رعد للحريري: الصمت عن "إبادة" السعودية لليمنيين لا يرتضيه إلا "الجهلة أو الجبناء"

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رد رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد الخميس بقوة على رئيس تيار "المستقبل" النائب سعد الحريري معتبرا أن المقارنة بين تجربتي اليمن ولبنان وعلاقة إيران بهما "خطأ فادح"، جازما أن الصمت عن "العدوان" السعودي على اليمن لن يقبل به "إلا الجبناء".

وقال رعد في بيان الخميس "نتفهم حراجة وضع الشيخ سعد وضيق صدره في هذه اللحظة الزمنية خصوصا ازاء كل ما ننتقد به زعماء السعودية وسياساتهم الخرقاء وعدوانهم الفاشل على اليمن وشعبه".

وكان قد اكد رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري الأربعاء ان ايران تعمل "منذ سنين على استنتساخ حزب الله في اليمن" معتبراً ان عاصفة الحزم وجدت لـ"منع هذا الخطأ".

وهنا اعتبر رعد ان "قياس ما جرى في لبنان على ما يجري في اليمن هو خطأ فادح وامعان في سوء التقدير والمكابرة

ورأى في الوقت عينه أن "الصمت عما يرتكبه هؤلاء من جنايات وابادة للمدنيين ومكابرة في محاولة مصادرة ارادة الشعب اليمني وفرض وكيل لهم حاكما هناك، هو صمت لا يرتضيه إلا العبيد أو الجهلة أو الجبناء".

وإذ رأى في المقابل أن "الاساءة تكمن في تبرير العدوان والتصفيق له"، وصف رئيس كتلة "حزب الله" المملكة الخليجية بـ"الشقيق المرتكب والمغرور (..) الذي يحتاج فعلا الى من يقول بوجهه كلمة الحق دون مجاملة او نفاق".

إلى ذلك شدد على "الطعن المشبوه بدور ايران (..) قد يكون توظيفا تافها وإرتزاقا رخيصا يحترفه البعض المعروف في لبنان، في سياق التملق أو عرض الخدمات للدول المعادية".

عليه دعا رعد "الشيخ سعد الحريري وكل فريقه والمتعاونين معه إلى وقفة ضمير ومراجعة موضوعية لسياساتهم المعتمدة، خصوصا في هذه اللحظة التي يظهر فيها الافق المسدود لما سمي "عاصفة الحزم" السعودية".

كما شدد على "اهمية عدم تخريب لبنان واثارة النعرات المذهبية والتحريض لمصلحة المعتدين"، لافتا في الختام إلى "الحرص المشترك على مواصلة الحوار الذي باشرناه وسنكمل فيه معا"، مع تيار "المستقبل".


التعليقات 40
Missing peace 19:21 ,2015 نيسان 09

i guess that is why he stays silent over the genocide of the syrian people and their displacement...as he is a coward....

Missing peace 19:22 ,2015 نيسان 09

“It also stems from the failure to acknowledge the will of the people by instead treating them as pawns to serve the interests of other powers,” he explained.

funny coz it is EXACTLY what hezbollah has denied the syrian people....

Missing peace 19:24 ,2015 نيسان 09

“But remaining silent over the crimes against civilians and the will of the Yemeni people can only be accepted by slaves, ignorants, or cowards,” he stated.

he is a slave an ignorant and a coward as he silences the crimes bashar has commited against syrian civilians but rather support them! ....

hezbollah is in a very critical phase that is why they need to bark to make people forget how desperate their situation is.....

Thumb galaxy 19:21 ,2015 نيسان 09

why are these terrorists so interested in what happens in Yemen? Don't we have enough problems of our own. It seems their sectarian hate and farsi roots control them at all times. The more I read how much hatred they have inside of them, the more I believe the Saudis did the right thing.

Thumb freedomarch 21:55 ,2015 نيسان 09

Excelent analysis galaxy.

