نتنياهو قلق من أحداث سوريا: مساندة سوريا لـ"حزب الله" غير مقبولة

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رأى رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو ان نشوء أنظمة ديكتاتورية على غرار النظام الايراني في الدول العربية مثل النظام المتمثل بـ"حزب الله" في لبنان، يسيء الى الربيع العربي.

وحول رؤيته للإحداث الأخيرة فى سوريا، أكد نتانياهو في حديث لمحطة "العربية" أن بلاده لا تتدخل فى الأحداث الجارية فى سوريا، لكنه أشار فى الوقت نفسه بأن الشعب السورى جدير بمستقبل جيد.

وأوضح: "لكن عدم تدخلنا فى سوريا لا يعنى أننا غير قلقين بشأن ما يجرى هناك أولا نحن نرغب فى إحلال السلام بين البلدين خاصة فى المناطق الحدودية، وثانيا أتمنى التحول إلى السلام الفعلى بين البلدين وثالثا أعتقد أن الشباب السورى يستحق مستقبلا أفضل فنحن لم يكن بيننا وبين سوريا سلام، ولكنها كانت حالة من اللا سلم واللا حرب، على الرغم من المفاوضات السرية للتقدم نحو سلام فعلى، لكن ما هو غير مقبول فى الأمر أن سوريا تساند حزب الله وإيران".

التعليقات 3
Default-user-icon Jinan Smeha (ضيف) 14:17 ,2011 تموز 22

Listen to this hypocrite. Is he serious? Has he forgotten that all arab dictators are the friends of israel and have helped them survive and thrive? Not to mention the al saud family who even helped them come in to existence via their deal with the british colonialists!!!!! Moreover, the will of the arab people is to have israel removed from the middle east because its nothing but an extention of colonialism based on land that doesnt belong to them. Israel thinks that if they find a couple of token arabs to do some propaganda for them in exchange for cash and fame this means arabs will eventually like and accept israel - IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Never, not in a million years. The zionist entity is unnatural and can never survive in the middle east. Even if hadnt murdered the over 100000 people it has murdered nor destroyed everything they destroyed nor caused all the harm it has caused, it still couldnt survive because its existance is based on having a state on land they steal.

Default-user-icon SaturN (ضيف) 14:59 ,2011 تموز 22


Do you know what they say in Iraq? Israel is too kind, it has killed 100,000 people in 50 years. Saddam Hussein had killed 100,000 of his own people in a day.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 17:53 ,2011 تموز 22

Mr. Netanyahu, you are bad for Arabs, your Israeli government is bad for Arabs. It is true that Hezbollah is bad for Arabs. So, if you are bad for Arabs and Hezbollah is bad for a
Arabs, then you both are from the same place and one,feeds off of the other. Hezbollah needs Israel to justify it's armed presence in Lebanon, and Israel needs Hezbollah in Lebanon to Justify itself to it's American patrons and to keep the flow of money coming,as well as the vetoes in the UN coming from the US.
It is in the interest of both Hezbollah and Israel that the adversary remain strong and threatening so that each may justify the other. Meanwhile, ordinary Lebnese suffer the Los os theirt state, and ordinary Israelis are made to continue to live the ghetto life.

In other words, from the people, Netanyahu go to he'll, and take your little fat rat with you.