قهوجي: التجاذبات السياسية لن تثني الجيش عن واجبه المقدس بمواجهة الارهاب

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اكد قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي "مناعة الجيش في وجه الارهاب"، منوهاً بواجبه "المقدس" في "القضاء على الخلايا الارهابية في الداخل على الرغم من التجاذبات السياسية".

كلام قهوجي جاء من بيت المحامي، في اليوم الوطني لشهداء الجيش، الاربعاء، حيث اعتبر ان "يوم الشهداء هو اليوم اللبناني بامتياز كالاستقلال تماماً".

وخلال هذه المناسبة، شدد قهوجي على "أن الجيش لن يسمح بوجود اي موطئ قدم للارهاب في لبنان" مؤكداً "مناعة الجيش في وجه التنظيمات الارهابية".

واذ اعتبر ان " اسرائيل والارهاب وجهان لعملة واحدة" رأى انهما "تعبيران مختلفان عن جوهر واحد وهما نقيض المجتمع اللبناني التعددي".

واوضح قائد الجيش ان " الارهاب سعى الى الحاق لبنان في الازمات المحيطة به" الا انه شدد على ان "الجيش كان دائما في المرصاد واستطاع الحاق الهزيمة العسكرية به والقضاء على الخلايا الارهابية في الداخل".

ختاماً، اكد قائد الجيش ان " التجاذبات السياسية القائمة لن تثنيه على القيام بواجبه في الدفاع عن لبنان مهما بلغت التضحيات".

وكان قهوجي الثلاثاء قد تناول دور الجيش في حماية لبنان "في هذه المرحلة الدقيقة من تاريخه" خلال افتتاح المؤتمر الإقليمي الخامس عن "الشرق الأوسط في ظلّ متغيّرات السياسة الدولية"، مساء الثلاثاء، حيث وقال: "أصبح الإرهاب خطراً شاملاً يتوزع بين القارات والدول، إلّا أنّنا لا ندع لأنفسنا أيّ عذر بإلقاء اللوم في شأن مواجهته على الآخرين".

واوضح قهوجي ان الجيش "يبذل الجهد الأقصى ويقدم التضحيات الكبرى، في سبيل كسر شوكة الارهاب ووضع حدّ له".

ولفت الى اننا "حقّقنا إنجازات كبيرة على هذا الصعيد"، ومن ابرزها "محاصرة التنظيمات الإرهابية وعزلها على الحدود الشرقية بالإضافة إلى تفكيك معظم خلاياها الإرهابية في الداخل".

يُشار الى ان الجيش اللبناني يقوم بالتصدي للارهابيين في الجرود، ويعمل على قصف مواقعهم والتقدم في الجرود، متمركزاً فيها.


التعليقات 36
Thumb cedars2 09:00 ,2015 أيار 06

God bless our army, may god protect them and keep them safe. Show your solidarity to our army by raising the Lebanese flag wherever you may be.

Thumb EagleDawn 11:19 ,2015 أيار 06

focus on the article and stop harassing posters, "happily married" troll.

Thumb Mystic 11:24 ,2015 أيار 06

According to NowHariri.lb

Thumb EagleDawn 11:33 ,2015 أيار 06

buzz off ...you have been weighed, measured & found to be a troll.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:43 ,2015 أيار 06

At long last an army that is now finding its true orientation, its much needed balance, an army that has finally started to emancipate itself from the grips of Lebanon's political mafias. And because it has great men at its helm, fully capable and courageous to take such giant steps, the army is now becoming a lot more incisive in its workings, be it with the Lebanese political mafias or the terrorists that are just outside our borders. General Qahwaji is the man of the hour and he must be left in place to continue his job and for as long as needed. The best day though would be when the army deposes the civilians and impose military rule, suspend the constitution, impose martial law and rule by decree and this for at least 5 years, then after is has cleansed this country from all the political bacteria would the army begin to consider returning the nation back to civilian rule.

Missing peace 16:15 ,2015 أيار 06

that is not the subject baby boy... we are talking about present events not the past. so presently it is what your propaganda says, pityful desperate barking dog....

hard to deny i know that what makes you so angry and hysteric not havig any arguments against facts...

even a shrink cannot cure your hysteria...