Thumb kanaandian 19:25 ,2015 نيسان 09

its not a genocide yet but it has the potential to be one. in neighboring pakistan, who vowed "by allah" to defend the terrorist realm of ksa against the houthis, they have genocide campaign against shia muslims. brutally masscaring them routinely, as with the christians and sometimes sufis. they are butchers. hariri unfortunately is a saudi national, he should have honor and relinquish this citizenship as a former prime minister of lebanon, if not, i am afraid to say this man is a saudi at heart.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 00:04 ,2015 نيسان 10

kanaandian - Define a genocide and tell us how many Shia were killed in Pakistan over the last few years. Now tell us how many Sunni civilians were butchered in Syria over the last few years by the Assad regime.

Missing peace 19:44 ,2015 نيسان 09

the cowards are the ones like you who apply double hypocrit standards....
praising the "will" of people if they support iran but spitting on it if the contrary...

Thumb Mystic 20:03 ,2015 نيسان 09

Yes peace, you are a very good definition of a coward, so glad you could join us in here.

You need to set an example for all the other cowards my old friend.

Missing peace 20:39 ,2015 نيسان 09

it is you who has double standards not me...you defend yemeni people but deny the syrians the same....

but too coward to admit it and assume it like a man...

Thumb Mystic 20:57 ,2015 نيسان 09

I do stand with the Syrian people, against the Saudi backed takfiris of ISIS & Al Nusra etc.

Ofcourse you do not blame the takfiris at all for Syrias suffering, not even remembering it was one of the worlds most peaceful countries in year 2010 before the war.

Thumb Mystic 21:32 ,2015 نيسان 09

So ISIS, Al Nusra, Ahrar Al Sham etc. They just came out of nowhere right? Typical mostaqbal, takfiris seems to be invisible to them, just as when they ordered their salafis from Tripoli to enter Syria from Lebanon in 2011, same takfiris that did the Halba Massacre in 2008 by the way.

People are beginning to wake up from your lies, I remember the whole world condemned Assad back in the day, now people are finally understanding this Gulf propaganda was an umbrella for ISIS & Nusra all along.

The few peaceful protests there were, got promised reforms and else. It was the takfiris from outside and even within that started this disaster, the world do not care for takfiri freedom, only Syrias freedom and Assad will provide them that.

Missing peace 19:46 ,2015 نيسان 09

who cares what saudis do as long as they do not bring their war in Lebanon... yemen is none of lebanese business apart for hezbollah or hariri to try and look important...

Default-user-icon yul (ضيف) 19:48 ,2015 نيسان 09

batikh ykassir ba3do !

Thumb Mystic 19:48 ,2015 نيسان 09

The Ansarullah will fight to the end, as the first Resistance group to advance towards the Wahabis in Riyadh.

Love & Respect -


Thumb ansarullah 20:08 ,2015 نيسان 09

ansarullah like all chiaas are men of god, but they also have nuclear weapons

Thumb Mystic 20:27 ,2015 نيسان 09

Very good, we have a Wahabi drone in here that can spread this picture around on the Internet, so they can all know that the Resistance stands with the Ansarullah.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 00:01 ,2015 نيسان 10

Hezbollah, Ansarullah, Hussein Brigade, .... And they accuse others of being salafist! HA supports the biggest murder in the Middle East and they do not see the hypocrisy of it all.

Thumb ex-fpm 19:49 ,2015 نيسان 09

One has to remain within certain limits on a forum such as this. But, I will say this:
The Genocide in Syria is invisible to you and your Iranian bosses.
The Genocide in Iraq and the horrific crimes (since the American invasion) that are still being committed by your shia militias are also invisible to your tender heart.

You people have proven you were never Lebanese or Arab but Iranians and part of the "borderless iranian nation". Keep screaming it means you're hurting. Well done KSA

Default-user-icon jaafar ibn iblees (ضيف) 19:52 ,2015 نيسان 09

is that a martyred huthi jihadi iranian terrorist family in your avatar, God Forbid?

Default-user-icon illegitimate&illiterate.southern (ضيف) 20:10 ,2015 نيسان 09

best comment of the day
so well said
and indeed

Thumb barrymore 20:21 ,2015 نيسان 09

"“Only ignorants and cowards remain silent " "“But remaining silent over the crimes against civilians and the will of the Yemeni people can only be accepted by slaves, ignorants, or cowards,”

then he says addressing Hariri: "“They should instead focus on avoiding destroying Lebanon and avoiding stirring sectarian tensions,”


Thumb ashtah 20:34 ,2015 نيسان 09

like his boss, he contradicts himself 10 times in one sentence.

