نتانياهو: اسرائيل غير ملزمة بالاتفاق مع ايران وستدافع عن نفسها

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أكد رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو الثلاثاء ان اسرائيل غير ملزمة بالاتفاق الذي توصلت اليه القوى الكبرى مع ايران، مكررا ان الدولة العبرية ستدافع عن نفسها.

وقال نتانياهو للصحافيين "اسرائيل غير ملزمة بهذا الاتفاق مع ايران. اسرائيل ليست ملزمة بهذا الاتفاق مع ايران لان ايران ما زالت تسعى لتدميرنا" موضحا "سنواصل الدفاع عن انفسنا".

وكان نتانياهو اعتبر صباح الثلاثاء الاتفاق الذي تم بين ايران والقوى الكبرى حول الملف النووي الايراني "خطأ تاريخيا".

وقال نتانياهو "كنا نعلم جيدا بان الرغبة في التوقيع على اتفاق اقوى من اي شيء اخر، ولذلك لم نعمل على منع التوصل الى اتفاق" مؤكدا "ولكننا تعهدنا بمنع ايران من حيازة اسلحة نووية-وهذا لم يتغير".

وتعد اسرائيل القوة النووية الوحيدة لكن غير المعلنة في الشرق الاوسط.

وقد توصلت ايران والقوى الكبرى الى اتفاق تاريخي حول الملف النووي الايراني في ختام مفاوضات ماراتونية في فيينا كما افاد مصدر دبلوماسي الثلاثاء.

التعليقات 10
Missing helicopter 19:37 ,2015 تموز 14

You mean HA will do to Israel what it already did to Lebanon?

Missing helicopter 20:14 ,2015 تموز 14

Countries never disappear, they only morph.
HA morphed Lebanon from a country partially occupied by Israel to a country partially controlled by Iran. HA's project is work in progress and Lebanon's absorption into welayat el faqih is the final goal.

Missing helicopter 00:05 ,2015 تموز 15

Palestine did not disappear, it morphed into Israel which is exacctly why I fear for Lebanon to morph into one welayat under the el faqih or one part of IS.

Default-user-icon Zouhair (ضيف) 19:56 ,2015 تموز 14

Hey portugal listen well you and nasrallah your friend,not that i like the Zionist but just remember history ,remember abdulnaser,hafez assad,king hussein,saddam husein,and all other leaders ,they all wanted to destroy this nation ,but look clear they were all gone like dogs and the Zionist state still exist ,isnt strange ??? Well looks like this nation is blessed and nothing wat to do about it,nasrallah read history !!!!and save yourself to iran...the middle east will be always waja3 rass unfortenatly .

Default-user-icon Basem (ضيف) 19:13 ,2015 تموز 15

Portugal trust me and believe it the christians and the jews has the same destiniy and we ll see it in the near future.,back to the 80's i remember israel did everything possible to do a peace treaty with lebanon and they wanted to leave lebanon as soon as possible but we all know unfortenatly wat happenned after ...we see it very clear in the middle east ,these extremiste dont want any other religion beside the islam its crystal clear.

Missing phillipo 20:35 ,2015 تموز 14

Southern - When exactly did Palestine disappear.
If you would care to check up in your history books you will find that there NEVER has been an independent Palestine State.
Until 1918 the area was part of the Ottoman Empire, then became a British League of Nations Mandate.
In November 1947 the UN voted to establish two states, an Arab one and a Jewish one. The Arabs refused to establish their state, so that is probably why you claim that Palestine disappeared.

Missing helicopter 03:06 ,2015 تموز 15

Sorry phillipo I must take some exception to your statement (a moderate exception). The displacement of over 1 million people is wrong. The occupation of Jerusalem and the West Bank are wrong.
Also in the same logic you are using: When did Israel exist? After 1947?
and what happened to the two state solution the UN advocated (I think I know your reply to this one, which is the Arabs turned it down by launching the 1967 war, but who is turning it down NOW - The LIKUD and extreme right)
Palestine needs to be established and become the homeland to the displaced population.

Thumb beiruti 03:14 ,2015 تموز 15

Of course, its a good deal. Netanyahu's ravings are only helping Rouhani and Khomanie to sell the deal to their Iranian hardliners. If Netanyhu is so against it, then it can't be all bad, is the sales pitch. A classic case of Brier Rabbit if ever I saw one.

And Israel will go it alone against Iran??? Not on your life!

Thumb beiruti 03:17 ,2015 تموز 15

What does Netanyahu really fear about this agreement?? He fears that it will work. That Israel will lose its status as the only "strategic ally" the US has in the region. Iran is Israel's only competitor in that field and the rise of ISIS has made Iran more "strategic" than is Israel. Israel's fear is not annihilation but it is irrelevancy. It is a zero-sum game for them. To the extent that any other state establishes a relationship with the US, it diminishes the Israeli relationship and in Netanyahu's paranoia, this he cannot stand.

Thumb beiruti 03:18 ,2015 تموز 15

So does Israel want it or not. From a strategic defense posture, it is good for Israel to have Iran under the tent with Israel's greatest friend in the world. But for that very reason, politically, it is a bad deal. Why? Because Israel's greatest regional rival is under the same tent with the US.