لافتة ضخمة لنصر الله في تل أبيب

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علقت في وسط تل أبيب لافتة ضخمة مع صورة الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله.

ونصبت اللافتة عند دوار وسط المدينة من قبل شركة ELA المختصة بإعادة تدوير النفايات، ضمن إطار حملة تهدف إلى إجبار الإسرائيليين على المشاركة في مشاريع إعادة تدوير القناني البلاستيكية.

وعلى خلفية صورة نصر الله، كتب على اللافتة: "لا أعيد تدوير القناني البلاستيكية".

وجاء في عبارة أخرى "نصر الله أمضى في المخبأ 12 عاما، فما مبررك لعدم إعادة تدوير الزجاجات البلاستيكية؟".

التعليقات 8
Thumb EagleDawn 12:17 ,2019 شباط 11

The day this evil iranian sectarian terrorist is brutally and violently murdered is the day we celebrate our true independence.

Thumb justin 13:50 ,2019 شباط 11

Funny you don't have a problem when your nasrallah quotes Israeli 'propaganda' news sources?!

Thumb doodle-dude 13:55 ,2019 شباط 11

lol @ the shia iranian who has a say in lebanese matters

Thumb chrisrushlau 18:42 ,2019 شباط 11

Now that Israel has recognized Nasrallah as the defacto elected leader of Lebanon, since he's the recognized leader of its majority community, the Shias (per Noam Chomsky), Lebanon's days as a landing craft in the Christian Armada are numbered. Gandhi: first they ignore you, then they mock you, then they fight you, then you win. Israel, as usual, has it out of order, but it's working. But the bigger warning to Lebanon's pro-Christian "constitution" was when Christianity died out in Europe last century. Chesterton: "It's not that Christianity has been tried and found wanting, but that it hasn't been tried." Europe has stopped trying.

Thumb chrisrushlau 18:43 ,2019 شباط 11

Or as the Jesuit says, "God is always greater." Deus semper maior.

Thumb natour 14:52 ,2019 شباط 11

Was Nasrallah paid in Shekels or in Dollars for this ad and was he hired through the Clémentine ad agency?

Thumb doodle-dude 15:23 ,2019 شباط 11

Lebanon should use blablablablabla's deep and wide luv tunnel to recycle bottles, barrels, hoses, etc. It is free for the taking.

Thumb beatryce 16:19 ,2019 شباط 11

mon ami Jaafar est le roi de la pénétration