سوريا طلبت من طرابلس وتونس اقفال سفارتيهما في سوريا

Read this story in English W460

أعلنت الخارجية السورية السبت أنها طلبت من السلطات الليبية والتونسية اقفال سفارتيهما في دمشق "عملا بمبدأ المعاملة بالمثل".

وقال المتحدث باسم الخارجية السورية جهاد مقدسي في تصريح صحافي: "طلبت السلطات السورية من ليبيا وتونس أن تغلقا سفارتيهما في دمشق عملا بمبدأ المعاملة بالمثل".

وكان المجلس الوطني الانتقالي الليبي أقفل السفارة السورية في طرابلس في تشرين الاول الماضي بعد أن اعترف بالمجلس الوطني السوري ك"ممثل شرعي" للشعب السوري.

وفي مطلع شباط أعلنت تونس المباشرة باجراءات "لطرد السفير السوري" من تونس، بعد القصف العنيف الذي استهدف بشكل خاص مدينة حمص من قبل قوات الامن السورية.

التعليقات 12
Missing peace 22:51 ,2012 شباط 11

best thing not to be offensed is stop reading this paper and read papers more elegantly written that suits your taste, no?

Missing peace 12:07 ,2012 شباط 12

funny how you judge people out of nothing just through your biased eys....

Default-user-icon Queen (ضيف) 14:22 ,2012 شباط 12

I am not "offended" because I can compare gammar and content among several publications.
Anyway, I will continue reviewing Naharnet to compare it with other websites. My occassional review will confirm my opinions that articles published in this publication are poorly written.
FlameThrower, quit using elementary school grammar when critizing someone elses grammar, DUH! Oh, you may still be in elementary school. In that case...MY BAD!

Thumb K.H.A.L.E.D 01:18 ,2012 شباط 13

"... know how worse they can get ..."
It should read; "... know how MUCH worse they can get...".

Don't get me started on; "...gonna prohibit me to do it...".

Clearly your ears and mind have yet to be violated by the blatant abuse and misuse of; English, Arabic and Farsi by the likes of; PressTV, Al Manar, NBN, and Al Jadeed.

If you make it to year one; you may learn that all sentences start with a capital letter and end with a full-stop.

Yallah habibi or you will be late for school.

Missing startrip 00:47 ,2012 شباط 12

Your credibility in providing objective criticism to Naharnet not withstanding, these terms are used in all western news papers. I characterize your nonsense as Naharnet derangement syndrome.

Missing startrip 14:02 ,2012 شباط 12

You want to see Naharnet improve?? Laughable. Even if it were true, you are simply wrong on the facts in this instance, and you're simply making stuff up. The real problem lies in your derangement and glaring Narcissism, which affect your ability to accurately judge.

Default-user-icon ReaLeb (ضيف) 03:00 ,2012 شباط 12

peace and startrip are right. Lamethrower has no clue by making comments like this.

Default-user-icon Rami (ضيف) 07:00 ,2012 شباط 12

Some advice to FT:
1) If you don't like reading it, don't read it.
2) If you are a descendant of Shakespeare, please enlighten us with your good English, and knowledge of Lebanese politics.
The readers are waiting.

Default-user-icon Eddy (ضيف) 12:00 ,2012 شباط 12

When it says AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE at the bottom it means it was written by AFP and distributed around the world for reprinting. I believe it's called syndicated reporting

Missing samiam 12:08 ,2012 شباط 12

So, they haven't closed the American one yet for whatever reason, or the British, French and other western countries? What are they waiting for?

Missing ayoor 16:57 ,2012 شباط 12

shut the syrian embassy in lebanon and send hassouni/berri/Aoun to syria now

Default-user-icon FlameCatcher (ضيف) 19:18 ,2012 شباط 12

This is not a Naharnet article but an AFP article... These terminologies are used by newswires and are published by most media organizations worldwide as they are originally written... Don't blame Naharnet (although the english level could be much improved), blame the very worrying state of journalism worldwide where most of the news is provided by newswires and news organizations have difficulty producing quality content because of high costs and low revenues ...

This is the exact same story on Nowlebanon : http://www.nowlebanon.com/NewsArticleDetails.aspx?ID=363657