syria is between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The outer layers of this conflict are directly linked to Russia's interests in the pipelines, and the West's determination to limit Russia's influence over these assets. People wake up.

Thumb zahle1 07 September 2013, 14:36

I agree, the blind backing of FSA and Nusra by the US, is primarily due to the Saudi relationship. The same Saudi's who fear Iran strength.

Missing VINCENT 07 September 2013, 20:41

And they are the two countries that have not lifted a finger vs. their alleged enemy, Israel. In fact, in this day and age, while information is at our fingertips, those who don't want to stay and die in the dark, can benefit from inquiry knowledge and will find out that both Iran and the Gulf countries, Including Saudi Arabia engage in projects and commerce with Israel. So I guess their hatred towards "Zionism" is very flexible where on one side the term is used to grease their pockets, and on the other side feed b.s. to their people to keep them busy.

Missing phillipo 07 September 2013, 14:14

Remember that also in the late 1980's Lebanon could have had peace on her southern border with Israel, if the then government wouldn't have allowed the Syrian occupiers to tear the agreement up.
Why does anyone think that today Israel wants to occupy a single square meter of Lebanese sovereign territory? Only those who are warmongers keep claiming that.

Thumb Maxx 07 September 2013, 20:46

Phillipo: Remember also that in the early '80s Lebanon almost did sign a peace accord with Israel, but the Syrians assassinated the President-elect (the one figuring on Phoenix's avatar) to prevent him from doing such a thing, since they were afraid that Lebanon might leave the Baathist sphere of influence and prosper like Egypt after Sadat.

Missing VINCENT 08 September 2013, 01:46

Here is the link, Syria doesn't want Lebanon to prosper, get strong and stand on its own two feet. Israel feared the Lebanese Moderate leaders the most since they tend to have strong ties with the West and Gulf countries which has always lead to prosperity. When was the last time, Syria lifted a finger against Israel? Syria needs to benefit from Lebanon, and can not do so if Lebanon does not feel the need for Syria's protection. Syria and Israel must create chaos in Lebanon. H.A. is created with the interference of Israel as a showing of a permanent need for Syria's support. Syria invaded Lebanon, raped Lebanese resources and wealth never lifting a finger to either help the Palestinian cause or against the Zionist enemy. Meanwhile, Iran engages in commerce and projects with Israel.

Missing VINCENT 08 September 2013, 05:56

Funny, why is it that neither Iran, Saudi Arabia or Israel have such deadly division within their respective countries while Syria and Lebanon does?

Thumb eli-g 07 September 2013, 14:43

Phillipo I would give you 10 thumbs up if I could. You are so right. When will the Lebanese specially the 8 camp.get tired of being in a state of war. Have peace and prosper.

Missing helicopter 07 September 2013, 18:05

Since the Resisxtance involves Iran, Syria and HA (it always read HA, not LEBANON).... so Israel will invade, conquer and destroy HA (not LEBANON). According to all reports, there is no mention of Lebanon, HA is the State.