Missing peace 16:31 ,2015 أيار 06

oh! and for your knowledge little syrian dog, i am no centrist neither M8 nor M14... but of course your empty mind cannot grasp this as you see the world only in black and white...

i always criticize M8 because raising stupidity and hatred of their country to this level of artistic masterpiece cannot leave one indifferent... whereas M14 leave me totally indifferent indifferent... see when you spit on M14 i do not come here like a crazy frustrated virgin to cry and bark like you do to defend them...
whereas you? you cannot stand a single criticism of M8 without insulting left and right...

pityful idiot you are...

Missing peace 16:34 ,2015 أيار 06

M8 cannot survive without their iranian militia... they flourish on chaos and war: it is their political platform! as for building up a country they have no clues on how to do it so they always have to find a new war to fight for, it distracts their sheep like little baby boy ft and make them feel like men... that is M8

Thumb -phoenix1 16:42 ,2015 أيار 06

Tric, you're impressive, your command of the English language is improving by the minute, even your punctuations, nice, nice, so how is the weather here in Beirut?

Thumb justin 18:30 ,2015 أيار 06

suddenly his English became very darkness indeed:))

Thumb -phoenix1 01:04 ,2015 أيار 07

Tric, you got electricity and light bulbs? Well put them on and stop nagging about darkness.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:47 ,2015 أيار 06

Jiddo, when they don't like our posts, they'll be profane, when things aren't working for them, they'll be even more profane. There was an advert on TV not long ago that went like this: Don't think, we'll think for you. Don't talk, we'll talk for you. Don't look, we'll look for you. This is that coalition we call M8, an M8 led by Hezbollah, an M8 that was borne out of the day of infamy when Sayed Hassan reminded us all that our freedom will not come easily, that the waiting for us would be a long one, and that Lebanon was still littered by stooges, lackeys, cronies, bigots and traitors like him. The struggle for freedom prevails and we shall overcome, Inshallah.

Thumb al.finique 19:26 ,2015 أيار 06

ya roar: you are nothing but a loser who is spiteful. How can you compare yourself to phoenix. It's like comparing between a hero and a coward; an intellect and an illiterate; experience and a novice. I told you once or twice before but i will repeat it: phoenix is a million times better than you will ever be.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:21 ,2015 أيار 06

Roar, you want to tell us why you were absent from Naharnet? You were given a ban, simple. No sooner than your ban was lifted than you got back in attacking every single M14 poster. The trouble with you is that you are a possessed evil sod, just like your old antique Aoun, that liar, who else would you follow. You keep telling us one ton of lies after the other. My posts they hurt you sob real bad, so what better than try to upset me. But I told you, you are truly sick, and the devil lives inside you, I mean look at how cheap you are. You say you live down under, when everyone is fast asleep, you ya evil liar, you ya Satan, you are awake and insulting everyone. All this time you were posting at the FPM forum, then when the ban was lifted here, you got back in your usual rants. You need attention ya habileh, you need a whole Church to exorcise you and help remove that evil from you. You are indeed a pitiful thing ya 7mar, keep repeating yourself.

Thumb liberty 21:35 ,2015 أيار 06

yesterday, this night security guard troll with his lebanese great great grandfather stayed up till 6 in the morning beirut time posting from dahieh;)

Thumb liberty 21:40 ,2015 أيار 06

*australia time

Thumb -phoenix1 00:04 ,2015 أيار 07

Call me by names, but you see that denture you call of mine, give me your mom and I'll show her what bite is all about. You ya Roar, you are again lying, you don't have a life, you are a paid FPM troll, to come here and disrupt this forum, result, it's not working for you. A fart is more like you, a big mouth, a big mouth so dirty that it doesn't know when to stop lying, man, your mouth is so dirty that it can take all the trash sites of Lebanon and Australia combined. You've been picturing me a lot lately, but give me your mom and and your sisters and they will relate back to you and your lame old dad. Liar, you were banned and it looks like you will again. Satan is the one in you that makes you say such things, now send your moma.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:51 ,2015 أيار 06

