جهادي أسترالي- لبناني قتل "على الارجح" في سوريا

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رجحت استراليا الخميس مقتل جهادي استرالي في تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية واثنين من ابنائه في غارة جوية أميركية في سوريا.

وأوردت تقارير إعلامية مقتل خالد شاروف ونجليه عبد الله (12 عاما) وزرقاوي (11 عاما) الجمعة الفائت فيما كان يقود سيارته قرب معقل التنظيم الجهادي المتطرف في محافظة الرقة السورية.

واثار شاروف استياء عبر العالم في 2014 حين نشر صورا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي لابنه عبد الله وهو يحمل رأسا مقطوعا يعود الى جندي سوري. 

واستخدم شاروف، الاب لخمسة ابناء، اطفاله مرارا للترويج لتنظيم الدولة الاسلامية في مقاطع فيديو، بينها فيديو انتشر هذا العام يسأل فيه اصغر ابنائه عن كيفية قتل غير المسلمين، فيما كان يحمل الطفل البالغ ست سنوات يحمل بنادق وسكاكين.

وصرح وزير الهجرة الاسترالي بيتر دوتون لمحطة التلفزيون التاسعة "لا أحد سيأسف لقتله ... يمكنني أن اؤكد ذلك".

وأوردت صحيفة استرالية والاذاعة الاسترالية خبر مقتل شاروف وابنيه نقلا عن مصادر حكومية لم تسمهما.

وفي العام 2015، تداولت تقارير خبر مقتله في هجوم لطائرة دون طيار، ما دفع دوتون للتروي مشيرا إلى أن كانبيرا تنتظر تأكيدا رسميا حول دقة التقارير الاخيرة.

ويعتقد أن شاروف ولد في استراليا لوالدين لبنانيين، قبل أن يغادر الى سوريا في العام 2013 برفقة زوجته تارا نيتليتون وابنائه الخمسة.

وأشارت تقارير إلى وفاة زوجته العام الماضي جراء مرضها، فيما لا يعرف مصير بقية ابنائه. 

وفي وقت سابق من هذا العام، بات شاروف أول استرالي يُجرد من جنسيته بموجب قوانين مكافحة الارهاب.

التعليقات 15
Thumb kataebi1965 09:49 ,2017 آب 17

Good bloody riddance

Thumb galaxy 18:37 ,2017 آب 17

and a shia ( I meant Christian ) troll like you who pledges allegiance to Iran defines who is a traitor, right?

When your Nassrallah says his food, weapons, salaries all come from Iran, he is a patriot. right?

Thumb janoubi 18:47 ,2017 آب 17

no it means he is an employee of Iran.,

Thumb justin 19:34 ,2017 آب 17

actually a delegation from hezbollah visited Iran recently and pledged allegiance to Khamanei in front of khamanei.

Thumb ado.australia 18:38 ,2017 آب 17

SOS, the Palestinians aren't traitors to Lebanon because they are not Lebanese... I agree. But those Lebanese that sided with them against fellow Lebanese are! They caused the Lebanese civil war. Imagine if the Lebanese war never happened! UAE, Dubai... all these city/states would be nothing next to Beirut and Lebanon! What changed as a result of the war? Are we more Arab? We are not Arab... We should never submit to being Arab. We are Lebanese! We dont speak the same language... We respect Arab and Turks etc but we are LEBANESE!! Be proud!!!

Thumb gigahabiib 18:42 ,2017 آب 17

My boyfriend The Mystic told me that he resents bringing up the rice and flowers welcome of Israeli soldiers when they entered Lebanon. He claims that the Israelis were ridding the shia of Jabal Amel of something called Fatehland that his the shia of Jabal amel and their allies helped create when they supported it instead of the republic of Lebanon. When I asked him about something called Hezbland, he becomes angry and tell me that is completely different from Fatehland because Palestinians did not have a Lebanese citizenship. But everything else is the same but never mind. Then I brought up Yehia Skafff, Samir Kuntar and such who were fighting under Palestinian banners he became more upset. I thing I will stop asking him questions. He hates it when I'm right, it's a cultural thing.

Thumb galaxy 18:45 ,2017 آب 17

ya troll, the Lebanese civil war ended 30 years ago. Lebanon's problems and lack of development is not due to the civil war but to the existence of your hezbollah and its jihadi wars. How many wars with Israel has your hezbollah lost in a divine victory since the civil war? How many times did Israel destroy our infrastructure?

Stop your paid propaganda and get yourself educated.

Thumb gigahabiib 18:51 ,2017 آب 17

Funny the other day I asked my boyfriend The Mystic what is the Republic of Lebanon? He answered my that the Republic of Lebanon is the land withing the Lebanese border. So then I asked him so traitors to the republic of Lebanon are those who do not believe in this border, right? He shook his head in agreement. Then I thought but in the Lebanese Parliament there are three parties who do not believe or respect the Lebanese borders and those parties are the Baath, the SSNP and the.. well I did not ask him the question because I knew it would upset him.

Thumb ansarullah 19:16 ,2017 آب 17

ما بدنا جيش بلبنان إلا جيشك يا حسين

Thumb gigahabiib 19:26 ,2017 آب 17

Boyfriend The Mystic, did you want me to post "ما بدنا جيش بلبنان إلا جيشك يا حسين"? I notice that you decided to post it yourself.

Thumb justin 19:27 ,2017 آب 17

ado and how is that related to the article and your BS stories?

Thumb Elemental 00:02 ,2017 آب 18

Who cares, one less paycheck for Iran to write.

Thumb gigahabib 17:04 ,2017 آب 18

I'm sure he's a Shia, right?

Thumb galaxy 17:46 ,2017 آب 18

no but you are

Thumb warrior 07:23 ,2017 آب 19

it does not seem so gigahabil but the 50,000 hezbollah terrorists are shia for sure.