حزب الله ينظم جولة للصحافيين على الحدود مع تصعيد اسرائيل لخطابها

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اراد حزب الله ان يظهر الخميس ان الدولة العبرية تقيم مواقع عسكرية استعدادا لحرب محتملة بعد سلسلة تصريحات لمسؤولين اسرائيليين تصب في هذه الخانة.

وفي جولة لم يتعود تنظيمها انطلاقا من حفاظه على السرية في ما يتصل بانشطته العسكرية، دعا الحزب الخميس عشرات الصحافيين الى المنطقة الحدودية بين لبنان واسرائيل والتي شهدت في 2006 نزاعا داميا ومدمرا.

وقال المتحدث باسم حزب الله محمد عفيف واقفا على هضبة تشرف على الخط الازرق الذي يشكل خط وقف اطلاق النار "نظمت هذه الجولة لنظهر الاجراءات الدفاعية التي يتخذها العدو".

واوضح قيادي عسكري في الحزب عرف عنه باسم الحاج إيهاب ان الجيش الاسرائيلي يعزز مواقعه العسكرية قرب مستوطنة حانيتا الحدودية.

واضاف مشيرا الى احد المواقع الاسرائيلية "هذا الموقع قريب من الحدود مباشرة ويخشى العدو ان تتقدم المقاومة اليه لذا عمل على جرفه ورفع سواتر ترابية داخله ووضع عددا من بلوكات الاسمنت".

وفيما كان يتحدث، كانت دورية اسرائيلية تضم اليتين مدرعتين وحافلة بيضاء تسلك طريقا وسط حقل خلف حاجز بينما تنشط جرافتان في الجوار.

وفي الاشهر الاخيرة، ازدادت التكهنات حول امكان اندلاع حرب جديدة بين اسرائيل وحزب الله بعد اكثر من عقد على المواجهة الاخيرة بينهما.

وتسبب نزاع العام 2006 الذي استمر 33 يوما بمقتل 1200 شخص في لبنان معظمهم مدنيون و160 اسرائيليا معظمهم جنود.

ومن شان اي نزاع جديد ان يكون اكثر شراسة ودموية وخصوصا ان قائد الجيش الاسرائيلي حذر اخيرا من ان "الحرب المقبلة سيكون لها اهداف عدة: الدولة اللبنانية والمجموعات الارهابية التي تنشط على اراضيها وتحت سلطتها".

ورغم ان اسرائيل سحبت قواتها من جنوب لبنان العام 2000 بعد احتلال استمر 22 عاما، فان البلدين لا يزالان رسميا في حالة حرب.

- "لا نخشى الحرب" -هدفت هذه الجولة الصحافية الخميس الى القول ان اسرائيل تخشى حربا جديدة.

ويسعى حزب الله ايضا الى تأكيد استعداده لاي مواجهة جديدة رغم ان الافا من عناصره يقاتلون الى جانب قوات النظام في سوريا.

بدأت الجولة من الناقورة الساحلية حيث امكن مشاهدة مقاتلين لحزب الله بزيهم العسكري على طول الطريق مع رايات الحزب الصفراء.

بوجوههم المخططة بالاخضر والاسود، وقف المقاتلون بصمت وحمل بعضهم بنادق رشاشة وقاذفات "آر بي جي".

مع نهاية حرب 2006 وبعد غياب استمر اربعين عاما، انتشر الجيش اللبناني جنوب نهر الليطاني تنفيذا لقرار مجلس الامن 1701 الذي يمنع نظريا انتشار اي قوة عسكرية اخرى في المنطقة المذكورة.

وتبدو المنطقة الحدودية هادئة على وقع دوريات للجيش اللبناني وقوة الامم المتحدة الموقتة (يونيفيل) وحركة الزوار.

وفي حين يشير حزب الله الى الاجراءات التي تتخذها اسرائيل، يلزم مسؤولوه الصمت حيال اي تدابير متخذة من جانبه.