Thumb ashtah 20:33 ,2015 نيسان 09

We still have no president, our institutions are paralyzed, our economy is shrinking, unemployment is soaring, we have 1.5 million refugees, our agricultural exports are halted, and we have hezbollah obsessed about yemen and dragging us into another war.

Thumb EagleDawn 20:36 ,2015 نيسان 09

7 iranian slaves agreed with flamethrower so far, alas.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:56 ,2015 نيسان 09

I am seeing quite a few frowning faces lately. I see Sayed Hassan's, Michel Al Capaoun Claoun's, I see Mohamed Raad's, Nabih Ali Baba Berri's, in fact the list is growing too fast for me to recall all them frowning faces. Yemen my dear Mr. Raad, who now is frowning even more than ever is a reality. It's a reality that you, your boss Sayed Hassan and the bosses of Sayed Hassan in Iran will now have to face to the bitter end and for quite a few more years to come. Now why is that? because your imperialist Iran had big dreams, that of Persia, yeah, the Persia that ruled all the Middle East. Mr. Raad, you people felt that you were working quietly, maybe even feeling unnoticed, but there you are, you guys got caught up. Now you have yourselves an open conflict between Iran and the KSA, proof is that you and your Hezbollah are nothing more than pawns in the paws of a bigger aspirant.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:13 ,2015 نيسان 10

@phoenix.bani.plo, pray as much as you can that I don't find your mom, :)

Default-user-icon TheTruthComeOutInTheEnd (ضيف) 20:57 ,2015 نيسان 09

someday you will all wake up and realize that both sides are playing you: Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Thumb beiruti 21:04 ,2015 نيسان 09

Great! Nice deescalation of the rhetoric. Especially over an issue that has NOTHING to do with Lebanon, but everything to do with Iran and it's proxy, Hezbollah.

Thumb freedomarch 22:13 ,2015 نيسان 09

KSA ONL? Raad, sorry you forgot almost all the arabic world including. USA and Europe all ok this move toward houthis. Hope this will stop soon and spare rhe blood of innocent people from all sides. We just won't allow an iranian backed militia in our yard just like you hizb zbelleh.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 21:09 ,2015 نيسان 09

Only murderers give cover to the party operatives hiding in Dahyé and elsewhere. Only criminal thugs murder their fellow citizens and arab brethren to side with the basij paymasters!

Missing humble 21:38 ,2015 نيسان 09

Also "kill the houthi before the viper"...will not forget your good advice

Missing humble 21:39 ,2015 نيسان 09

Did Iran invade Syria?

Missing humble 21:43 ,2015 نيسان 09

As a good Iranian servant...you have to support this "modern and advanced civilization"
Why don't you try to go and live there for a few months? You could be enrolled with the R.G ( unless you already are).

Missing humble 21:51 ,2015 نيسان 09

Followers of Ebola and Iran you keep accusing others of being wahhabis. If wahhabis are traitors, you ALSO ARE TRAITORS.

Thumb liberty 22:30 ,2015 نيسان 09

The iranian sectarian "lebanese" huthis are crying over freedom of speech. A few days ago, Al Jadeed TV (a mouthpiece of the axis of resistance and terrorism) referred to nassrallah's speech as "nervous" and what happened. Nassrallah's son tweeted, threatened, and described the station as a hired gun and threatened the editor in chief with her life.

Thumb shab 01:31 ,2015 نيسان 10


Missing helicopter 03:09 ,2015 نيسان 10

I thought he was going to say " only cowards will leave their country instead of facing assassinations by the experts on genocide". I guessed wrong.

Missing helicopter 03:13 ,2015 نيسان 10

“Iran has long been keen on HA's stability, security, superiority, and the right of its members to resist the Zionist aggressors and the formation of a credible and strong Republic of Lebanon” is what he meant to say.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:14 ,2015 نيسان 10

@Hass, be my guest, you can start with yourself.