هلع ويأس بعد انفجار ستاركو: لم يعد هناك أي مكان آمن

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خلف انفجار السيارة المفخخة في وسط بيروت الذي أودى بحياة الوزير السابق محمد شطح مشهد دمار وحالة هلع بين مواطنين شعروا بانه "لم يعد هناك اي مكان آمن" في لبنان.

وقال علي عون، وهو عامل نظافة كان في الشارع يقوم بعمله عندما دوى الانفجار على مقربة منه، "كان صوت الانفجار قويا الى درجة ان كل الابنية اهتزت من حولي. لا اصدق انني مازلت على قيد الحياة".

على الارض قرب مكان الانفجار وفي قطر واسع من شوارع العاصمة المجاورة، تناثرت شظايا الزجاج.

وتسبب الانفجار الذي اسفر عن مقتل ستة اشخاص واصابة اكثر من خمسين بجروح، باضرار بالغة في الابنية المجاورة واحتراق عدد من السيارات.

وكان شطح مستشارا مقربا من رئيس الحكومة الأسبق سعد الحريري.

ووقع الانفجار على بعد مئات الامتار من منزل سعد الحريري المعروف ب"بيت الوسط" الذي كان شطح متوجها اليه لحضور اجتماع لقيادات قوى 14 آذار، وايضا على بعد مئات الامتار من المكان الذي قتل فيه رفيق الحريري و21 شخصا آخر في حادث تفجير ضخم في شباط 2005 قرب فندق سان جورج.

وقال زياد، رجل اعمال رفض الكشف عن اسم عائلته، "هذه المنطقة يفترض انها آمنة، او لعلها الاكثر امنا في كل البلد"، مضيفا "لم يعد هناك مكان آمن. ليتني استطيع ان آخذ زوجتي واولادي وارحل الى اي مكان".

وفور وقوع الانفجار، ارتفعت غيمة رمادية ضخمة في سماء المنطقة، بينما اندلعت النيران في عدد من السيارات، وتضررت عشرة ابنية على الاقل تضم مقاهي ومحالا تجارية ومكاتب.

وامكن رؤية شظايا الزجاج وبقع الدماء متناثرة هنا وهناك في منطقة تكون عادة شديدة النظافة اذ تعتبر الواجهة الجميلة لبيروت وتضم العديد من الوزارات والمقار الرسمية والمصارف والفنادق.

ورأى حاتم، وهو حارس مبنى كان يقف على بعد امتار من مكان الانفجار، "هذا الاعتداء هو رسالة الى الجميع في لبنان مفادها: اي كان يمكن ان يقتل في اي وقت في اي مكان. البلاد تتجه نحو الخراب".

واضاف "اسوأ شعور هو الشعور بانعدام الامن. انفجار سيارة مفخخة يمكن ان يطال ايا كان في اي مكان، لا يمكن التنبؤ به او اخذ احتياطات".

وعبرت جويل، وهي موظفة في احد المكاتب، عن خوفها قائلة "اشعر بالرعب. كنت في مقر عملي. واصيب عدد من زملائي بجروح علما انهم كانوا داخل مكاتبهم. ماذا يعني هذا؟ أن لا نستطيع حتى الذهاب الى العمل؟".

وتابعت "لا احد يستحق ان يموت بهذه الطريقة".

وقال رجل اعمال كويتي وصل لتوه الى لبنان، ان ما حصل "مأسوي" و"سيؤثر سلبا على الاقتصاد اللبناني".

واضاف رافضا الكشف عن اسمه "هذا يعني ان احدا لن يجرؤ بعد اليوم على المجيء الى لبنان للقيام باعمال".

من جهته قال ذو الفقار، وهو لبناني كان يرافقه، "الناس يأتون الى وسط العاصمة ليلا للسهر، والى العمل في وسط العاصمة كل يوم. انا مصدوم".

