مجلس النواب الاميركي يتبنى اقتراحا يتيح معاقبة المصارف التي تمول حزب الله

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تبنى مجلس النواب الاميركي الثلاثاء بالاجماع اقتراح قانون يتيح فرض عقوبات على المصارف الاجنبية التي تمول حزب الله الذي تعتبره الولايات المتحدة تنظيما ارهابيا.

ويتطلب الاقتراح موافقة مجلس الشيوخ ليدخل حيز التنفيذ من دون تحديد موعد لذلك.

ويهدف اقتراح القانون الى استبعاد حزب الله من النظام المالي الدولي، وخصوصا اللبناني، عبر السماح بفرض عقوبات اميركية على المؤسسات والبنوك المركزية التي تضطلع بدور الوسيط في مبادلات لمصلحة حزب الله، وخصوصا عبر انشطة تبييض الاموال. وفي حال كهذه، سيحظر على هذه المؤسسات الوصول الى النظام المالي الاميركي.

واوضح النائب الديموقراطي اليوت انغل الثلاثاء ان الهدف هو "شل" حزب الله على غرار العقوبات التي فرضت على ايران.

ويدعو جانب اخر من الاقتراح الرئيس الاميركي الى ان يصنف حزب الله رسميا كتنظيم يمارس تهريب المخدرات.

وادرجت الولايات المتحدة حزب الله على قائمتها للتنظيمات الارهابية العام 1995، فيما اتخذ الاتحاد الاوروبي هذه الخطوة العام 2013.

واذا كان هذا القانون يهدف الى توسيع العقوبات الاميركية في القطاع المالي، فان واشنطن فرضت في الاعوام الاخيرة عقوبات محددة على افراد وكيانات لبنانية لصلتها بحزب الله.

ففي العاشر من تموز ، ادرجت وزارة الخزانة على لائحتها السوداء مجموعة "ستارز غروب هولدنغ" التي مقرها في بيروت والمتهمة بمساعدة التنظيم اللبناني في حيازة معدات عسكرية.

وفي نيسان 2013، اتهمت الولايات المتحدة شركتين لبنانيتين لتحويل الاموال بالضلوع في شبكة لتهريب المخدرات مرتبطة بحزب الله.

وفي شباط 2011، فرضت وزارة الخزانة عقوبات على البنك اللبناني الكندي متهمة اياه بتبييض مئات ملايين الدولارات مصدرها شبكة لتهريب المخدرات. ومذذاك، تمت تصفية هذا البنك الذي سدد 102 مليون دولار للسلطات الاميركية في حزيران 2013 لتجنب الملاحقات.

التعليقات 15
Thumb _mowaten_ 10:20 ,2014 تموز 23

they actually did. this is just for show, because they love to hear themselves talk and shower the world with their self-righteous preaches

Default-user-icon Ruzaj Shlambo (ضيف) 11:18 ,2014 تموز 23

Too bad for the delegation that had plans to visit the monuments in the US this year!!!

Thumb geha 11:55 ,2014 تموز 23

thank you hizbushaitan for destroying what is left of my country: the banking system.

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 14:21 ,2014 تموز 23

watch the slow death of the lebanese pasderan... at the end they all bark and the USA do what they want.

Thumb nickjames 16:20 ,2014 تموز 23

It's hilarious when it's been proven that Hezbollah used banks to launder drug money (Lebanese Canadian Bank), yet people still argue that they are a "resistance," or in Binary Flamethrower's words "pro-Lebanon." What is pro-Lebanon about laundering drug money? So they can maintain their telecoms and fly drones over Israel? The United States has every right to blacklist Hezbollah, and anyone who conducts business with them should be incarcerated. You do remember that Lebanese Canadian bank was shut down, right? Isn't that proof that they are a "narcotics trafficking organisation" as this bill suggests?

Thumb nickjames 17:21 ,2014 تموز 23

No Southern, I'm gonna spew my hate on you and Binary. And tell me, what's wrong with being Hezbollah's enemy? What's wrong with not laundering drug money? What's wrong with not dealing drugs? And yes my opinion does count, because I think as objectively as I possibly can. I don't go with what my parents and schools taught me. I read articles and forums, and I develop my own honest opinion.

Thumb nickjames 17:24 ,2014 تموز 23

What about you, Southern? You believe what your parents taught you, that Hezbollah is defending the state and can do so by any means possible? Were you taught that all who oppose Hezbollah are enemies of the state? Were you taught that Muslims who have views different from those of Hezbollah are takfiri? Were you taught that Lebanon is Iran's "first line of defence against Israel"?

Thumb nickjames 17:30 ,2014 تموز 23

And before you call me an American-Zionist-takfiri, I am American, and have lived in Lebanon. I've seen both sides of the world. But I don't defend America blindly, I don't agree with all their policies, which brings me up to this policy: you can defend Bashar all you want, and you can say America is supporting the takfiri. But here's the truth buddy: America is the only reason Bashar is still alive.

Thumb nickjames 17:32 ,2014 تموز 23

To the US, Israel's security (which the Assad's have ensured over the years) comes before a democratic revolution. The US will continue to let thousands of Syrians die if it means Assad can ensure Israel's security. His overthrow is gonna lead to attacks against Israel which is what the US does not want. And me, being not only American but also Lebanese, am against this policy of keeping Bashar in power.

Thumb nickjames 17:35 ,2014 تموز 23

Syria teaches (or taught, as all the schools have been destroyed) students that Lebanon is part of Syria. If you, Southern, are truly Lebanese, wouldn't that bother you? Wouldn't it bother you if someone who disrespected your country by claiming you're part of another country? Or is the "axis of the resistance" your priority?

Thumb kanaandian 01:13 ,2014 تموز 24

the us only permits and funds al qaida, isis, the muslim brotherhood terrorist organization and other islamist slime. of course im not advocating permitting hezbo to get money from US, but make it neutral and ban al qaida (well the us should stop funding them) so its fair.

Thumb nickjames 01:45 ,2014 تموز 24

The US funded al-Qaeda in the 1980s to kick the Soviets out of Afghanistan. When Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, Saudi Arabia rejected al-Qaeda's support and instead allowed Americans to deploy in Saudi. This is when al-Qaeda turned against America. Today, the US supports Saudi, and Saudi funds the terrorists, but that doesn't mean the US is funding the terrorists. Saudi Arabia, with all its petrodollars, can fund terrorists free of US influence.

Thumb nickjames 01:48 ,2014 تموز 24

Bin Laden was banished from Saudi Arabia, his citizenship was revoked, remember Kanaan? And what about 9/11? You really think that America would support al-Qaeda, after the War on Terror? The US wants Bashar to stay in power because he ensure's Israel's security. With that being said, why would they support al-Qaeda, who's trying to get rid of him?

Default-user-icon adee (ضيف) 00:51 ,2014 تموز 25

HIZBULLAH is not tererst obama is tererst israel is tererst america is tererst

Default-user-icon saiq (ضيف) 00:55 ,2014 تموز 25

HIZbullah is no tererst who killing children in gaza they are tererst obama is terrst israel is terst america is terrst