بري "يتصل بالحريري مستعجلاً" الهبتين السعوديتين للقوى الامنية

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استعجل رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري الى السعي لوضع الهبتين السعوديتين للجيش اللبناني والقوى الامنية موضع التنفيذ.

وأفادت المعلومات الصحافية، الاربعاء، ان بري أجرى اتصالاً هاتفياً بالحريري، طالباً منه السعي والعمل على وضع هبتي المليار دولار المقدم من السعودية زائد الثلاثة مليارات موضع التنفيذ لتسليم الجيش الاسلحة والعتاد المطلوبين.

وأعلن الحريري مطلع آب الجاري تقديم السعودية هبة جديدة بقيمة مليار دولار إلى الجيش والقوى الأمنية لغرض "مواجهة الإرهاب".

وكان قد سبق للمملكة ان اعلنت في كانون الاول 2013 عن هبة بقيمة ثلاثة مليارات دولار مخصصة لشراء اسلحة من فرنسا لصالح الجيش اللبناني.

وفي اجتماع طلب بري الثلاثاء عقده مع سفراء الدول الدائمة العضوية في مجلس الامن والممثل الشخصي للامين العام للامم المتحدة في لبنان ديريك بلامبلي، شدد على ضرورة تسليح الجيش اللبناني استنادا الى اللوائح والحاجات التي قدمها قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي في هذا الخصوص.

وطالب بري السفراء بـ"تأمين جسر جوي للجيش لانه يخوض معركة ضد الارهاب. وهذا هو أساس طلبي لهذا الاجتماع".

التعليقات 11
Thumb ex-fpm 08:19 ,2014 آب 27

Instead of asking Harriri to speed up arms delivery, why don't you hand over AMAL and HA arms over to the LAF. That would be the fastest way of arming the LAF

Default-user-icon wiseman (ضيف) 11:37 ,2014 آب 27

Anytime zone, any capital city, any continent I am in and whenever I attempt to read some Lebanese news I find you commenting Flamethrower with the same sectarian hateful rhetoric. Do you have a job or friends..... Mishmaoul ya Zalami

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:30 ,2014 آب 27

ex-pm: when iran offered to arm lebanon with the most advanced weapons they have. who refused?

if you envy HA's weapons so much, then why not accept the even better weapons iran was ready to offer the LAF? oh i see, that's just a pretext to strip HA from its weapons and place them in some hangar where israel can destroy them easily.
i trust the LAF, but not the sold out politicians in m14 who were in 2006 covertly advising and working for israel and encouraging it to occupy south lebanon. just a slimy pack of snakes.

Default-user-icon cityboy (ضيف) 12:43 ,2014 آب 27

Interesting comment you make mowaten or whatever you call yourself. You had your hezbullah government for 3 years with no political opponents. Why didn't you accept arming the army with iranian weapons....

Default-user-icon iranian citizen (ضيف) 12:48 ,2014 آب 27

who prevented you from accepting the iranian sophisticated weapons when HA had its one sided government for 2 and half years....who refused? Such a decision requires cabinet approval and even if it requires parliament approval, it would need simple majority which M8 easily enjoyed in Parliament. Stop your cheap propaganda and face the facts. HA does not want the LAF armed and is ready to politicize this matter to discredit its opponents.

Default-user-icon iranian citizen (ضيف) 14:33 ,2014 آب 27

flamethrower stop hiding behind your finger. What parliament majority? Before you offer such fallacies as an answer, a serious government would have pursued the iranian offer, approved it, and sent it to parliament if indeed that was the case. To sit here and claim HA government "KNEW" in advance arming the LAF with iranian weapons would not pass is a lame excuse and proof of your distorted logic.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:18 ,2014 آب 27

the miqati government (who is not m8, at all) didnt have "3 years" but 20 months (less than 2 years) with less than 10 months between may 2012 and miqati's resignation.
knowing every project m8 tried to implement was paralyzed by miqati and his finance goon (safadi) who kept going and coming back from riyadh, it's pretty obvious to see who was behind the obstruction.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:21 ,2014 آب 27

anonyme you can keep your "dares" as you were the one to open that subject here
then disappeared when i answered.
the comments here (both "iranian citizen" who is seemingly you writing under a guest account, and mine) are the same as there.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:02 ,2014 آب 27

lame excuse anonyme, you posted your comment at 8:30pm, if you thought i'm willing to spend my evenings with you, i'm sorry but you're going to be disappointed. many discussions are continued the next day, you just need to keep a tab open in your browser it's not rocket science.

as for miqati cabinet, only ignorants and liars will claim it was an m8 cabinet.
miqati never was and never will be m8, and the prime minister is the single most powerful position in the whole of lebanon.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:08 ,2014 آب 27

nabatieh "this mowaten has no life,.. i have seen him go back and repost and recheck articles from 3 days before."

hahahah thanks for the laugh habibi. if i have no life, what do you have? how do you know what i did with "articles from 3 days before"?
if i'm a no-lifer, you're the one observing and monitoring the activity a no-lifer... that's sad.. very sad

Thumb eli-g 16:05 ,2014 آب 27

the money is needed for the elections nothing else. Arming the LF is a lie. Al shoo, arming the LF al.