ويرى بعض المحللين انه لن يكون سهلا على الحزب القتال على جبهتين، سوريا واسرائيل، في حين يؤكد اخرون ان مقاتليه اكتسبوا خبرة كبيرة من المواجهات التي خاضوها في سوريا.

وعلق الحاج إيهاب "نحن لا نخشى الحرب ولا نخافها ولا نتردد في مواجهتها، بل نشتاق لها وسنواجهها اذا فرضت علينا وسننتصر بها ان شاء الله".

لكنه اوضح ان "احتمالات الحرب بعيدة وهذه الاجراءات الدفاعية تثبت ان اسرائيل هي القلقة من المقاومة وليست المقاومة من تخاف العدو الصهيوني".

التعليقات 36
Thumb galaxy 17:00 ,2017 نيسان 20

and the shias say the army is not controlled by hezbollah;)

52 minutes ago LF chief Geagea: The tour that Hizbullah organized for reporters on Lebanon's southern border was a strategic mistake that gave the impression that there is no official Lebanese army.

Thumb janoubi 17:04 ,2017 نيسان 20

geagea knows and he is sugar coating it : There is no official Lebanese army, period!

Thumb ___flamethrower___ 22:31 ,2017 نيسان 20

lulz @flame_the_roar


Thumb Mystic 17:26 ,2017 نيسان 20

Next time will be far more than 4000 rockets.

Thumb Mystic 17:50 ,2017 نيسان 20

Keep Whining zionist salafi, if my words is enough to make a vermin like you mad and confused, then it is worth it.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 17:57 ,2017 نيسان 20

Mystic I suggest you write a will because next time you won't live to see the day and write another comment.

Missing mohammad_ca 17:58 ,2017 نيسان 20

if the sfawaites like the army so much then they should be under its command.

Thumb Southern...... 18:05 ,2017 نيسان 20

idf member of old saad haddad army, the so-called lubnani.masi7i

although you and your likes would join the fight against Lebanon, you'll be defeated equally, with few idiots like you, nothing would change... take note ya fake lubnani.masi7i

Thumb Mystic 18:20 ,2017 نيسان 20

Well why don't you try and cooperate with the Zionist when they attack Saudi.Wahabi?

Then we can find you later, when the zionists leaves you behind.

Thumb ___flamethrower___ 22:31 ,2017 نيسان 20

roflmaooo @the_roaringflame

Thumb janoubi 17:02 ,2017 نيسان 20

If anyone had or still has any doubt who runs this country and its security/military agencies this should clear it up for you.

Thumb ex-fpm 17:24 ,2017 نيسان 20


Hezbollah holds a full scale military parade in Qusayr, Syria including tanks, heavy artillery, and multiple rocket launchers. Hezbollah transfers thousands of its terrorists in and out of Syria. Hezbollah arrests whomever they want and at will.

All these activities are a clear indication who works for who and who is in charge. yet, they are still looking for the two culprits who blew up BLOM bank.

Thumb Puppet 17:10 ,2017 نيسان 20

I have the utmost respect for Dactor Geagea and his Lebanese Forces for having reservations on the policy statement, for endorsing the 3 No-No's rule, and for asserting the cedar revolution is well and alive.

I have further admiration for the Dactor for saying "The tour that Hizbullah organized for reporters on Lebanon's southern border was a strategic mistake that gave the impression that there is no official Lebanese army."

Thumb barrymore 17:17 ,2017 نيسان 20

and then you have aoun, hariri and the rest of the sell outs tell the world Lebanon is in full compliance with Security Council Resolution 1701 and Bassil calls the UN Special Coordinator Mrs. Kaag to the Foreign Ministry when she reminded this joke of administration that Lebanon should comply with UN Resolutions.

Thumb barrymore 17:19 ,2017 نيسان 20

this is beyond being called 'Terrorists'; the whole world knows they are criminals and terrorists. This is showing who is in charge in this country.

Thumb galaxy 17:37 ,2017 نيسان 20

what gives Israel the legitimacy to bomb all of Lebanon is when your so called president says hezbollah and the army are one and the same.

