حزب الله يشارف على الانتهاء من المعارك ضد "النصرة" ويستعد للانتقال الى مواقع "داعش"

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ساد الهدوء صباح الثلاثاء على جبهات بلدة عرسال الحدودية بعدما حقق حزب الله تقدماً ملحوظاً على مختلف الجبهات.

وقد أحرز مقاتلو حزب الله بحسب ما أفادت قناة الـ LBCI المزيد من التقدم وسيطروا على وادي كميل ووادي حمودي ومكعبة الفرن والبيدر وشعبات النحله ووادي ضليل البراك.

وذكر الاعلام الحربي انه تم ضبط كميات من الاسلحة والذخيرة كانت متجهة من البادية الى مسلحي جبهة النصرة (فتح الشام) في القلمون الغربي​.

وكان حزب الله سيطر أمس الاثنين على وادي الخيل أهم معاقل "النصرة" في جرود عرسال. وأعلن ان معركة الجرود أصبحت على مشارف نهايتها، داعيا المسلحين الى تسليم أنفسهم.

وبعد الانتهاء من معركة الجرود سينتقل حزب الله بحسب ما أعلن مصدر قيادي لصحيفة "الجمهورية" الى المرحلة الثانية التي سيتوجه فيها المقاتلين نحو مجموعات "داعش".

وقال القياديّ لصحيفة "الجمهورية" "نستطيع ان نقول إنّ الحسم قد تمّ، والتحضيراتُ لجولاتٍ لوسائل الإعلام في المنطقة المحرّرة ستبدأ اعتباراً من اليوم، لكن مع هذا الحسم فإنّ المعركة لا تنتهي هنا، بل ستُستكمل قريباً جداً في الجانب الآخر من الجرود، أي الذي يحتلّه إرهابيّو داعش الذين باتوا أمام واحد من ثلاثة خيارات: إمّا أن يستسلموا أو يهربوا أو يُقتلوا، نحن ماضون في تحرير المنطقة وتنظيفها من أيّ أثر للارهابيين".

التعليقات 22
Thumb smarty 11:11 ,2017 تموز 25


Thumb Mystic 15:30 ,2017 تموز 25

"Moderate rebels" now that is a real lie.

Don't your Rifi say that ISIS didn't exist in Lebanon?

Thumb justice 18:18 ,2017 تموز 25

tell us ya heretic where is ISIS in Lebanon? All we see is criminal shia thugs of your kind.

Thumb Mystic 19:09 ,2017 تموز 25

justice, come on over to Lebanon and search for ISIS in the area mentioned above, I'm sure you will find them and you might aswell join them too then.

Thumb justice 19:31 ,2017 تموز 25

I am in Lebanon ya heretic. how about you, still living in Iran?

Thumb Mystic 19:35 ,2017 تموز 25

Really justice,, where in Lebanon then?


Another beautiful scenery.
The coprrupted Nusra flag is replaced by a golden flag.

Thumb janoubi 20:07 ,2017 تموز 25

Spare us your fake love for Lebanon and its army. You people are iranians and do what your mullahs tell you. The minute the army does not do what you tell it, you will be the first one here condemning it.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 23:24 ,2017 تموز 25

Abu Malek Taleh and his 300 thugs require the terrorist resistance to amass more than 5000 similar thugs and flex its muscles;)

Thumb liberty 05:32 ,2017 تموز 26

this is not about abu talleh ... it is about showing Lebanon who is Boss.

Thumb marcus 13:25 ,2017 تموز 25

مقتل 7 من "حزب الله" في جرود فليطة بالقلمون الغربي.

Thumb doodle-dude 18:28 ,2017 تموز 25

fabrications by the Lebanese Forces Website nothing more nothing less; Hezbollah men don't die.

Missing humble 17:23 ,2017 تموز 25

I am against Nusra, ISIS, IS, all Takfiris AND also against EBOLA which want to take over Lebanon. You will never be able to do it. Without the Maronites of Aoun you would be nothing.
If you ever try to take over Lebanon every Christian will be against you.

Missing humble 17:29 ,2017 تموز 25

You can kill all Nusra and all Takfiris. You are not doing it for my protection but for your own interests. You are responsible for bringing Nusra and all terrorists close to Lebanese borders.

Thumb doodle-dude 18:29 ,2017 تموز 25

when they were killing in Syria back in 2011 there was No nusra and No isis.

Default-user-icon CanAm (ضيف) 17:42 ,2017 تموز 25

I have never been more ashamed of the LAF as I am today. You wonder why countries don't provide heavier weapons to them? At first I was concerned the Hizthrowup would seize them but now I believe the LAF would just hand them over. What a pathetic excuse for a "military". I'm sure this comment won't make it to the forum because Narharnet has turned into a puppet news site.

Thumb justice 18:17 ,2017 تموز 25

After 5 years of the Syrian war, the criminal militia is still 'Eyeing' a battle with ISIS.

Thumb doodle-dude 18:23 ,2017 تموز 25

preparation takes time

Thumb Elemental 20:55 ,2017 تموز 25

It's amazing how well Iran played such interesting parts, including the inception of ISIS yet providing them narcotics to kill Christians as well as Sunni civilians. AND at the same time they're satisfying their blood revenge against the Sunni's in the name of Hussein. So after all their lies and toxic influence they got to satisfy their bloodlust AND kill off Christians at the same time, while of course using the rest that are still alive as pawns for their personal agendas. Add in the propaganda tools here who are incapable of independent thought and you have one of the biggest deceivers in history to date. Cry more with your zionist assumptions YET you're both in on it together ;). I wonder how it feels to live one giant lie, perhaps these takia trolls can tell the rest of us civilized folk :).

Missing humble 21:24 ,2017 تموز 25

Takiah and Qutman are the basis of their lies. I wonder what their mercenaries will do when the wars are over???

Thumb shab 21:57 ,2017 تموز 25

Filthy murdering militia

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 23:22 ,2017 تموز 25

Untold Heroics
Season 13 Episode 313

Thumb doodle-dude 01:51 ,2017 تموز 26

upset you say? don't you think our overpaid and under performing army should be doing this?