Then my dear Jiddo, don't forget, these yellows are bound to feel bitter of the extreme kind. When our army gets stronger and delivers it means that their mercenary militia for rent will get weaker. When this militia goes to wars that are not ours, it bleeds, and if the bleeding is profuse then the weaker it will get. Another thing that is not working for them is Aboul Mish will not, cannot and shall not be brezident of Lubnan. Insider info suggest that even the old man who seems to be regaining some lucidity lately is even accepting that he cannot continue to be an old rag for Hezbollah, thus no brezidency for him. It's bad days for the yellows, so angry, very angry they will be.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:24 ,2015 أيار 06

Finique, don't worry, I have all night to wipe his arse clean, this sick evil man who calls himself The Roar. he hates anyone who criticizes his Aoun. he was banned from here but was posting all along at the FPM forum. His orders are to disrupt us again, but he is wasting his time again as we can all see. he is a satanic person who lives right here in Beirut. I will shave him clean tonight.

Thumb -phoenix1 23:54 ,2015 أيار 06

I whipped your dirty arse clean and I will do it again. Your dirty tongue has no limits, look you coward liar, I told you that you live in Beirut, and I told you that I will be at the cafe opposite parliament in Downtown, but your evil tongue is what you have. I wish so much you cam to meet me, all you needed was to ask for Al Finik ya jaben wesekh enta. If I am old, then your sick dad and your sicker mum must be real antiques, no? All day you've been insulting everyone, I kept clear of you, but you sick old tard you couldn't but try a jab on me, well, too bad for you. And yes, you are evil, very evil, just like your sick old liar Aoun.

Missing peace 17:36 ,2015 أيار 06

all this mess you are talking about... is the consequence of your dear militia.... enjoy your mess.

Missing peace 17:38 ,2015 أيار 06

i am an independent thinker... something you will never be, desperate frustrated bitter ft...

oh! and revise the meaning of bacteria... if you hadn't any in your stupid body you'd be.... dead like your brain.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 19:12 ,2015 أيار 06

General less talk more action stop telegraphing your punches you don't have to explain yourself and your actions in defending our nation you and your soldiers through the power and will of God will succeed as long as your conduct is righteous.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:27 ,2015 أيار 06

Insult is the name of your family ya habileh Roar, you, your name is Satan the devil, Al Shaytan, this is why you are so full of hatred, you need to be cured and exorcised, believe me, with all these lies, I mean how many lies do you do to the liter? Now that Naharnet lifted its ban on you, you got back to your same evil again. You're so dirt cheap that all you're getting is trampled by almost everyone. Yalla, get fired so that I can expose you again, you liar, provocateur, Satan, Satan, leave Roar, let him live again as a normal human being, haram ya Satan, leave this creature in peace.

Thumb -phoenix1 00:08 ,2015 أيار 07

Roar, it's your mom and sisters that I am beginning to like a lot, and since they are evil why not give them that much needed jab? The thing is this: you are a liar, everything that you say is based on evil lies. Look at how everyone is insulting you and ridiculing you, if you were not someone so cheap, you would have at least given it a bit of thinking, but being a satanic evil sod, you wouldn't. A dirty rat like you cannot go one inch above gutters. Now send your females.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:33 ,2015 أيار 06

Peace, please don't drop to the cheap levels of Roar. His mission is to derail, disrupt and insult those who criticize his Caporal Aoun. he was banned from Naharnet and all this time he was posting at the Orange Room, the FPM's forum. His instructions are clear, insult, and make some posters to lose their temper to the point where they could get a ban. This liar keeps lying like he pees in his pants, saying that he lives in Australia when in fact he lives right here in Beirut. Masalan right now the time down under is veeeery late, so what is this evil satanic liar doing up so early? All he deserves from us is a good shave down there, but you know, nicely and avoid the ban.

Missing peace 20:53 ,2015 أيار 06

you are right. anyway we cannot reach their level. we try to debate on ideas but they only come here to insult each post that does not fit their propaganda and expect people to be polite with them... everyone can see all the personnal attacks they launch even when the posts are not addressed to them, just out of pure evilness and lowness... they believe that by appearing rude they show their strentgh when all they show is their stupidity and the low level of thinking of M8ers....