وشاهد مصورون في وكالة فرانس برس عددا من السياح الاجانب يحملون امتعتهم ويغادرون فندقين في وسط العاصمة بعد وقت قصير من الانفجار.

في محيط منزل الوزير السابق محمد شطح، امتعت العائلة عن الكلام مع وسائل الاعلام. وقال الصحافيون العائلة في "حالة حزن وغضب شديد".

وقالت سيدة قريبة من شطح رفضت الكشف عن اسمها لوكالة فرانس برس وهي تجهش بالبكاء "انها رسالة. هم يقولون لنا. تريدون عدالة؟ خذوا هذه العدالة".

التعليقات 26
Thumb geha 16:02 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

hizbushaitan: experts at bombing the Lebanese way of life.
hizbushaitan: murderers, terrorists, bombers, kidnappers, traitors, drug traffickers, assassins,...
hizbushaitan: Iranians.

hizbushaitan: get out of my Lebanon.

Thumb primesuspect 16:04 ,2013 كانون الأول 27


Missing imagine_1979 16:49 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

Not even worth replying to...

Default-user-icon smart idiot (ضيف) 20:40 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

wlak it's the allahu snackbarians...the extremists who load cars up with explosives..al nusra. you idiot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bFkC44ndYxI

Thumb beiruti 16:10 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

On Wednesday, President Sulieman said that he could accept a fait accompli neutral cabinet, that is, one in which neither Hezbollah nor any other political party could hold a veto. Yesterday, Naim Kassem, in response to the President's suggestion voiced strong opposition and said "All options are open".

Last night Safadi is assassinated by car bomb. Message delivered by Hezbollah -- don't think about doing anything independently with the Lebanese government because we know where you all live, how you go to work and we can kill any of you Lebanese, anytime, anywhere.

And then they want dialogue!

Thumb Mystic 16:12 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

Oh come on, what about the Dahiyeh bombing? You guys didn't say anything back then, just "good riddance" Lebanon has been through harder times than these.

Thumb primesuspect 16:15 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

We shjt on dahya and its criminal people.

Thumb geha 16:24 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

the dahiyeh bombing is the result of hizbushaitan fighting in Syria. they made good friends there, and those friends returned one of their gifts.
although we are against it, we have nothing to do with that.
but this assassination and all the other assassinations of m14 personalities is clearly the doing of hizbushaitan, and that has been proven over time.

Thumb geha 16:35 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

I have no sectarian hate: I hate hizbshaitan, the Iranian extremist terrorist militia, same as I hate sunni extremists and takfiris.

Thumb Mystic 17:29 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

And the Israeli bombing 2006 that you guys praised aswell? Way before the Syrian conflict. What do you call that genius?

Thumb Mystic 17:29 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

funny thing, that i never hear you complain about the takfiris geha.

Missing imagine_1979 16:53 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

U know when gebran teuini got assassinated some stupid people also distributed baklawa... Yes there is hatred and it is sad but since 2005 (2004 marqan hmadeh) all POLITICAL assassinations target march 14 anti syrian regim politicians and all u hv to say is israel... U r really acting in a way pushing all the rest of the lebanese to hatery... Political leaders are being assassinated one after the other... (Even nbn journalist said outload after eido assassination:3a 2bell fatfat...) what a shame, tfou

Thumb beiruti 16:13 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

Sure it is jumping to conclusions. But then, when Hezbollah suffers a hit, before the smoke is clear and the glass swept up, Nasrallah with all of the intelligence capacities of Hezbollah gets on the big screen and declares that the case has been investigated and the culprits are, of course the dreaded tikfiris or the Israelis or some other similar boogie man.
So with this latest killing of an M14 figure, why not find, accuse and convict Hezbollah now, rather than going through the charade of a State investigation. Kassem telegraphed this event yesterday with his comment that "all options are open".

