الجيش: سنضرب بيد من حديد أي محاولة لاختراقنا وسنلاحق العابثين بالأمن إلى أي جهة انتموا

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أكد الجيش أنه "سيضرب بيد من حديد اي محاولة لاختراقه" مشيرا إلى أن اللبنانيين يراهنون عليه "لمنع الفتنة وحفظ الامن"، وذلك عقب استمرار التوترات بفعل الإحتجاجات السورية وآخرها تنظيم تظاهرتين الأولى داعمة والأخرى مناهضة للنظام السوري وسط بيروت.

وقالت قيادة الجيش في نشرة توجيهية عممتها على العسكريين الجمعة "يعاهد الجيش ابناء الوطن انه لن يتراجع قيد انملة عن مسلماته الوطنية ودوره الجامع، وانه سيقوم بالخطوات الاستباقية كلها، وسيضرب بيد من حديد اي محاولة لاختراقه او للنيل من تماسك جنوده وولائهم".

وكانت قد توجهت تظاهرتين الأولى سلفية بقيادة إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح في صيدا الشيخ أحمد الأسير والثانية نظمها حزب البعث العربي الإشتراكي داعمة للنظام ولم تسجل أية حوادث أمنية رغم التهديد باستعمال السلاح الأمر الذي نوهت فيه قيادة الجيش في بيانها.

كما جزم انه "سيتابع بحزم وقوة ملاحقة العابثين بالامن وبصيغة العيش المشترك بين اللبنانيين أينما وجدوا، والى اي جهة انتموا، وذلك حرصا على مصلحة الوطن والمواطنين في هذه الظروف الحرجة التي تمر بها البلاد".

وتابعت النشرة "في مواجهة التطورات المحتملة في المنطقة يراهن اللبنانيون على استمراركم في أداء الدور الذي تضطلعون به، سواء على الحدود في مواجهة العدو الاسرائيلي، او في الداخل لمنع الفتنة وحفظ الامن واغاثة المواطنين".

ورأت قيادة الجيش أن السياسة التي اتبعتها الحكومة اللبنانية حيال التطورات الاخيرة انما تنبع من ادراكها لحجم التحديات الطائفية والمذهبية التي باتت تحرك الشارع العربي، ومن ضمنه لبنان "ما ينذر بعواقب وخيمة في ما لو استفحل هذا الامر وتطور الى صراع مذهبي".

وأردف البيان متوجها إلى العسكريين " في أكثر من منطقة كانت تواجهكم تحديات وضغوطات لثنيكم عن متابعة أداء رسالتكم، مرة من خلال الحملات السياسية (...) ومرة من خلال محاولة الايقاع بالعسكريين والنيل من مناعتهم الوطنية عن طريق اثارة الغرائز الدينية والمذهبية لدى بعضهم لحمله على سلوك خيارات فئوية لا تخدم مصحلة الجيش واللبنانيين جميعا".

وعليه جزمت قيادة الجيش أن "هذه المحاولات البائسة مهما بلغت نتائجها فهي ساقطة حتما الى غير رجعة، كما ضحاياها ويبقى الجيش الذي لن يتهاون في حماية بنيانه حفاظا على ارواح الشهداء وآمال المواطنين".

التعليقات 38
Missing allouchi 16:39 ,2012 آذار 09

Most Lebanese don't believe you...Where are the Hizbees and Co. criminals that keep braking the law, smuggling drugs and weapons to Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Disgusted (ضيف) 22:42 ,2012 آذار 09

Your days are numbered... No one will shed a tear over your demise...

Thumb jabalamel 21:29 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about what most lebanese believe in.

Thumb thefool 17:17 ,2012 آذار 09

Say what will, March 8 & March 14 can nag and argue, but when it comes to security and safeguarding our country, the Lebanese Army stands supreme.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 17:24 ,2012 آذار 09

god bless our army the only constitution working in a failed country

Default-user-icon Kamal Farkhash (ضيف) 17:31 ,2012 آذار 09

allouchi doubts the army. He only trusts the Free Syrian Army, the Israeli army, the Salafis and other Sunni crazies of the likes of Dr. Samir Kherfen Wmouderyen's long lost Muslim Brothers and Wahhabis.

Default-user-icon Imad B (ضيف) 17:44 ,2012 آذار 09

People wake up. The US and Israel can fart and wipe Lebanon off the map. Our only defense is Unity Among Lebanese. Together we stand, divide we fall.

Thumb jabalamel 21:30 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about usa and israel farting and wiping our lebanon from map.

as time goes by, their hallucinations get more and more extreme.

Thumb bigsami 20:05 ,2012 آذار 09

As firm and convincing that it sounds....who are we kidding? With a fart...HA can decapitate the LAF. Sorry folks but the arsenal that these thugs have (no thanks to the devils assassins aka Iran & Assad)is no match for anyone in Lebanon. Sad but true. Get rid of Assad and there may still be hope for Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Disgusted... (ضيف) 22:43 ,2012 آذار 09

Amen Brother...