Missing peace 22:15 ,2015 أيار 06

whatever, boring roar... write whatever makes you feel better after posting here...

be my guest and hope you'll sleep better after your insults...

Missing peace 20:44 ,2015 أيار 06

aussie pussy: if you read my post correctly, which your empty mind always fail to do, then you would read : " M14 leaves me indifferent"

they do not have a militia going against the state's interests, and hey ask what i ask which is the integration of this iranian militia in the national army, the rest is pure politics which i criticize, if you read some of my posts, when i disagree... but you never ever would criticize M8 even if they are wrong: the main different between a sheep like you and a free man like me....
but you M8ers have a selective brain: what does not fit your propaganda you omit to see it...

now keep on your attacks here if they make you feel like someone you will never be, a man, and keep learning from you gay friend ft: he is the master of insults here...

Missing peace 20:54 ,2015 أيار 06

hhmorsel : i dare you show a post where i praise an M14 figure... ROFL

Thumb -phoenix1 23:58 ,2015 أيار 06

Justin, this Tric is just another troll, he at times forgets that he is portuguese, so dumb.

Thumb -phoenix1 00:12 ,2015 أيار 07

The Roar, the liar, he keeps saying he is from Australia, yet he is here all the time, proof is that he is still posting,very late even by Beirut time He says he has a life, yet will disappear only when Naharnet bans him. Yet he will lie, when all along he was and remains at the Orange Room. He barges in, insults and attacks everyone he deems M14, but truth is, he is a liar. He lives right here in Beirut, I even invited him to have a beer with me at the cafe opposite parliament in downtown, coward, living in Beirut yet does exactly what his old Aoun does normally, run away. His ban was lifted yesterday, and quickly he got back to this forum with his usual gutter level insults. Anyway, he will get only what he deserves, insults, just like him.

Thumb thepatriot 11:02 ,2015 أيار 07

the person who was posting as the roar has been dismissed and replaced. The Iranians chose another of their goons for this avatar... unfortunately, they picked up someone even more limited than the previous one, who can only express himself with foul language... we almost miss the old one... he was stupid, but better educated..

Thumb -phoenix1 12:14 ,2015 أيار 07

(1) @thepatriot, in brief, this thing called the Roar, he is not an haphazard poster, he actually works for the FPM in the Orange Room. he does not live in Australia as he is lying to us but here in Beirut. He has 6 friends, 3 of them co-workers who are tasked to check on other forums what they call target threads, in simpler words threads that have as subject Aoun, or the FPM and by lesser importance Hezbollah. His role and that of his mates is to disrupt the normal flow of the discussions with personal attacks, derogations and insults to the point where it hopefully gets derailed. Another technique is to thumb down or up where it so applies. He was banned from Naharnet for 2 weeks, during all that time he kept posting at the FPM both as a Mod and as a poster.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:17 ,2015 أيار 07

(2). The Patriot. On the Roar. His activities go by Beirut time and certainly not by Australia time. His IPs are Lebanese IPs, even if the FPM has tried to mask them under several layers. I am doing best as I could to respect the ethics of the profession by limiting the findings of my team, lest we forget that I own a company in the trade of this trade, but if Naharnet does not restrain this character, then I will divulge more and more info on the Roar's activities including those of other FPM trolls. Just to recap, The Roar is NOT just another poster, but a paid FPM Troll who actually works at the Orange Room, and also posts from there including the other persons who work with him and in tandem, the aim is to disrupt and derail. If the Naharnet mods don't wake up, someone will do it for them.

Thumb ex-fpm 12:34 ,2015 أيار 07

phoenix, the FPM and the shia of hezbollah learned so much from Israel. As you know, Netanyahu hired more than 3,000 college graduates to flood the internet and social media in what is called the cyber war. I just read a report that following Storm Firmness the social media and twitter have seen an enormous amount of "fake accounts" using traditional gulf names attacking KSA and using the worst language one can imagine all pretending to be gulf citizens. The cyber anti crime units in the UAE, Kuwait and KSA traced these accounts to places in Dahyeh and Iran. If you notice any article regarding the FPM or HA the fake supporters have to vote you down and come up on top:) This roar character just like his double flamethrower are sick and I honestly believe are paid to post.