Thumb Southern...... 17:22 ,2017 نيسان 20

bless the resistance that liberated the south and still on guard to prevent any intrusion by the zionist entity....

Thumb ex-fpm 17:25 ,2017 نيسان 20

isn't that supposed to be the LAF duties?

Thumb Mystic 17:27 ,2017 نيسان 20

The Resistance supports the LAF duties, what is wrong with that?
Army and Resistance, that is what Lebanon needs to protect itself.

We do not need Saudis and their Pro Israeli stances here, so stay up in Akkar and mind your own business.

Thumb Southern...... 17:28 ,2017 نيسان 20

it's not a military task but informative about the zone and the status quo of the citizens who live around.

Thumb illiterate-Southern 17:32 ,2017 نيسان 20

keep educating and keep us eager to learn from your wealth of information.

Thumb galaxy 17:35 ,2017 نيسان 20

The Hizbullah fighter noted that his group has its “special tactics to deal with these structures.”

but the heretic irani says :

Southern...... 6 minutes ago
it's not a military task but informative about the zone and the status quo of the citizens who live around.

Thumb Southern...... 17:37 ,2017 نيسان 20

now regarding the role of the army when its comes to fight Israel, without the resistance capabilities, the Lebanese armed forces can not cope with alone, the resistance has gained respect worldwide due to its strength and tactics that faced the zionist enemy humulating it and defeating it.

Thumb Southern...... 17:46 ,2017 نيسان 20


then it's informative, which means to inform... did you understand now, boy

Thumb Mystic 17:49 ,2017 نيسان 20

Remember, everytime these cowards from Mostaqbal or Rifi taunt Hezbollah for not attacking Israel, and when we are finally at war the Mostaqbal Rifi vermins cries about the "Resistance destroying" Lebanon.

Even though it is their Zionist lovers that loves to destroy Lebanon, and make Lebanon part of Greater Israel.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 18:00 ,2017 نيسان 20

we all saw your Oscar winning tactics of running like cowards in Syria;)

Thumb Mystic 18:14 ,2017 نيسان 20

Well you already won the Oscar for crying like babies, with grown Salafis coughing and gasping for breath and screaming to Abu Trump to come and save you from the "evil Assad and Iran" scream chemical weapons, so his daughter can cry on Social media.

But when Fuaa and Kafraya was bombed, with babies arms and legs laying around, there was no outcry, why?
Because we all know that the Zionist enemies will never get the same sympathy.

Al Qaeda gets Netanyahu's full support and condemns Assad, as if he was Hitler during the "Holocaust".
The Jews controls Hollywood, and they teached the White Helmets how to make good staged scenes.

We all know the oscar winners here, White Helmet salafis.

Thumb justin 18:32 ,2017 نيسان 20

"The Jews controls Hollywood, and they teached the White Helmets how to make good staged scenes."

Mystic, are you really an AUB graduate?

Thumb marcus 19:06 ,2017 نيسان 20

Southern...... 1 hour ago
it's not a military task but informative about the zone and the status quo of the citizens who live around.

and the army is incapable of carrying out this informative tour ya heretic that it had to ask your iranian terrorist party to do it?

Thumb ashtah 19:42 ,2017 نيسان 20

lol @justin

Thumb ___flamethrower___ 22:33 ,2017 نيسان 20

but the resistance is:)

lulz @ roflmaoooo

Thumb Southern...... 17:40 ,2017 نيسان 20

@illiterate and @diversity.masturbator are the same individual, bored at home and has no life... isn't true, bro

Missing peace007 17:51 ,2017 نيسان 20

Lebanon will be decimated in the next war. That's no strategy. Unless the next war brings the end of the Zionist state it'll be a disaster. Just my opinion.

Thumb ashtah 19:42 ,2017 نيسان 20

and there was an uproar when a newspaper (forgot who it was ) called Lebanon a joke of a state?

Thumb ___flamethrower___ 22:32 ,2017 نيسان 20


Thumb shab 00:19 ,2017 نيسان 21

3 words.......... filthy murdering militia