Missing lebcan 01:00 ,2012 آذار 10

True True True

Thumb jabalamel 21:32 ,2012 آذار 10

yes yes, repeat it 100 000 times and you will still know that you lie yourself only

Thumb falanges 05:37 ,2012 آذار 10

Are you kidding me?? fukn rockets? do you realize they are all talk and obviously it has worked for all the weak like you. If it happens, which it will, the army will split, USA will support us and arm the us(im talking about the silent here that have arms already). This is currently in talks as we speak and will eventually happen. long bloody war but HA will be destroyed.

Thumb jcamerican 10:58 ,2012 آذار 10

People who talk too much, they try to compensate for their shortcomings.

Thumb jabalamel 21:33 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists have detailed hallucination about how will army and our glorious resistance fight each other.

Thumb jabalamel 21:31 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about our glorious resistance and and army fighting each other and also some stupidities about some devils, iran and other hallucinatory garbage.

Missing forces 00:37 ,2012 آذار 11

lice farm.. you have it wrong, the green stuff grown in bekaa makes you hallucinate you filthy pig battered in ALMAZA beer. that is why you believe you are in iran not lebanon.go back and tell bum hole with beard hussouny, you want your rock back.

Thumb benzona 21:05 ,2012 آذار 09

Dear Jeish al watan: Where were you when hizballah terrorized the lebanese civilians in May 2008? Are you just good in politics and bla-bla. If that's the case, we don't need you! The army is paid with our taxes, we could save lots of money if you declare yourselves incompetent to deal with the threat [the biggest of all] that comes from within.

Missing lebcan 01:02 ,2012 آذار 10

Also True and Very Correct... As i was reading the article i was thinking the same thing.

Thumb jabalamel 21:34 ,2012 آذار 10

yes yes repeat the lie, repeat the lie, yes, convice yourself, take another pill if it's not working.

Missing forces 00:43 ,2012 آذار 11

what are you on lice farm? you have convinced yourself like so many iof your kind, the monkeys prancing in the south are lebanese and are fighting for Lebanon, me thinks you are the one's repeating the lies everytime hussouny spins his retric his hire a crowd clapp chear and beat their breast in joy.. jabal amel, dosn't that mean lice mountain? just a thought

Thumb jabalamel 21:34 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorist above all terrorists, benzona, hallucinate something, but he's irrelevant like always.

Thumb cedar 21:13 ,2012 آذار 09

Umm, no you will not.

Missing lebcan 01:04 ,2012 آذار 10

No you will not apprehend HA and Syrian / Iranian thugs...But yes to everyone else. That is what i Believe too.

Thumb falanges 05:39 ,2012 آذار 10

lebcan you are a joke writing from austrailia. come here and see what we have for your propaganda resistance.

Thumb falanges 05:42 ,2012 آذار 10

and by the way, if you think iran will put more money into HA, you are high as a kite. They dont have money to feed there own people. They live off propaganda and you blind people

Thumb jabalamel 21:35 ,2012 آذار 10

yes yes keep believing in trillion years it may become true.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 21:24 ,2012 آذار 09

we have to believe u, but plse dont push it too far,there is not much trust for the mom,perhaps later....

Default-user-icon Iben el Nimer (ضيف) 03:36 ,2012 آذار 10

Hizballah is tampering with stability in Lebanon , are you going to apprehend them? We are counting on you

Missing lebaneserevenge@yahoo.com 04:38 ,2012 آذار 10

Let's see if he puts his guns where his mouth is when Nasrallah starts up again, once Bashar goes down....I hope he does what he says..,.

Thumb falanges 05:43 ,2012 آذار 10

they army is working for HA right now but will flip just like jumblat when they realize stronger is behind them

Thumb jabalamel 21:36 ,2012 آذار 10

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate that our glorious resistance won't get help anymore because they hallucinate that iran is crushed with sanctions. and also some hallucination about army flipping.

Thumb jabalamel 21:37 ,2012 آذار 10

yes yes, hold on to your manic hallucination, take more drugs, more more...

Missing forces 00:51 ,2012 آذار 11

lice mountain aka jabal amel.. you like hallucinating don't you, maybe iran doesn'thave any more money to send and hairy hussouny is paying his goats with cannibas.. it s all clear now isn't it.. Feel like a pizza?

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 10:12 ,2012 آذار 10

Start at the Palestinian camps, Huzb Allah, SSNP and Baath parties.

Thumb jabalamel 21:29 ,2012 آذار 10

no we don't. we have strategic alliance with them.

Missing forces 04:04 ,2012 آذار 11

you are kidding me lice mountain. it appears you are the one hallucinating. Reading too much propaganda fry's your brain.what strategic alliance? and who is 'we' i am sure you are talking about hezbmullah. the lebanese people would love a strategic alliance if it was mutually benefical however until syria stops allowing weapons and support to the sth lebanoin terrorist cell this will never happen.

Thumb jabalamel 02:17 ,2012 آذار 11

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about me hallucinating