Thumb beiruti 16:17 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

Do not think that Hezbollah wants a Lebanon like we have all known, or a cosmopolitan Beirut. No, this is not their vision. The Hezbollah glorifies the culture of death and martyrdom; existence in a constant state of war so that this culture of death can flourish. They have chosen Lebanon as their home base for this culture.
The Lebanese must wake up to this reality if they are to remain in their country and recognize it as their country rather than some dystopia future land that is a nightmare for the Lebanese, the region and the world. The Hunger Games is fiction in the States, but is fast becoming reality in Lebanon. Wake up Lebanese, rise up and excise this cancer from your body politic before you become too weak to resist "the resistance".

Thumb geha 16:38 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

you are one of the most stupid persons I know.
or you are an intelligent person whose job is to come here to post comments in favor of hizbushaitan and aoun.
both ways: go back to iran on your own please.

Thumb beiruti 16:46 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

Really FT? Ever been on the road to Zahle through Chtoura. The boulevards are lined with yellow and green banners with the sullen faces of the Hezbollah dead, glorifying their loss. This is not Dahye or the South.
The families gladly give their sons and daughters over to the killing machine of Hezbollah since the family gets a monetary stipend for each son or daughter that they give over to death as a martyr. So there is praise in the mosque and jingle in the pockets derived from putting Lebanese Shia into the meatgrinder that is the Hezbollah vision of perpetual war and strife.

Thumb beiruti 17:07 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

Yes I know it is in Baalbek, Hermal and so forth, but there are not so many Hezbolli in Zahle, where my family is from. Yet, to get in or out of Zahle going either Dahr Bidr or through Metn, you must pass the martyr's banners. And your post FT reference the South and Dahye as Hezbollah areas, not these areas. I am glad to see that your amended comment acknowledges that Hezbollah's presence is not just limited to where Shia have a demographic majority, but they make their presence known all over the country.

Thumb beiruti 17:37 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

Yes, true FT, its even more difficult to confine 2/3 of the Lebanese population to a few villages on Mount Lebanon to please your fantasy.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:27 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

"Street cleaner Ali Aoun" : this is most probably the bastard child of Michel Aoun and Hassan Nasrallah. Was he the one to plant the bomb ?

Thumb proudm14 15:43 ,2013 كانون الأول 28


Thumb FlameCatcher 17:45 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

Iran is safe too ... no explosions there ... yet !

Thumb beiruti 18:18 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

Look at your post of 1 hour ago, FT, you said "hezb martyrs are only honored in their respective areas (south and dahye) while you hijack martyrs that arent even yours (hawi, bashir gemayel, moawad, etc) and post them on all lebanese roads and in all areas to draw sympathy and emotional support from your emotional fanbase."

I'm not making this stuff up.

Default-user-icon M8M14SuckA** (ضيف) 18:34 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

Lebanese politicians want more Lebanese to leave the country to make room for the new Lebanese who are pouring into the country from Syria. So like a good Lebanese, leave Lebanon, work hard, and send your money back to Lebanon to support corrupt politicians. This is the only way to keep the economy (scratch that) to sustain these corrupt politicians.

Missing helicopter 19:40 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

Shatah was the ninth high-profile anti-Syria figure killed (by Israel according to HA and M8) in Lebanon since ex-PM Rafik Hariri's assassination in 2005.
*** According to M14 theory, Syria and HA are behind the killings.
*** According to HA and M8, Israel is killing the Anti-Syria M14 leaders .... proving M14 theory that Assad, HA and Israel are allies (alliance of necessity).
Neither theory is good for the image of HA or M8.

Default-user-icon Qaslab (ضيف) 20:21 ,2013 كانون الأول 27

Every dog has his day ... Nasrallahs day will come , hopefully sooner. Two ways I see this ending;

1 We hand over the gov to HA once and for all .
2 We arm ourselves and get dirty and overthrow them , they will never seize to be what they are unless we seize their existence in life.

Missing peace 01:10 ,2013 كانون الأول 28

as usual stupid M8ers say it is M14 that killed one of its own...again! they are so stupid they cannot even realize how ridicule they sound! LOL