أردوغان يعلن تعليق الزيارات إلى باريس وتجميد التعاون العسكري بعد قانون إبادة الأرمن

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أعلن رئيس الوزراء التركي رجب الطيب أردوغان تعليق الزيارات إلى باريس وتجميد التعاون العسكري معها بعد أن أقر النواب الفرنسيون قانون يقضي بتجريم انكار أي إبادة يعترف بها القانون الفرنسي ومنها ابادة الارمن التي لا تعترف بها تركيا.

وقال أردوغان الخميس أمام الصحفيين من أنقرة "للاسف ان مشروع القانون هذا اعتمد رغم كل تحذيراتنا (...) ذلك سيفتح جراحا لا تندمل وخطيرة جدا في العلاقات الثنائية".

بدوره اعتبر نائب أردوغان بولند ارينش ان تصويت الجمعية الوطنية الفرنسية الخميس على اقتراح قانون يجرم انكار الابادة الارمنية "خيانة للتاريخ".

وقال ارينش عبر حسابه على موقع تويتر "ادين البرلمان الفرنسي الذي اقر هذا القانون الذي يمثل خيانة للتاريخ وللحقائق التاريخية".

واضاف ارينش متسائلا "هل سيطلقون حملة مطاردة ضد الذين يقولون ان الابادة لم تحصل؟"، اخذا على مشروع القانون الفرنسي سعيه الى "مصادرة الحرية الفكرية للعلماء".

وتابع "هم يعلمون جيدا انهم بهذا (القانون) يوقعون على عودة محاكم التفتيش (التي كانت ناشطة خلال القرنين ال15 وال16 ومهمتها اكتشاف مخالفي الكنيسة الكاثوليكية ومعاقبتهم) الى فرنسا؟".

التعليقات 14
Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 18:21 ,2011 كانون الأول 22

not a smart move now from the frenchies,do like the froggies and the yankees...just blablabla about human rights and keep out of the arena.. vous perdez avec les turcs beaucoup plus que vous gagnez avec les armeniens...

Thumb tabasco 18:47 ,2011 كانون الأول 22

Arrogant Erdogan you will have to deal with the rest of Europe this way!
Yes,it is a crime to deny the Armenian Genocide & one day your people have to acknowledge if they want to belong to the human community .

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 19:22 ,2011 كانون الأول 22

i wonder what are the repercussions in lebanon, i am afraid that the price of basterma will go down or the baklava will go up??????? but today we have shish barak at lunch,should i boycot.?

Default-user-icon Lighthouse (ضيف) 20:44 ,2011 كانون الأول 22

turkey and the ottoman empire should apologize not for the massacre of the armenians but of their ruthless rule all over the middle east. Turkey if you want to lead, then you need to be humble, honest, and apologetic.

Missing ramezg 21:22 ,2011 كانون الأول 22

It should never be a crime anywhere for anyone to express an opinion. Anyone should be allowed to claim, confirm, support, or deny any historical fact, event, allegation or myth. It is very shameful that France would restrict freedom of thought and expression in this way. Isn't this even against their constitution? Anyone should be allowed to deny any historical fact, even if it's a confirmed undeniable fact.

Default-user-icon Grandpa (ضيف) 21:34 ,2011 كانون الأول 22

teta: go buy a book and read some history, you badly need it:)

Default-user-icon Knight T (ضيف) 21:38 ,2011 كانون الأول 22

turkey thinks the rest of the world will die if they don't collaborate with them lol how silly
anyway why aren't they in the euro union until this day loooool HAHAHHAHAHHAAHA

Default-user-icon Liban (ضيف) 21:50 ,2011 كانون الأول 22

I was under the impression that a fact is, well..... a fact, and can't be denied.

Default-user-icon vicken (ضيف) 01:09 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

to ramezg ,yea anyone can accept or deny if there's no proof for that fact ,go read some history and try to understand y the armenians are spread all over the world ,there should have been a reason for that ,do not just sit and throw what u see or read on a single page.And go read what Hitler wrote about his genocide and about armenians so then u might understand ,stand up and read it what he wrote and do not sit maybe makes difference.

Missing VINCENT 05:20 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Well, well, well. Long live France. It is despicable for anyone to deny the Armenian genocide. Furthermore, to allow the commentators above who deny the true facts regarding the Armenian issue and continue the nonsense would be "an insult to stupidity".

OK, so the insult now is about our food. Your derogatory comments are "insult to intelligence". You tried to wipe the Armenians off the map, but today, we are stronger then ever in every corner of this planet.

This is not about American foreign policy. This is about global righteous consensus. Americans live in the "Twilight Zone" when it comes to their own national interest.

We will never forget and teach our children and the children of world to bring justice. The day will come as David beat Goliath. You are greater in number, but the systematic dedication of the minority always wins.

Shame on you.

Missing ydafylsa 05:32 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

ramezg well said,I cannot agree more!

Missing VINCENT 05:56 ,2011 كانون الأول 23


The genocide committed by the Turks against the Armenians is not a confirmed undeniable fact. Only in the "Twilight Zone" that you call Turkey. Your agreement and intended insult with ramezg above is outweighed by your pathetic attempt.

Default-user-icon John101 (ضيف) 09:51 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Erdogan has only been able to suspend military cooperation with France. At the moment Turkey has to consider the 12 billion Euro business France brings to Turkey. Erdogan's options are limited and he knows that. France pulling the plug on its businesses in Turkey would harm Turkey. The bottom line is this, Turkey is going to have to bite the bullet.

Unfortunately, to this day, most of the comments on Naharnet have been racist, ignorant and uniformed. A good example is that of Mustapha Ghalyani's comment. He represents the common ignorance and racism of many in Lebanon. Lebanon has a long ways to go with regards to racial equality.

Missing nebuchadnezzar 10:17 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Mr. Erdogan can deny the existence of the sun, but that won’t stop it from rising & shining !!

PS : teta who is fond of sniffing can go to dahye where sniffing is easily available .